
Defines functions app_RLum

Documented in app_RLum

#' Run Luminescence shiny apps
#' A wrapper for [`runApp`] to start interactive shiny apps for the R package Luminescence.
#' The RLumShiny package provides a single function from which all shiny apps can be started: `app_RLum()`.
#' It essentially only takes one argument, which is a unique keyword specifying which application to start.
#' See the table below for a list of available shiny apps and which keywords to use. If no keyword is used
#' a dashboard will be started instead, from which an application can be started.
#' \tabular{lcl}{
#' **Application name:** \tab  **Keyword:**  \tab **Function:** \cr
#' Abanico Plot \tab *abanico* \tab [`plot_AbanicoPlot`] \cr
#' Histogram \tab *histogram* \tab [`plot_Histogram`] \cr
#' Kernel Density Estimate Plot \tab *KDE* \tab [`plot_KDE`] \cr
#' Radial Plot \tab *radialplot* \tab [`plot_RadialPlot`] \cr
#' Dose Recovery Test \tab *doserecovery* \tab [`plot_DRTResults`] \cr
#' Cosmic Dose Rate \tab *cosmicdose*  \tab [`calc_CosmicDoseRate`] \cr
#' CW Curve Transformation \tab *transformCW* \tab [`CW2pHMi`], [`CW2pLM`], [`CW2pLMi`], [`CW2pPMi`] \cr
#' Filter Combinations \tab *filter* \tab [`plot_FilterCombinations`] \cr
#' Fast Ratio \tab *fastratio* \tab [`calc_FastRatio`] \cr
#' Fading Correction \tab *fading* \tab [`analyse_FadingMeasurement`], [`calc_FadingCorr`] \cr
#' Test Stimulation Power \tab *teststimulationpower* \tab  [`plot_RLum`] \cr
#' Scale Gamma Dose Rate \tab *scalegamma* \tab `scale_GammaDose` \cr
#' RCarb app \tab *RCarb* \tab [RCarb::model_DoseRate]
#' }
#' The `app_RLum()` function is just a wrapper for [`runApp`].
#' Via the `...` argument further arguments can be directly passed to [`runApp`].
#' See `?shiny::runApp` for further details on valid arguments.
#' @param app [`character`] (**required**):
#' name of the application to start. See details for a list of available apps.
#' @param ... further arguments to pass to [`runApp`]
#' @author Christoph Burow, University of Cologne (Germany)
#' @seealso [`runApp`]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Dashboard
#' app_RLum()
#' # Plotting apps
#' app_RLum("abanico")
#' app_RLum("histogram")
#' app_RLum("KDE")
#' app_RLum("radialplot")
#' app_RLum("doserecovery")
#' # Further apps
#' app_RLum("cosmicdose")
#' app_RLum("transformCW")
#' app_RLum("filter")
#' app_RLum("fastratio")
#' app_RLum("fading")
#' app_RLum("surfaceexposure")
#' app_RLum("teststimulationpower")
#' app_RLum("scalegamma")
#' app_RLum("RCarb")
#' }
#' @md
#' @export app_RLum
app_RLum <- function(app = NULL, ...) {

  valid_apps <- c("abanico",

  if (is.null(app)) {

    # start the RLumShiny Dashboard Addin

  } else {

    # check if keyword is valid
    if (!any(grepl(app, valid_apps, ignore.case = TRUE)))
      return(message(paste0("Invalid app name: ", app, " \n Valid options are: ", paste(valid_apps, collapse = ", "))))

    # start application
    app <- shiny::runApp(system.file(paste0("shiny/", app), package = "RLumShiny"), launch.browser = TRUE,  ...)

tzerk/RLumShiny documentation built on Feb. 4, 2022, 1:54 p.m.