
Defines functions aggregate_graphs coalesce

Documented in aggregate_graphs coalesce

#' Aggregate a list of causality.graphs into a single object
#' \code{aggregate_graphs} will combine \code{graphs} into an
#' "aggregated.causality.graph" object which can be used for bootstrapping and
#' jackknifing causal discovery algorithms among other things.
#' @param graphs A list of causality.graphs. Each graph must have the same nodes.
#' @param weights An optional vector of graph weights to be used in the
#'   aggregation process. If weights is not supplied, it defaults to
#'   \code{length(graphs)}. If weights is non NULL, the length of weights must
#'   equal the length of graphs, the sum of weights must be greater than 0,
#'   and each weight must be non-negative.
#' @param filter Numeric between 0 and 1. aggregate_graphs filters out rows
#'   that sum to less than filter.
#' @param aggregated.graph An aggregated.causality.graph that you wish to turn
#'   into a causality graph.
#' @details
#' @examples
#' # jackknife ges
#' n.jks   <- 10
#' jk.frac <- .9
#' n.obs   <- nrow(ecoli.df)
#' graphs  <- vector("list", n.jks)
#' for (i in 1:n.jks) {
#'  ecoli.jk <- ecoli.df[sample(n.obs, n.obs * jk.frac, replace = FALSE),]
#'  graphs[[i]] <- ges(ecoli.jk, "bic", penalty = 1)
#' }
#' aggregated <- aggregate_graphs(graphs)
#' @author Alexander Rix
#' @rdname aggregate-graphs
#' @useDynLib causality r_causality_aggregate_graphs
#' @export
aggregate_graphs <- function(graphs, filter = .1, weights = NULL)
  if (!is.list(graphs))
    stop("graphs is not as list")
  if (length(graphs) == 1)
    stop("graphs has length 1")
  for (i in 1:length(graphs)) {
    if (!is.cgraph(graphs[[i]])) {
      if (class(graphs[[i]]) == "causality.algorithm.output")
        graphs[[i]] <- graphs[[i]]$graph
        stop("graph in graphs cannot be coerced to a cgraph")

  if (is.null(weights)) {
    weights <- rep(1, length(graphs))
  else {
  if (length(weights) != length(graphs))
    stop("weights must have the same length as graphs")
  if (sum(weights) <= 0)
    stop("weights must sum up to a number greater than 0")
  if (sum(weights >= 0) < length(weights))
    stop("Each weight must be non negative")
  if (filter < 0 || filter > 1)
    stop("filter must be in the range [0-1]")
  graphs <- lapply(graphs, function(graph) {graph$nodes <- sort(graph$nodes)
  base <- graphs[[1]]
  # see if all the graphs have the EXACT same nodes
  same_nodes <- lapply(graphs, function(graph) {
    isTRUE(all.equal(base$nodes, graph$nodes))
  same_nodes <- isTRUE(all.equal(unlist(same_nodes), rep(T, length(graphs))))
  if (!same_nodes)
    stop("Not all the graphs have the same nodes")

  table <- .Call("r_causality_aggregate_graphs", graphs, weights)
  acg <- data.frame(table[[1]], table[[2]], table[[10]], table[[3]], table[[4]],
                    table[[11]], table[[5]], table[[12]], table[[6]],
                    table[[13]], table[[7]], table[[8]],
                    table[[9]], stringsAsFactors = F)
  acg.names <- c("x", "y", "<--", "-->", "---", "<++", "++>", "<~~", "~~>",
                 "<-o", "o->", "o-o", "<->")
  names(acg) <- acg.names

  for (col in names(acg)[-(1:2)])
    if (sum(acg[[col]]) == 0)
      acg[[col]] <- NULL

  if (ncol(acg[,-(1:2), drop = F]) == 0)
    return(structure(list(nodes = base$nodes, edge.table = NULL),
                    class = "aggregated.causality.graph"))

  acg <- acg[(rowSums(acg[, -(1:2), drop = F]) >= filter),]
  row.names(acg) <- 1:nrow(acg)
  output <- structure(list(nodes = base$nodes, edge.table = acg),
              class = "aggregated.causality.graph")


#' @rdname aggregate-graphs
#' @export
coalesce <- function(aggregated.graph)

  if (class(aggregated.graph) != "aggregated.causality.graph")
    stop("aggregated.graph must be an aggregated.causality.graph")

  nodes     <- aggregated.graph$nodes
  table     <- aggregated.graph$edge.table
  if (is.null(table))
    table[[" "]] <- 1
    table[[" "]] <- 1 - rowSums(table[, -(1:2), drop = F])

  arrows    <- names(table[, -(1:2)])[max.col(table[, -(1:2), drop = F])]
  edge      <- function(node1, node2, arrow) {
    if (arrow == "<--")
      return(c(node2, node1, "-->"))
    if (arrow == "<~~")
      return(c(node2, node1, "~~>"))
    if (arrow == "<++")
       return(c(node2, node1, "++>"))
    if (arrow == "<-o")
      return(c(node2, node1, "o->"))
    if (arrow == " ")
    return(c(node1, node2, arrow))
  edges <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(arrows))
    edges <- rbind(edges, edge(table$x[i], table$y[i], arrows[i]))

  cgraph(nodes, edges)
tzimiskes/causality documentation built on Sept. 15, 2019, 8:41 p.m.