
Defines functions cgraph is_valid_cgraph is.cgraph summary.causality.graph as.cgraph as.cgraph.causality.graph as.cgraph.default as.cgraph.bn as.cgraph.rcausal

Documented in as.cgraph as.cgraph.bn as.cgraph.causality.graph as.cgraph.default as.cgraph.rcausal cgraph is.cgraph is_valid_cgraph summary.causality.graph

# cgraph.R contains implementations for the core causality classe(s)
# Author: Alexander Rix (arix@umn.edu)

# Casusality Graph Definitons --------------------------------------------------

#' Casuality Graphs
#' Create or test for objects of type "causality.graph"
#' @param nodes A character array of node names
#' @param edges A \eqn{m x 3} character matrix. Each row is an edge in the form
#'   of (node1, node2, edgetype), with node1 and node2 being in nodes. Valid
#'   edge types are listed below
#' @param validate logical value to determine whether or not to check to see
#'   if the cgraph is valid before returning it. Default is \code{TRUE}
#' @param graph A graph to coerced or tested
#' @details A causality-graph consists of three things
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item nodes: a character vector of the nodes of the in the causal graph
#'     \item adjacencies: a list of character vectors that contain the
#'       adjacencies of each node. This is calculated when a cgraph is created.
#'     \item edges: either a  \eqn{m x 3} character matrix or \eqn{3 x m}
#'       character vector which represents the edges in a causal graph in the
#'       form (from, to, edge). For example, if we are dealing with a causal
#'       graph regarding drug use and cancer, The edge "Smoking --> Cancer"
#'       would be stored as ("Smoking", "Cancer", "-->") in the edge matrix.
#'   }
#'   The valid edges types for non latent variable model graphs
#'   (DAGs, PDAGs, Patterns) are:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \code{-->}
#'     \item \code{---}
#'   }
#'   And for latent variable models (PAGs, MAGs):
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \code{o-o}
#'     \item \code{o->}
#'     \item \code{++>} (in Tetrad this is a green arrow)
#'     \item \code{~~>} (in Tetrad this is a black arrow)
#'     \item \code{<->}
#'   }
#' @return \code{cgraph} returns object of class "causality.graph", or an error
#'   if the graph is invalid.
#' @author Alexander Rix
#' @examples
#' nodes <- c("X1", "X2", "X3", "X4")
#' edges <- matrix(c("X1", "X2", "-->",
#'                   "X3", "X2", "-->",
#'                   "X4", "X1", "---",
#'                   "X4", "X3", "-->",
#'                   "X4", "X2", "-->"), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
#' graph <- cgraph(nodes, edges)
#' # cgraph defaults to validate = TRUE, but you can check validity by calling
#' is_valid_cgraph(graph)
#' # you can coerce graphs from package \code{bnlearn} to causality.graphs
#' \dontrun{
#'   library(bnlearn)
#'   sachs <- as.cgraph(mmhc(sachs.df))
#' }
#' @references
#'   Spirtes et al. “Causation, Prediction, and Search.”, Mit Press,
#'   2001, p. 109.
#'   Spirtes P. Introduction to causal inference.
#'   Journal of Machine Learning Research. 2010;11(May):1643-62.
#'   Pearl, Judea. Causality. Cambridge university press, 2009.
#' @seealso
#' Other causality classes: \code{\link{dag}}, \code{\link{pattern}}
#' coercing non causality graphs to causality.graphs : \code{\link{as.cgraph}}
#' @export
cgraph <- function(nodes, edges, validate = TRUE)
    if (!is.character(nodes))
        stop("nodes is not a character vector.")

    if (is.null(edges))
        return(structure(list(nodes = nodes, adjacencies = NULL, edges = NULL),
               class = .CGRAPH_CLASS))

    if (!is.character(edges))
      stop("edges is not a character vector.")

    if (!is.matrix(edges)) {
        if (length(edges) %% 3 == 0)
            edges <- matrix(edges, ncol = 3 , byrow = T)
            stop ("edges cannot be converted to a n x 3 character matrix.")
    if (dim(edges)[2] != 3)
        stop("graph edges does not have three columns.")
    for (edge in edges[, 3])
        if (!(edge %in% .EDGE_TYPES))
            stop(sprintf("Unrecognized edge type %s.\n", edge))
    if (!is.logical(validate))
        stop("validate must take on a logical value.")
    adjacencies <- .calculate_adjacencies(edges, nodes)
    graph <- structure(list(nodes = nodes, adjacencies = adjacencies,
                            edges = edges), class = .CGRAPH_CLASS)
    if (validate && !is_valid_cgraph(graph))
        stop("input is not a valid causality graph.")

#' @details \code{is_valid_cgraph} checks to see if the input is a valid
#'     "causality.graph." Specifically, it checks that there are no duplicate
#'     nodes, self-loops, or multiple edges between pairs of nodes.
#' @usage is_valid_cgraph(graph)
#' @rdname cgraph
#' @return \code{is_valid_cgraph} returns \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} depending
#'     on whether or not the input is valid.
#' @export
is_valid_cgraph <- function(graph)
    # check to make sure it has valid fields (in the right order)
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(c("nodes", "adjacencies", "edges"), names(graph)))) {
        warning("graph does not contain the appropriate fields")
    if (!is.character(graph$edges) || !is.matrix(graph$edges)) {
        warning("graph edges is not a character matrix.")
    if (dim(graph$edges)[2] != 3) {
        warning("graph edges does not have three columns.")
    if (!is.character(graph$nodes)) {
        warning("graph nodes is not a character array.")
    # check to make sure that there are no duplicate nodes
    if (length(unique(graph$nodes)) < length(graph$nodes)) {
        warning("graph contains duplicate nodes.")
    # determine whether the graph is simple (No self-loops, no multi-edges)
    # as well as making sure all nodes in the edges show up in nodes
    n_edges <- nrow(graph$edges)
    parents <- list()
    for (i in 1:n_edges) {
        edge <- graph$edges[i,]
        if (edge[1] == edge[2]) {
            message("graph contains a self loop")
        if (!is.null(as.list(parents[[edge[2]]])[[edge[1]]])) {
            message("graph is a multigraph")
        else # if the edge isn't in the list, add it
        parents[[edge[2]]][[edge[1]]] <- 1
        if (!(edge[1] %in% graph$nodes) || (!edge[2] %in% graph$nodes)) {
            message("graph contains nodes that are not in the node list")

#' @usage is.cgraph(graph)
#' @details \code{is.cgraph} tests whether or not an object has the class
#'     causality.graph
#' @return \code{is.cgraph} returns \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.
#' @rdname cgraph
#' @export
is.cgraph <- function(graph)
    if (.CGRAPH_CLASS %in% class(graph))

# Casusality Graph summary -----------------------------------------------------
#' @usage \\method{summary}{causality.graph}(object, ...)
#' @param object A causality.graph
#' @param ... additional (unused) arguments to pass to \code{summary}
#' @details \code{summary} provides basic summary statistics about \code{graph},
#'   like average degree, max degree, number of directed/undirected eges etc.
#' @rdname cgraph
#' @export
summary.causality.graph <- function(object, ...)
    if (!is.cgraph(object))
        stop("object is not a causality.graph!")

    summary <- list(n.nodes = length(object$nodes), n.edges = 0,
                n.directed.edges = NA, n.undirected.edges = NA,
                average.degree = NA, max.degree = NA, max.indegree = NA,
                max.outdegree = NA)

    if (is.empty(object))

    summary$n.edges <- nrow(object$edges)
    summary$n.directed.edges   <- sum(object$edge[,3] %in% .DIRECTED_EDGE_TYPES)
    summary$n.undirected.edges <- summary$n.edges - summary$n.directed.edges
    summary$average.degree     <- 2 * summary$n.edges / summary$n.nodes
    summary$max.degree    <- max(unlist(lapply(object$adjacencies, length)))
    summary$max.indegree  <- max(unlist(lapply(parents(object), length)))
    summary$max.outdegree <- max(unlist(lapply(children(object), length)))

# Causality Graph as.cgraph Functions -----------------------------------------
#' Coerce a graph to a Causality Graph
#' @param graph A (non causality.graph) graph you'd like to attempt to convert
#'   into a causality.graph
#' @details \code{as.cgraph} is an S3 generic that attempts to convert a not
#'   causality.cgraph to a "causalality.graph". It currently supports turning
#'   "bn" objects and rcausal graphs into causality graphs.
#' @usage as.cgraph(graph)
#' @return \code{as.cgraph} returns a causality graph object, or NULL.
#' @seealso See \code{\link{cgraph}} for the documentation of object
#' @export
as.cgraph <- function(graph)

#' @rdname as.cgraph
#' @export
as.cgraph.causality.graph <- function(graph)

#' @rdname as.cgraph
#' @export
as.cgraph.default <- function(graph)
    if (isTRUE(all.equal(names(graph), c("graph", "nodes", "edges"))))
    if (is_valid_cgraph(graph)) {
        class(graph) <- .CGRAPH_CLASS
        warning("Cannot coerce input to causality.graph, returning NULL")

#' @rdname as.cgraph
#' @export
as.cgraph.bn <- function(graph)
    if (class(graph) != "bn")
        stop("graph is not of class bn.")
    nodes <- names(graph$nodes)
    edges <- c()
    for (node in nodes) {
        parents  <- graph[["nodes"]][[node]][["parents"]]
        children <- graph[["nodes"]][[node]][["children"]]
        nbr      <- graph[["nodes"]][[node]][["nbr"]]
        spouses  <- setdiff(nbr, c(parents, children))
        for (parent in graph[["nodes"]][[node]][["parents"]])
        edges <- c(edges, c(parent, node, .DIRECTED))
        for (spouse in spouses) {
            if (node < spouse)
                edges <- c(edges, c(spouse, node, .UNDIRECTED))
    return(cgraph(nodes, matrix(edges, ncol = 3, byrow = T)))

#' @rdname as.cgraph
#' @export
as.cgraph.rcausal <- function(graph)
    edges <- graph$edges
    if (length(edges) == 0) {
        warning("'graph' does not contain any edges. Returning NULL.")
    new_edges <- matrix("", length(edges), 3)
    for (i in 1:length(edges)) {
        edge <- strsplit(edges[i], " ")[[1]]
        new_edges[i, 1] <- edge[1]
        new_edges[i, 2] <- edge[3]
        if (length(edge) == 3)
            new_edges[i, 3] <- edge[2]
        else {
            # tetrad uses X1 --> X2 nl pd/dd to mark unconfounded paths in pags
            # causality uses ++>/ ~~> for dd/pd
            if (edge[5] == "dd")
                new_edges[i, 3] <- .PLUSPLUS # ++>
                new_edges[i, 3] <- .SQUIGGLE # ~~>
    cgraph <- cgraph(graph$nodes, new_edges)
tzimiskes/causality documentation built on Sept. 15, 2019, 8:41 p.m.