modify.parameter <- function(FUN, ...) {
if (!is.function(FUN)) {
stop("FUN must be a valid function")
args <- list(...)
invisible(lapply(seq_along(args), function(i) {
formals(.FUN)[[names(args)[i]]] <<- args[[i]]
lm1 <- function(xmat, ymat, family, ...) {
tmp0 <- data.frame(yy=ymat, xmat)
model <- lm(yy~., data=tmp0, ...)
y.fitted <- fitted(model)
predFun <- function(model,xnew){
predict(model, newdata=data.frame(xnew), type="response")
return(list(model=model,y.fitted=y.fitted, predFun=predFun))
glm1 <- function(xmat, ymat, family, ...) {
if(family=="binomial") ymat <- factor(ymat)
tmp0 <- data.frame(yy=ymat, xmat)
model <- glm(yy~., data=tmp0, family=family, ...)
y.fitted <- fitted(model)
predFun <- function(model,xnew){
predict(model, newdata=data.frame(xnew), type="response")
return(list(model=model,y.fitted=y.fitted, predFun=predFun))
glmnet1 <- function(xmat, ymat,family,alpha=seq(0,10,by=2)/10, ...) {
tmp0 <- data.frame(yy=ymat, xmat)
if(family=="binomial") ymat <- factor(ymat)
foldid <- createFolds(ymat, k=5, list=F)
model <- cv.glmnet2(xmat, ymat, alpha=alpha, foldid=foldid, family=family, ...)
coef.mat <- as.numeric(coef(model,s="lambda.1se"))
y.fitted <- predict(model, xmat, s="lambda.1se", type="response")
predFun <- function(model,xnew){
predict(model, newx=as.matrix(xnew), s="lambda.1se", type="response")
return(list(model=model,y.fitted=y.fitted, predFun=predFun))
glmnet.lasso <- modify.parameter (glmnet1, alpha=1)
glmnet.ridge <- modify.parameter (glmnet1, alpha=0)
rpart1 <- function(xmat, ymat, family, ...){
tmp0 <- data.frame(yy=ymat, xmat)
fit0 <- rpart(yy~., data=tmp0, ...)
model <- prune(fit0, cp=fit0$cptable[which.min(fit0$cptable[,"xerror"]),"CP"])
y.fitted <- predict(model, newdata=data.frame(xmat))
predFun <- function(model,xnew){
predict(model, newdata=data.frame(xnew))
return(list(model=model,y.fitted=y.fitted, predFun=predFun))
lda1 <- function(xmat, ymat, family, ...){
if(family=="binomial") ymat <- factor(ymat)
tmp0 <- data.frame(yy=ymat, xmat)
model <- lda(yy~., data=tmp0, ...)
y.fitted <- predict(model, newdata=data.frame(xmat))$posterio[,"1"]
predFun <- function(model,xnew){
predict(model, newdata=data.frame(xnew))$posterio[,"1"]
return(list(model=model,y.fitted=y.fitted, predFun=predFun))
qda1 <- function(xmat, ymat, family, ...){
if(family=="binomial") ymat <- factor(ymat)
tmp0 <- data.frame(yy=ymat, xmat)
model <- qda(yy~., data=tmp0, ...)
y.fitted <- predict(model, newdata=data.frame(xmat))$posterio[,"1"]
predFun <- function(model,xnew){
predict(model, newdata=data.frame(xnew))$posterio[,"1"]
return(list(model=model,y.fitted=y.fitted, predFun=predFun))
KNN1 <- function(xmat, ymat, family, ...){
if(family=="binomial") ymat <- factor(ymat)
tmp0 <- data.frame(yy=ymat, xmat)
# Select k applying cross-validation
knn_acc <- rep(NA, sqrt(length(ymat)))
for (i in 1:sqrt(length(ymat))){
# print(i)
results<, cl=ymat, k = i, prob = TRUE)
k <- which.max(knn_acc)
model <- list(, cl=ymat, k = k, prob = TRUE),
y.fitted <- as.numeric(as.character(model$model)) * attributes(model$model)$prob +
(1-as.numeric(as.character(model$model))) * (1-attributes(model$model)$prob)
predFun <- function(model,xnew){ <- knn(train=model$train, test=xnew, cl=model$cl, k=model$k, prob = TRUE)
as.numeric(as.character( * attributes($prob +
(1-as.numeric(as.character( * (1-attributes($prob)
return(list(model=model,y.fitted=y.fitted, predFun=predFun))
svm1 <- function(xmat, ymat, family, kernel = "linear", ...){
if(family=="binomial") ymat <- factor(ymat)
tmp0 <- data.frame(yy=ymat, xmat)
model <- svm(yy~.,data=tmp0, kernel = kernel, probability = TRUE, ...)
pred <- predict(model, xmat, probability=TRUE)
y.fitted <- attr(pred, "probabilities")[, "1"]
predFun <- function(model,xnew){
pred <- predict(model, xnew, probability=TRUE)
attr(pred, "probabilities")[, "1"]
return(list(model=model,y.fitted=y.fitted, predFun=predFun))
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