Man pages for ubioinformat/TraRe
Transcriptional Rewiring

create_html_summaryCreate HTML summary
createModuleSummaryCreate module summary
generatecliquesCliques generation and plot displaying.
html_from_graphHtml generation
LINKER_runGRN inference via selected model.
LINKER_runPhase1Phase I : module generation
LINKER_runPhase2Phase II : bipartite graphs generation
NET_runSingle gene network approaches.
plot_igraphPlotting functions for Gene Regulatory Network.
preparerewiringPrepare rewiring data for running the method.
rewiring_gene_levelPerform the rewiring at the gene level
rewiring_regulon_levelPerform the rewiring at the regulon level
rewiring_testGenerate stats for the rewiring method.
runrewiringGRN Modules Rewiring Method.
TraReTranscriptional Rewiring package for R.
trare_preprocessingPreprocess prior to LINKER_run and run_rewiring method
ubioinformat/TraRe documentation built on March 10, 2024, 1:11 a.m.