
#' S3 class solarMultipoint.
#' @name solarMultipointClass
#' @rdname solarMultipointClass
#' @param x 
#'    An object of class \code{solarMultipoint}.
#' @param object
#'    An object of class \code{solarMultipoint}.
#' @param pass
#'    Integer argument for \code{plot} method, 
#'    indicating whether which pass in multi-passs linkage scan to be plotted.
#'    The default value is 1.
#' @param LOD.thr
#'    An argument for \code{tabplot} method.
#'    The default value is \code{1.5}.
#' @param plot.null
#'    An argument for \code{tabplot} method.
#'    The default value is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ...
#'    Additional arguments.
#' @exportClass solarMultipoint

# Print method

#' @rdname solarMultipointClass
#' @export
print.solarMultipoint <- function(x, ...)
  cat("\nCall: ")

  cat("\n Input IBD data:\n")
  cat("  *  directory ", x$multipoint$mibddir, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\n Output results of association:\n")
  cat("\n  * Table of association results (first 5 out of ", nrow(x$lodf), " rows):\n", sep = "")
  print(head(x$lodf, 5))
  t <- x$multipoint$tprofile$cputime.sec
  cat("\n CPU time on ", x$multipoint$cores, " core(s): ", 
    format(.POSIXct(t, tz = "GMT"), "%H:%M:%S"), "\n", sep = "")

#' @rdname solarMultipointClass
#' @param main
#'    An argument for \code{plot} method.
#' @param xlab
#'    An argument for \code{plot} method.
#' @param faceting
#'    An argument for \code{plot} method.
#'    The default value is \code{TRUE}.
#' @export
plot.solarMultipoint <- function(x, 
  pass = 1, main, xlab,
  faceting = TRUE, ...)
  #if(!require(ggplot2)) {
  #  stop("`ggplot2` package is required for plotting")
  ### check object `x`
  stopifnot(x$multipoint$num.passes >= pass)
  lodf <- switch(as.character(pass),
    "1" = x$lodf,
    "2" = x$lodf2,
    "3" = x$lodf3,
    stop("error in switch"))
  stopifnot(class(lodf) == "data.frame")  
  stopifnot(all(c("pos", "LOD", "chr") %in% names(lodf)))
  ### plot parameters
  ymin <- min(min(lodf$LOD), 0)
  ymax <- max(max(lodf$LOD), 3)
  if(missing(main)) {
    main <- getFormulaStr(x)

  if(missing(xlab)) {
    xlab <- "position (cM)"
  ### plot  
  pos <- LOD <- chr <- NULL # R CMD check: no visible binding
  if(faceting) {
    p <- ggplot(lodf, aes(pos, LOD)) + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~ chr, scales = "free_x")
  } else {
    p <- ggplot(lodf, aes(pos, LOD)) + geom_line()

  p <- p + ylim(ymin, ymax) + labs(title = main, x = xlab) + theme_bw()

#' @rdname solarMultipointClass
#' @export
summary.solarMultipoint <- function(object, ...)
  cat("\nCall: ")
  cat("\nMultipoint model\n")
  cat(" * Number of used markers:", nrow(object$lodf), "\n")
  cat(" * Number of passes:", object$multipoint$num.passes, "\n")

  ind <- which.max(object$lodf$LOD)
  cat(" * Maximum LOD score:", round(object$lodf$LOD[ind], 2), "\n")
  cat("  -- chr:", object$lodf$chr[ind], "\n")
  cat("  -- position:", object$lodf$pos[ind], "cM\n")

#' S3 method tabplot
#' @param object
#'  An object.
#' @param ...
#'  Additional arguments.
##' @export
tabplot <- function(object,...) UseMethod("tabplot") 

#' @rdname solarMultipointClass
#' @method tabplot solarMultipoint
#' @export
tabplot.solarMultipoint <- function(object, LOD.thr = 1.5, plot.null = TRUE, ...)
  stopifnot(requireNamespace("gridExtra", quietly = TRUE))
  stopifnot(requireNamespace("grid", quietly = TRUE))
  # `sf`
  pos <- LOD <- NULL # fix `no visible binding`
  sf <- ddply(object$lodf, "chr", summarize, 
    pos = pos[which.max(LOD)],
    LOD.max = max(LOD))
  sf <- subset(sf, LOD.max > LOD.thr)
  if(nrow(sf) > 0) {
    ord <- with(sf, order(-LOD.max))
    sf <- sf[ord, ]
    rownames(sf) <- 1:nrow(sf)  
    N <- min(15, nrow(sf))
    sf <- sf[1:N, ]      
    LOD.max <- NULL # fix `no visible binding` 
    sf <- mutate(sf,
      LOD.max = round(LOD.max, 2))
  } else {
    if(plot.null) {
      p <- qplot(1:10, 1:10, geom = "blank") + 
        theme_bw() +
        theme(line = element_blank(),
          text = element_blank())
ugcd/solarius documentation built on May 3, 2019, 2:22 p.m.