
# Copyright 2010-2021 Meik Michalke <meik.michalke@hhu.de>
# This file is part of the R package koRpus.
# koRpus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# koRpus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with koRpus.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' A method to get information out of koRpus objects
#' The method \code{query} returns query information from objects of classes \code{\link[koRpus:kRp.corp.freq-class]{kRp.corp.freq}} and
#' \code{\link[koRpus:kRp.text-class]{kRp.text}}.
#' \emph{kRp.corp.freq:} Depending on the setting of the \code{var} parameter, will return entries with a matching character (\code{var="word"}),
#' or all entries of the desired frequency (see the examples). A special case is the need for a range of frequencies,
#' which can be achieved by providing a nomerical vector of two values as the \code{query} value, for start and end of
#' the range, respectively. In these cases, if \code{rel} is set to \code{"gt"} or \code{"lt"},
#' the given range borders are excluded, otherwise they will be included as true matches.
#' \emph{kRp.text:} \code{var} can be any of the variables in slot \code{tokens}. If \code{rel="num"},
#' a vector with the row numbers in which the query was found is returned.
#' @section Query lists: You can combine an arbitrary number of queries in a simple way by providing a list of named lists to the
#' \code{query} parameter, where each list contains one query request. In each list, the first element name represents the
#' \code{var} value of the request, and its value is taken as the \code{query} argument. You can also assign \code{rel}, 
#' \code{ignore.case} and \code{perl} for each request individually, and if you don't, the settings of the main query call are 
#' taken as default (\code{as.df} only applies to the final query). The filters will be applied in the order given, i.e., the
#' second query will be made to the results of the first.
#' This method calls \code{\link[base]{subset}}, which might actually be even more flexible if you need more control.
#' @param obj An object of class \code{\link[koRpus:kRp.corp.freq-class]{kRp.corp.freq}},
#'    \code{\link[koRpus:kRp.text-class]{kRp.text}}, or \code{data.frame}.
#' @param var A character string naming a variable in the object (i.e., colname). If set to
#'    \code{"regexp"}, \code{grepl} is called on the column specified by \code{regexp_var}.
#' @param query A character vector (for words), regular expression, or single number naming values to be matched in the variable.
#'    Can also be a vector of two numbers to query a range of frequency data, or a list of named lists for multiple queries (see
#'    "Query lists" section in details).
#' @param rel A character string defining the relation of the queried value and desired results.
#'    Must either be \code{"eq"} (equal, the default), \code{"gt"} (greater than), \code{"ge"} (greater of equal),
#'    \code{"lt"} (less than) or \code{"le"} (less or equal). If \code{var="word"}, is always interpreted as \code{"eq"}
#' @param as.df Logical, if \code{TRUE}, returns a data.frame, otherwise an object of
#'    the input class. Ignored if \code{obj} is a data frame already.
#' @param ignore.case Logical, passed through to \code{grepl} if \code{var="regexp"}.
#' @param perl Logical, passed through to \code{grepl} if \code{var="regexp"}.
#' @param regexp_var A character string naming the column to query if \code{var="regexp"}.
#' @param ... Optional arguments, see above.
#' @return Depending on the arguments, might include whole objects, lists, single values etc.
# @author m.eik michalke \email{meik.michalke@@hhu.de}
#' @keywords methods
#' @seealso \code{\link[koRpus:kRp.corp.freq-class]{kRp.corp.freq}}, \code{\link[base]{subset}}
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname query-methods
#' @example inst/examples/if_lang_en_clause_start.R
#' @example inst/examples/define_sample_file.R
#' @examples
#'   tokenized.obj <- tokenize(
#'     txt=sample_file,
#'     lang="en"
#'   )
#'   en_corp <- read.corp.custom(
#'     tokenized.obj,
#'     caseSens=FALSE
#'   )
#'   # look up frequencies for the word "winner"
#'   query(en_corp, var="word", query="winner")
#'   # show all entries with a frequency of exactly 3 in the corpus
#'   query(en_corp, "freq", 3)
#'   # now, which tokens appear more than 40000 times in a million?
#'   query(en_corp, "pmio", 40000, "gt")
#'   # example for a range request: tokens with a log10 between 4.2 and 4.7
#'   # (including these two values)
#'   query(en_corp, "log10", c(4.2, 4.7))
#'   # (and without them)
#'   query(en_corp, "log10", c(4.2, 4.7), "gt")
#'   # example for a list of queries: get words with a frequency between
#'   # 10000 and 25000 per million and at least four letters
#'   query(en_corp, query=list(
#'     list(pmio=c(10000, 25000)),
#'     list(lttr=4, rel="ge"))
#'   )
#'   # get all instances of "the" in a tokenized text object
#'   query(tokenized.obj, "token", "the")
#' @example inst/examples/if_lang_en_clause_end.R
setGeneric("query", function(obj, ...) standardGeneric("query"))

#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname query-methods
#' @aliases query,kRp.corp.freq-method
#' @include 01_class_03_kRp.corp.freq.R
    function (obj, var=NULL, query, rel="eq", as.df=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE, perl=FALSE, regexp_var="word"){
      # if query is a list, invoke queryList()
        obj <- queryList(obj=obj, var=var, query=query, rel=rel, as.df=as.df, ignore.case=ignore.case, perl=perl, regexp_var=regexp_var)
      } else {}

      # call query method on the data frame
      results <- query(obj=slot(obj, "words"), var=var, query=query, rel=rel, ignore.case=ignore.case, perl=perl, regexp_var="word")

      if(identical(results, "")){
        stop(simpleError("Unable to comply."))
      } else {
        } else {
          # write results back to the originating object
          slot(obj, "words") <- results

#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname query-methods
#' @aliases query,kRp.text-method
#' @include 01_class_01_kRp.text.R
    function (obj, var, query, rel="eq", as.df=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE, perl=FALSE, regexp_var="token"){
      # if query is a list, invoke queryList()
        obj <- queryList(obj=obj, var=var, query=query, rel=rel, as.df=as.df, ignore.case=ignore.case, perl=perl, regexp_var=regexp_var)
      } else {}

      # call query method on the data frame
      results <- query(obj=slot(obj, "tokens"), var=var, query=query, rel=rel, ignore.case=ignore.case, perl=perl, regexp_var="token")

      if(identical(results, "")){
        stop(simpleError("Unable to comply."))
      } else{
        } else {
          # write results back to the originating object
          slot(obj, "tokens") <- results

#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname query-methods
#' @aliases query,data.frame-method
    function (obj, var, query, rel="eq", as.df=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE, perl=FALSE, regexp_var="token"){
      # if query is a list, invoke queryList()
        obj <- queryList(obj=obj, var=var, query=query, rel=rel, as.df=TRUE, ignore.case=ignore.case, perl=perl, regexp_var=regexp_var)
      } else {}

      ## only run if query is not a list:
      if(length(var) > 1){
        stop(simpleError("If 'var' is not a list, it must be a single value!"))
      } else {}
      stopifnot(length(var) == 1)
      if(var %in% colnames(obj)){
        # in case we're looking for anything frequency related
          if(length(query) == 1){
            if(identical(rel, "eq")){
              results <- subset(obj, eval(parse(text=paste(var, "== query"))))
            } else{}
            if(identical(rel, "gt")){
              results <- subset(obj, eval(parse(text=paste(var, "> query"))))
            } else{}
            if(identical(rel, "ge")){
              results <- subset(obj, eval(parse(text=paste(var, ">= query"))))
            } else{}
            if(identical(rel, "lt")){
              results <- subset(obj, eval(parse(text=paste(var, "< query"))))
            } else{}
            if(identical(rel, "le")){
              results <- subset(obj, eval(parse(text=paste(var, "<= query"))))
            } else{}
          } else if(length(query) == 2){
            if(rel %in% c("gt", "lt")){
              results <- subset(obj, eval(parse(text=paste("(", var, "> query[1] ) & (", var, "< query[2] )"))))
            } else{
              results <- subset(obj, eval(parse(text=paste("(", var, ">= query[1] ) & (", var, "<= query[2] )"))))
          } else{}
        } else{
          num.findings <- which(obj[[var]] %in% query)
          if(identical(rel, "num")){
            results <- num.findings
          } else {
            results <- obj[num.findings, ]
      } else if(identical(var, "regexp")){
        # see if we have fixed character
        # get all entries where word matches regexp
        results <- obj[grepl(query, obj[[regexp_var]], ignore.case=ignore.case, perl=perl),]
      } else{
        stop(simpleError(paste("Invalid var (no such column):", var)))
      if(identical(results, "")){
        stop(simpleError("Unable to comply."))
      } else{}
unDocUMeantIt/koRpus documentation built on May 21, 2021, 9:26 p.m.