
#' @title Gumbel Analysis
#' @description Estimates and characterizes uncertainty for the distribution of
#'   the peak value of a random process using the Gumbel peaks over threshold
#'   model.
#' @details See the vignette by running \code{vignette(topic = 'potMax_details',
#'   package = 'potMax')}.
#' @param complete_series (numeric vector) The observed time series that is a
#'   realization of the random process.
#' @param length_series (numeric scalar) The length of the time series in units
#'   of time (seconds, minutes, hours, etc.).
#' @param n_min (numeric scalar) The minimum number of observations to include
#'   in the search for the optimal threshold.
#' @param m_max (numeric scalar) The maximum number of observations to include
#'   in the search for the optimal threshold.
#' @param length_target_series (numeric vector) The distribution of the peak
#'   depends on the length of observation, which could be different from the
#'   length of the original series.  Specify one or more lengths in units of
#'   time (seconds, minutes, hours, etc.) for the length of series for which the
#'   distribution of the peak is sought.  The units of time should be the same
#'   as for the argument \code{length_series}.
#' @param wplot_filename (NULL or string) If NULL the plot is not created; else,
#'   it is saved to "wplot_filename.pdf"; the default is NULL.
#' @param BW (logical) Create the Wplot in black and white (TRUE) or color
#'   (FALSE); the default is TRUE.
#' @param n_mc (numeric scalar) The number of Monte Carlo samples from which to
#'   construct the distribution of the peak; the defaults is 1000.
#' @param max_dist_hist_filename (NULL or string) If NULL the plot is not
#'   created; else, it is saved to
#'   "max_dist_hist_filename_length_target_series.pdf"; the default is NULL.
#' @param n_boot (numeric scalar) The number of bootstrap samples for the
#'   uncertainty evaluation; the default is 1000.
#' @param ci_level (numeric scalar) The level of the confidence interval for the
#'   mean of the peak distribution; the default is 0.8.
#' @return Returned invisably, a data frame with four columns.  The first column
#'   is the estimated mean of the distributio of the peak.  The second column is
#'   a bootstrap standard error for the mean, and the third and fourth columns
#'   provide a percentile bootstrap confidence interval
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   complete_series <- -jp1tap1715wind270$value
#'   gumbelAnalysis(complete_series = complete_series,
#'                  length_series = 100,
#'                  n_min = 10,
#'                  n_max = 100,
#'                  length_target_series = c(100, 167),
#'                  wplot_filename = './demo/tap1715_dir270_gumbel_wplot',
#'                  max_dist_hist_filename = './demo/tap1716_dir270_gumbel_max_dist_hist')
#' }
#' @export
gumbelAnalysis <- function (complete_series,
                            wplot_filename = NULL,
                            BW = NULL,
                            n_mc = 1000,
                            max_dist_hist_filename = NULL,
                            n_boot = 1000,
                            ci_level = 0.8) {

  cat('Start: declustering the series\n')
  declustered_obs <- decluster(complete_series)
  cat('Done: declustering te series \n\n')

  cat('Start: search for the optimal threshold\n')
  thresholded_obs <- gumbelEstThreshold(x = declustered_obs,
                                        lt = length_series,
                                        n_min = n_min,
                                        n_max = n_max)
  cat('Done: search for the optimal threshold\n\n')

  cat('Start: fitting Gumbel POT model to the optimal threshold\n')
  gumbel_pot_fit <- gumbelMLE(x = thresholded_obs,
                            hessian_tf = TRUE)
  cat('Done: fitting Gumbel POT model to the optimal threshold\n\n')

  if (!is.null(wplot_filename)) {

    cat(paste0('Start: saving wplot to file ', wplot_filename, '\n'))
    pdf(file = paste0(wplot_filename, '.pdf'))
    if (!is.null(BW)) {

      gumbelWPlot(x = gumbel_pot_fit,
                  tf_plot = TRUE, BW = BW, details = FALSE)
    } else {

      gumbelWPlot(x = gumbel_pot_fit,
                  tf_plot = TRUE, BW = TRUE, details = FALSE)
    cat(paste0('Done: saving wplot to file ', wplot_filename, '\n\n'))

  cat('Start: estimating the distribution of the peak\n')
  gumbel_max_dist <- list(rep(NA, length(length_target_series)))
  for (i in seq_along(length_target_series)) {

    gumbel_max_dist[[i]] <- gumbelMaxDist(x = gumbel_pot_fit,
                                          lt_gen = length_target_series[i],
                                          n_mc = n_mc)
  cat('Done: estimating the distribution of the peak\n\n')

  cat('Start: estimating the uncertainty in the distribution of the peak\n')
  gumbel_max_dist_uncert <- list(rep(NA, length(length_target_series)))
  for (i in seq_along(length_target_series)) {

    gumbel_max_dist_uncert[[i]] <- gumbelMaxDistUncert(x = gumbel_pot_fit,
                                                       lt_gen = length_target_series[i],
                                                       n_mc = n_mc,
                                                       n_boot = n_boot)
  cat('Done: estimating the uncertainty in the distribution of the peak\n\n')

  if (!is.null(max_dist_hist_filename)) {

    cat('Start: plotting the distribution of the peak\n')
    for (i in seq_along(length_target_series)) {

      pdf(paste0(max_dist_hist_filename, '_',
                 length_target_series[i], '.pdf'))
      plot(gumbel_max_dist_uncert[[i]], add = TRUE)
    cat('Done: plotting the distribution of the peak\n\n')

  value <- matrix(nrow = length(length_target_series), ncol = 6)
  ci_probs <- c((1 - ci_level)/2, 1 - (1 - ci_level)/2)
  for (i in seq_along(length_target_series)) {

    value[i, 1] <- mean(gumbel_max_dist[[i]])
    value[i, 2:6] <- unlist(summary(gumbel_max_dist_uncert[[i]],
                                    probs = ci_probs,
                                    suppress = TRUE))
  colnames(value) <- c('Mean', 'SE Mean',
                       paste0(100*ci_level, '% LB Mean'),
                       paste0(100*ci_level, '% UB Mean'),
                       paste0(100*ci_level, '% LB Pred'),
                       paste0(100*ci_level, '% UB Pred'))

#' @title Full Analysis
#' @description Estimates and characterizes uncertainty for the distribution of
#'   the peak value of a random process using the full peaks over threshold
#'   model.
#' @details See the vignette by running \code{vignette(topic = 'potMax_details',
#'   package = 'potMax')}.
#' @param complete_series (numeric vector) The observed time series that is a
#'   realization of the random process.
#' @param length_series (numeric scalar) The length of the time series in units
#'   of time (seconds, minutes, hours, etc.).
#' @param n_min (numeric scalar) The minimum number of observations to include
#'   in the search for the optimal threshold.
#' @param m_max (numeric scalar) The maximum number of observations to include
#'   in the search for the optimal threshold.
#' @param length_target_series (numeric vector) The distribution of the peak
#'   depends on the length of observation, which could be different from the
#'   length of the original series.  Specify one or more lengths in units of
#'   time (seconds, minutes, hours, etc.) for the length of series for which the
#'   distribution of the peak is sought.  The units of time should be the same
#'   as for the argument \code{length_series}.
#' @param n_starts (numeric scalar) The number of times to restart the
#'   optimization algorithm from a random starting location; the default is 20.
#' @param wplot_filename (NULL or string) If NULL the plot is not created; else,
#'   it is saved to "wplot_filename.pdf"; the default is NULL.
#' @param BW (logical) Create the Wplot in black and white (TRUE) or color
#'   (FALSE); the default is TRUE.
#' @param n_mc (numeric scalar) The number of Monte Carlo samples from which to
#'   construct the distribution of the peak; the defaults is 1000.
#' @param max_dist_hist_filename (NULL or string) If NULL the plot is not
#'   created; else, it is saved to
#'   "max_dist_hist_filename_length_target_series.pdf"; the default is NULL.
#' @param n_boot (numeric scalar) The number of bootstrap samples for the
#'   uncertainty evaluation; the default is 1000.
#' @param ci_level (numeric scalar) The level of the confidence interval for the
#'   mean of the peak distribution; the default is 0.8.
#' @return Returned invisibly, a data frame with four columns.  The first column
#'   is the estimated mean of the distribution of the peak.  The second column
#'   is a bootstrap standard error for the mean, and the third and fourth
#'   columns provide a percentile bootstrap confidence interval.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   complete_series <- -jp1tap1715wind270$value
#'   fullAnalysis(complete_series = complete_series,
#'                length_series = 100,
#'                n_min = 10,
#'                n_max = 100,
#'                length_target_series = c(100, 167),
#'                wplot_filename = './tap1715_dir270_full_wplot',
#'                max_dist_hist_filename = './tap1716_dir270_full_max_dist_hist')
#' }
#' @export
fullAnalysis <- function (complete_series,
                          n_starts = 20,
                          wplot_filename = NULL,
                          BW = NULL,
                          n_mc = 1000,
                          max_dist_hist_filename = NULL,
                          n_boot = 1000,
                          ci_level = 0.8) {

  cat('Start: declustering the series\n')
  declustered_obs <- decluster(complete_series)
  cat('Done: declustering te series \n\n')

  cat('Start: search for the optimal threshold\n')
  thresholded_obs <- fullEstThreshold(x = declustered_obs,
                                      lt = length_series,
                                      n_min = n_min,
                                      n_max = n_max,
                                      n_starts = n_starts)
  cat('Done: search for the optimal threshold\n\n')

  cat('Start: fitting full POT model to the optimal threshold\n')
  full_pot_fit <- fullMLE(x = thresholded_obs,
                          hessian_tf = TRUE,
                          n_starts = n_starts)
  cat('Done: fitting full POT model to the optimal threshold\n\n')

  if (!is.null(wplot_filename)) {

    cat(paste0('Start: saving wplot to file ', wplot_filename, '\n'))
    pdf(file = paste0(wplot_filename, '.pdf'))
    if (!is.null(BW)) {

      fullWPlot(x = full_pot_fit,
               tf_plot = TRUE, BW = BW, details = FALSE)
    } else {

      fullWPlot(x = full_pot_fit,
                tf_plot = TRUE, BW = TRUE, details = FALSE)
    cat(paste0('Done: saving wplot to file ', wplot_filename, '\n\n'))

  cat('Start: estimating the distribution of the peak\n')
  full_max_dist <- list(rep(NA, length(length_target_series)))
  for (i in seq_along(length_target_series)) {

    full_max_dist[[i]] <- fullMaxDist(x = full_pot_fit,
                                      lt_gen = length_target_series[i],
                                      n_mc = n_mc)
  cat('Done: estimating the distribution of the peak\n\n')

  cat('Start: estimating the uncertainty in the distribution of the peak\n')
  full_max_dist_uncert <- list(rep(NA, length(length_target_series)))
  for (i in seq_along(length_target_series)) {

    full_max_dist_uncert[[i]] <- fullMaxDistUncert(x = full_pot_fit,
                                                   lt_gen = length_target_series[i],
                                                   n_mc = n_mc,
                                                   n_boot = n_boot)
  cat('Done: estimating the uncertainty in the distribution of the peak\n\n')

  if (!is.null(max_dist_hist_filename)) {

    cat('Start: plotting the distribution of the peak\n')
    for (i in seq_along(length_target_series)) {

      pdf(paste0(max_dist_hist_filename, '_',
                 length_target_series[i], '.pdf'))
      plot(full_max_dist_uncert[[i]], add = TRUE)
    cat('Done: plotting the distribution of the peak\n\n')

  value <- matrix(nrow = length(length_target_series), ncol = 6)
  ci_probs <- c((1 - ci_level)/2, 1 - (1 - ci_level)/2)
  for (i in seq_along(length_target_series)) {

    value[i, 1] <- mean(full_max_dist[[i]])
    value[i, 2:6] <- unlist(summary(full_max_dist_uncert[[i]],
                                    probs = ci_probs,
                                    suppress = TRUE))
  colnames(value) <- c('Mean', 'SE Mean',
                       paste0(100*ci_level, '% LB Mean'),
                       paste0(100*ci_level, '% UB Mean'),
                       paste0(100*ci_level, '% LB Pred'),
                       paste0(100*ci_level, '% UB Pred'))
usnistgov/potMax documentation built on May 3, 2019, 2:38 p.m.