
Defines functions page_navbar

Documented in page_navbar

#' Add a navbar (header) section to a website
#' Adds a bar at the top of the page, potentially with a title and logo image.
#' @param ... Content to add to the navbar. Can be lists specifying submenus and their items.
#' Each list can have entries for \code{"name"} (the navbar button text), \code{"title"} (the menu title),
#' \code{"foot"} (the menu footer), \code{"id"} (the ID of the menu element),
#' \code{"class"} (class of the menu element), \code{"placement"} (start, top, end, or bottom),
#' \code{"backdrop"} (logical, where \code{FALSE} disables the backdrop and makes the menu shift
#' main content), and \code{items} (a list of menu items).
#' @param title A title to appear in the header.
#' @param logo URL of an image to appear in the header.
#' @param breakpoint Bootstrap breakpoint code specifying the width at which the menu collapses;
#' default is \code{"md"}.
#' @param logo.height Character or number setting the height of the logo.
#' @param logo.width Character or number setting the width of the logo.
#' @examples
#' page_navbar(
#'   title = "Site Name",
#'   list(
#'     name = "menu",
#'     title = "Menu",
#'     items = list(input_select("menu select", c("a", "b")))
#'   )
#' )
#' @return A character vector of the content to be added.
#' @export

page_navbar <- function(..., title = "", logo = "", breakpoint = "md", logo.height = "24px", logo.width = "24px") {
  caller <- parent.frame()
  building <- !is.null(attr(caller, "name")) && attr(caller, "name") == "community_site_parts"
  parts <- new.env()
  attr(parts, "name") <- "community_site_parts"
  submenus <- substitute(...())
  n <- length(submenus)
  parts$uid <- caller$uid
  r <- c(
    paste0('<nav class="navbar navbar-dark navbar-expand-', breakpoint, '">'),
    '<div class="container-fluid">',
    if (!missing(logo)) {
        '<span class="navbar-brand"><img alt="site logo" height=', logo.height, " width=", logo.width, ' src="', logo, '">'
    if (!missing(title)) paste0("<span>", title, "</span>"),
    if (!missing(logo)) "</span>"
  menus <- NULL
  if (n) {
    r <- c(
        '<button type="button" class="navbar-toggler" data-bs-toggle="collapse"',
        'aria-controls="narbar_menu" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="toggle navbar menu">'
      '<span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>',
      '<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbar_menu">',
      '<ul class="navbar-nav">'
    for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      if (submenus[[i]][[1]] == "list") {
        if (is.null(names(submenus[[i]]))) submenus[[i]] <- list(items = submenus[[i]])
        id <- if (is.null(submenus[[i]]$id)) paste0("submenu", parts$uid, i) else submenus[[i]]$id
        if (is.null(submenus[[i]]$name)) submenus[[i]]$name <- if (!is.null(names(submenus))) names(submenus)[i] else "Menu"
        r <- c(r, paste0(
          '<li class="nav-item">',
          '<button class="btn btn-link" type="button" data-bs-toggle="offcanvas" data-bs-target="#',
          id, '" aria-controls="', id, '">', submenus[[i]]$name, "</button>",
        has_foot <- !is.null(submenus[[i]]$foot)
        menus <- c(
            '<div tabindex="-1" id="', id, '" aria-labelledby="', id, '_label" class="offcanvas offcanvas-',
            if (is.null(submenus[[i]]$placement)) "end" else submenus[[i]]$placement,
            if (!is.null(submenus[[i]]$class)) paste("", submenus[[i]]$class),
            if (!is.null(submenus[[i]]$backdrop)) c('" data-bs-backdrop="', submenus[[i]]$backdrop),
          ), collapse = ""),
          '<div class="offcanvas-header">',
            '<h5 class="offcanvas-title" id="', id, '_label">',
            submenus[[i]][if (is.null(submenus[[i]]$title)) "name" else "title"],
          '<button class="btn-close text-reset" type="button" data-bs-dismiss="offcanvas" title="Close"></button>',
          paste0('<div class="offcanvas-body"', if (has_foot) ' style="bottom: 46px"', ">"),
          unlist(lapply(submenus[[i]]$items[-1], eval, parts), use.names = FALSE),
          if (has_foot) {
              '<div class="offcanvas-footer">',
              unlist(lapply(submenus[[i]]$foot[-1], eval, parts), use.names = FALSE),
      } else {
        r <- c(r, paste0('<li class="nav-item">', paste(eval(submenus[[i]]), collapse = ""), "</li>"))
  r <- c(r, "</ul></div></div></nav>", menus)
  if (building) {
    caller$header <- r
    for (n in names(parts)) if (n != "content" && n != "uid") caller[[n]] <- c(caller[[n]], parts[[n]])
    caller$uid <- parts$uid + 1
uva-bi-sdad/community documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 1:18 p.m.