
Defines functions distillModel addTotalFraction computeTotalFraction addCurrentFraction computeCurrentFraction addIntervalFractions addIntervalFraction computeIntervalFraction addGenderStratifiedIntervalFraction computeGenderStratifiedIntervalFraction addFormerFraction computeFormerFraction makeScenarios queryYoung makeScenario makeNewModel

Documented in addCurrentFraction addFormerFraction addGenderStratifiedIntervalFraction addIntervalFraction addIntervalFractions addTotalFraction computeCurrentFraction computeFormerFraction computeGenderStratifiedIntervalFraction computeIntervalFraction computeTotalFraction distillModel makeNewModel makeScenario makeScenarios queryYoung

## intermahpr - R package backend for the intermahp shiny app
## Copyright (C) 2018 Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research

#### Model and scenario interface ----------------------------------------------

#' Construct a new intermahp model object
#' @export

makeNewModel <- function(rr, pc, mm) {
  free_rr <- rr %>%
    filterFree() %>%
    makeFreeFactories() %>%
    inner_join(pc, by = c("gender"))
  calibrated_rr <- rr %>%
    filterCalibrated() %>%
    makeCalibratedFactories(pc = pc, mm = mm)

  model <- bind_rows(free_rr, calibrated_rr) %>%

  list(model = model, scenarios = list(), rr = rr, pc = pc, mm = mm)
  # %>% makeScenario(scenario_name = "Base", scale = 1)

#' make a scenario from a model object
#' @export

makeScenario <- function(.data, scenario_name = NA, scale) {
  pc <- rescale(.data = .data$pc, scale = scale) %>% computePopnMetrics()

  new_scenario <- .data$model %>%
    left_join(pc, by = c("region", "year", "gender", "age_group")) %>%
      fargs = pmap(
          p_fd = p_fd,
          mass = n_gamma,
          non_bingers = non_bingers,
          bingers = bingers,
          p_bat_error_correction = p_bat_error_correction,
          lb = lb,
          bb = bb,
          ub = ub),
    ) %>%
      current_fraction = map2(
    ) %>%
      former_fraction = map2(
    ) %>%
  ## TODO: Add youngest x-y (into) 0-(x-1) agegroup.
  ## partially/former = 0,
  ## wholly = copy

  young <- queryYoung(.data)

  if(!is.null(young)) {
    young_scenario <- filter(new_scenario, age_group == young$young) %>%
        age_group = young$missing,
        current_fraction = map2(
          attributability, current_fraction,
            "Partially" = function(...) 0,
            "Wholly" = .y
        former_fraction = map(former_fraction, ~function(...) 0)

    new_scenario <- bind_rows(young_scenario, new_scenario)

  if(is.na(scenario_name)) scenario_name <- paste0("rescale_by_", scale)

  new_scenario %<>% arrange(region, year, gender, age_group, im)

  .data$scenarios[[scenario_name]] <- new_scenario


#' Get age-groups present in morbidity/mortality dataset but absent in prev-cons
#' dataset.
queryYoung <- function(.data) {
  mm_groups <- unique(.data$mm$age_group)
  pc_groups <- unique(.data$pc$age_group)

  missing <- setdiff(mm_groups, pc_groups)

  if(length(missing) == 0 || missing == "None") {
  } else if(length(missing) > 1) {
    missing <- sort(missing)[1]

  young <- sort(pc_groups)[1]

  list(missing = missing, young = young)

#' make multiple scenarios
#' @export

makeScenarios <- function(.data, scenario_names = NA, scales) {
  for(i in 1:length(scales)) {
    .data <- makeScenario(.data, scenario_names[i], scales[i])

#' Compute a given scenario's AAF for former drinkers
#' @export
computeFormerFraction <- function(.data) {
  map_dbl(.data$former_fraction, ~.x())

#' Compute a given scenario's AAF for former drinkers and adds it to the
#' scenario
#' @export
addFormerFraction <- function(.data, var_name = "aaf_fd") {
  .data[[var_name]] <- computeFormerFraction(.data)

#' Compute a given scenario's AAF for current drinkers in the given intervals of
#' consumption, stratified over the given values of the gender variable, and add
#' it to the scenario.
#'@param .data a scenario
#'@param strata a list where names(list) intersects with .data$gender, and each
#' entry of strata is a list with a "lower" and "upper" bound of consumption
#'@param var_name the name of the new variable to be added
computeGenderStratifiedIntervalFraction <- function(.data, lower_strata, upper_strata) {
  .data %<>%
      x_lower = map_dbl(gender, ~`[[`(lower_strata, .x)),
      x_upper = map_dbl(gender, ~`[[`(upper_strata, .x)))

  .data$upper <- map2_dbl(.data$x_upper, .data$current_fraction , ~.y(.x))
  .data$lower <- map2_dbl(.data$x_lower, .data$current_fraction , ~.y(.x))
  .data$upper - .data$lower

#' Compute a given scenario's AAF for current drinkers in the given intervals of
#' consumption, stratified over the given values of the gender variable, and add
#' it to the scenario.
#'@inheritParams computeGenderStratifiedIntervalFraction
#'@param var_name the name of the new variable to be added
addGenderStratifiedIntervalFraction <- function(.data, lower_strata, upper_strata, var_name = "aaf_xd") {
  .data[[var_name]] <- computeGenderStratifiedIntervalFraction(.data, lower_strata, upper_strata)

#' Compute a given scenario's AAF for current drinkers in a given interval of
#' consumption
#' @export
computeIntervalFraction <- function(.data, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf) {
  map_dbl(.data$current_fraction, ~.x(upper) - .x(lower))

#' Compute a given scenario's AAF over the given interval (not gender
#'  stratified) and add it to the scenario
#' @export
addIntervalFraction <- function(.data, lower, upper, var_name = "aaf_xd") {
  .data[[var_name]] <- computeIntervalFraction(.data, lower, upper)

#' Compute a given scenario's AAF over the given intervals (not gender
#'  stratified) and add it to the scenario
#' @export
addIntervalFractions <- function(.data, lower, upper, grp_names) {
  n <- length(grp_names)
  if(!all(c(n == length(lower), n == length(upper)))) {
    warning("Groups not processed due to length mismatch")
  for(i in seq_len(n)) {
    .data <- addIntervalFraction(
      paste0("aaf_", grp_names[i])

#' Compute a given scenario's AAF for current drinkers
#' @export
computeCurrentFraction <- function(.data) {

#' Compute a given scenario's AAF for current drinkers and adds it to the
#' scenario
#' @export
addCurrentFraction <- function(.data, var_name = "aaf_cd") {
  .data[[var_name]] <- computeCurrentFraction(.data)

#' Compute a given scenario's Total AAF
#' @export
computeTotalFraction <- function(.data) {
  computeFormerFraction(.data) + computeCurrentFraction(.data)

#' Compute a given scenario's Total AAF and adds it to the scenario
#' @export
addTotalFraction <- function(.data, var_name = "aaf") {
  .data[[var_name]] <- computeTotalFraction(.data)

#' Extract and derive pertinent comparative scenario data from a model
#' @export
distillModel <- function(.data) {
  scenarios <- .data$scenarios
  master_name_list <- names(scenarios)
  aaf_name_list <- paste0("AAF: ", master_name_list)
  for(name in master_name_list) {
    scenario <- scenarios[[name]]
    scenario <- addTotalFraction(scenario, var_name = paste0("AAF: ", name)) %>%
    scenarios[[name]] <- scenario

  by_vars <- getExpectedVars("distill_by")
  reduction <- reduce(scenarios, left_join, by = by_vars)

  ## We form adjustments from base total aafs
  ## Provide adjustment ratios to estimate harms for alternative scenarios
  ## For wholly attributable conditions, this is 1 / base aaf total
  ## For partially attributable conditions, this is (1 - base_aaf) / (1 - scenario_aaf),
  base_total <- reduction[["AAF: Base"]]

  ## Adjustments are different for wholly and partially attributable conditions,
  ## so we get this data once
  r.attr <- (reduction$attributability == "Wholly")

  ## 0 aafs can occur under some computation circumstances for both partially
  ## and wholly attributable conditions.  They are fine when adjusting partial
  ## conditions but must be replaced for whole conditions.
  base_total <- ifelse(
    (base_total == 0) & (reduction$attributability == "Wholly"),
    1, base_total

  for(i in 2:length(master_name_list)) {
    reduction[[paste0("Relative AAF: ", master_name_list[i])]] <-
        reduction[[aaf_name_list[i]]] / base_total,
        (1 - base_total) / (1 - reduction[[aaf_name_list[i]]])

    reduction[[aaf_name_list[i]]] <-
      ifelse(r.attr, 1, reduction[[aaf_name_list[i]]])

  reduction$`AAF: Base` <-
    ifelse(r.attr, 1, reduction$`AAF: Base`)

uvic-cisur/intermahpr documentation built on June 17, 2020, 1:30 a.m.