
#' Plot a SpatialPixelsRangeMap
#' This is a wrapper around \code{spplot}
#' @param x             a \code{SpatialPixelsRangeMap}.
#' @param colorpalette  a color palette.
#' @param ncols         number of color classes required, default to 20; argument to be passed to
#'                      \code{\link[classInt]{classIntervals}}.
#' @param scales        ff \sQuote{FALSE}, the default, axes scale are not drawn.
#' @param style         class interval style; see \code{\link[classInt]{classIntervals}} for more details.
#' @param \dots         any argument that can be passed to see \code{\link[sp]{spplot}}
#' @seealso             \code{\link{plot,rmap.frame,missing-method}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' breding_ranges = rgdal::readOGR(system.file(package = "rangeMapper",
#'      "extdata", "wrens", "vector_combined"), "wrens", verbose = FALSE)[1:10, ]
#' data(wrens)
#' d = subset(wrens, select = c('sci_name', 'body_size', 'body_mass', 'clutch_size') )
#' con = ramp("wrens.sqlite", gridSize = 10, spdf = breding_ranges, biotab = d, ID = "sci_name",
#'             metadata = rangeTraits(), FUN = "median", overwrite = TRUE)
#' all = rangeMap.fetch(con)
#' sr = rangeMap.fetch(con, 'species_richness')
#' plot(sr)
#' plot(all)
setMethod("plot", signature(x='SpatialPixelsRangeMap', y='missing'),
	function(x, colorpalette = brewer.pal.get('Spectral')[11:1], ncols = 20,
		    scales = FALSE, style = "equal",  ...) {

	colPal= colorRampPalette(colorpalette, space = "Lab")(ncols)

	mapVars = names(x)

	 nr <- nc <- ceiling(sqrt(length(mapVars )))

	layout = cbind(x = rep(1:nr[1], each = nc), y = rep(1:nr, nc), nr, nc)

	if(length(mapVars ) == 2)   layout[, 'nr'] = 1
	if(length(mapVars ) == 3)  layout = cbind(rep(1, 3), 1:3, 1, 3)

	for(i in seq(along = mapVars)) {
		Int = classIntervals(as.numeric(na.omit(x@data[,mapVars[i]])), n = ncols, style = style, ...)
		printMore = if(i<length(mapVars)) TRUE else FALSE

		print(spplot(x, mapVars[i] ,scales = list(draw = scales), cuts = ncols, checkEmptyRC = FALSE,
			  col.regions = colPal, at = Int$brks, main = if(length(mapVars) > 1) mapVars[i] else "", ...),
				split=layout[i, ], more=printMore)


#' Plot a rmap.frame
#' @param x               a \code{rmap.frame} object.
#' @param colours         a vector of colours to pass to \code{\link[ggplot2]{scale_fill_gradientn}}.
#' @param outlierDetector a function used to detect ouliers. Should return lower and upper limits of non-outliers.
#' @param boundary        a \code{\link[sp]{Spatial}}* object which can be \code{\link[ggplot2]{fortify}}ed.
#' @param boundaryCol     boundary color, see \code{\link[ggplot2]{geom_polygon}}.
#' @param boundarySize    boundary size, \code{\link[ggplot2]{geom_polygon}}.
#' @param \dots           further arguments to pass to \code{\link[gridExtra]{arrangeGrob}}.
#' @return                a \code{ggplot} object for one map or a \code{gtable} in case of more than one map.
#' @seealso               \code{\link{plot,SpatialPixelsRangeMap,missing-method}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(rangeMapper)
#' breding_ranges = rgdal::readOGR(system.file(package = "rangeMapper",
#'      "extdata", "wrens", "vector_combined"), "wrens", verbose = FALSE)[1:70, ]
#' data(wrens)
#' d = subset(wrens, select = c('sci_name', 'body_mass', 'clutch_size') )
#' con = ramp("wrens.sqlite", gridSize = 4, spdf = breding_ranges, biotab = d, ID = "sci_name",
#'             FUN = "median", overwrite = TRUE)
#' m = rangeMap.fetch(con, c('median_body_mass', 'median_clutch_size'), spatial = FALSE)
#' plot(m, ncol = 2)
#' wrens_boundary = rgeos::gUnionCascaded(breding_ranges)
#' plot(m, ncol = 2, boundary = wrens_boundary)
#' if(require(extremevalues))
#' plot(m, ncol = 2, outlierDetector = function(x) getOutliersI(x)$limit)
#' }

setMethod("plot", signature(x='rmap.frame', y='missing'),
		function(x, colours = palette_rangemap('set1'), outlierDetector ,
				boundary, boundaryCol = 1,boundarySize = 0.5  , ... ) {
	idv = setdiff(names(x), c('x', 'y') )

	hasBoundary = !missing(boundary) && inherits(boundary, 'Spatial')

	if( !missing(outlierDetector) ) {

		for (j in  setdiff(names(x), c('x', 'y')) ) data.table::set(x, i=NULL, j=j, value = {
			lims = outlierDetector(x[[j]])
			ifelse(x[[j]] < lims[1] | x[[j]] > lims[2], NA, x[[j]])
			} )


	out = lapply(idv, function (v) {
		g = ggplot(data = x[!is.na(eval(parse(text=v)))]) +
			geom_tile( aes_string(x = 'x', y = 'y', fill = v ) ) +
			coord_equal() +
			scale_fill_gradientn(colours = colours, name = '') +
			labs(x=NULL, y=NULL) +
			ggtitle(v) +

		if( hasBoundary ) {
			bdry = fortify(boundary)
			g = g +
			 geom_polygon( data = bdry,
			 	aes_string(x = names(bdry)[1], y = names(bdry)[2], group = 'group'),
			 	fill   = NA,
			 	colour = boundaryCol,
			 	size   = boundarySize

	gg = lapply(out, ggplotGrob)

	if( length(idv) == 1) out[[1]]  else
	grid.arrange(  arrangeGrob(grobs = gg, ...)  )

valcu/rangeMapper documentation built on Feb. 6, 2021, 8:20 p.m.