
#' @title Matrix P
#' @description Function to obtain a matrix containing phylogeny-weighted species
#' composition. For more details, see \code{\link{syncsa}}.
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @param comm Community data, with species as columns and sampling units as
#' rows. This matrix can contain either presence/absence or abundance data.
#' @param phylodist Matrix containing phylogenetic distance between species.
#' Must be a complete matrix (not a diagonal resemblance matrix).
#' @param transformation Method to community data transformation, "none", "standardized" or "weights" (Default transformation = "standardized").
#' @param spp.weights Vector with 0 or 1 to specify individual species weights (Default spp.weights = NULL).
#' @param notification Logical argument (TRUE or FALSE) to specify if
#' notifications for missing observations are to be shown (Default notification =
#' TRUE).
#' @return \item{matrix.w}{Standardized community matrix, where rows are
#' communities and columns species. If default transformation, row totals (communities) = 1.}
#' \item{matrix.q}{Standardized matrix containing the degree of belonging of
#' species in relation to each other. Row totals (species) = 1.}
#' \item{matrix.P}{Phylogeny-weighted species composition matrix. If default transformation, row totals (communities) = 1.}
#' @note \strong{IMPORTANT}: Species sequence in the community data
#' matrix MUST be the same as the one in the phylogenetic distance matrix or in the spp.weights vector. See
#' \code{\link{organize.syncsa}}.
#' @author Vanderlei Julio Debastiani <vanderleidebastiani@@yahoo.com.br>
#' @seealso \code{\link{syncsa}}, \code{\link{organize.syncsa}}, \code{\link{belonging}},
#' \code{\link{matrix.t}}, \code{\link{matrix.x}}
#' @references Pillar, V.D.; Duarte, L.d.S. (2010). A framework for
#' metacommunity analysis of phylogenetic structure. Ecology Letters, 13,
#' 587-596.
#' @keywords SYNCSA
#' @examples
#' data(ADRS)
#' matrix.p(ADRS$community, ADRS$phylo)
#' @export
matrix.p <- function (comm, phylodist, transformation = "standardized", spp.weights = NULL, notification = TRUE)
  phylodist <- as.matrix(phylodist)
  TRANS <- c("none", "standardized", "weights", "beals")
  trans <- pmatch(transformation, TRANS)
  if (length(trans) > 1) {
    stop("\n Only one argument is accepted in transformation \n")
  if (is.na(trans) | trans == 4) {
    stop("\n Invalid transformation \n")
  matrix.w <- matrix.w.transformation(comm, transformation = transformation,
                                      spp.weights = spp.weights, notification = notification)
      warning("Warning: NA in phylodist data", call.=FALSE)
  similar.phy <- 1 - (phylodist/max(phylodist))
  matrix.phy <- 1/rowSums(similar.phy)
  matrix.q <- sweep(similar.phy, 1, matrix.phy, "*")
  matrix.P <- matrix.w %*% matrix.q
  # matrix.P <- matmult.syncsa(matrix.w, matrix.q)
  return(list(matrix.w = matrix.w, matrix.q = matrix.q, matrix.P = matrix.P))
vanderleidebastiani/SYNCSA documentation built on Sept. 4, 2020, 10:57 p.m.