
#' @export
BernBeta = function( priorBetaAB , Data , plotType=c("Points","Bars")[2] ,
                     showCentTend=c("Mean","Mode","None")[3] ,
                     showHDI=c(TRUE,FALSE)[2] , HDImass=0.95 ,
                     showpD=c(TRUE,FALSE)[2] , ROPE=NULL ) {
  # priorBetaAB is two-element vector of beta a,b shape parameters
  # Data is vector of 0's and 1's.
  # source("DBDA2E-utilities.R") # for HDIofICDF()
  # Check for input errors:
  if ( any( priorBetaAB < 0 ) ) {
    stop("priorBetaAB values must be nonnegative")
  if ( length( priorBetaAB ) != 2 ) {
    stop("priorBetaAB must be a vector of two values")
  if ( !all( Data == 1 | Data == 0 ) ) {
    stop("Data values must be 0 or 1")
  # For notational convenience, rename components of priorBetaAB:
  a = priorBetaAB[1]
  b = priorBetaAB[2]
  # Create summary values of Data:
  z = sum( Data ) # number of 1's in Data
  N = length( Data ) 
  Theta = seq(0.001,0.999,by=0.001) # points for plotting
  pTheta = dbeta( Theta , a , b ) # prior for plotting
  pThetaGivenData = dbeta( Theta , a+z , b+N-z ) # posterior for plotting
  pDataGivenTheta = Theta^z * (1-Theta)^(N-z) # likelihood for plotting
  # Compute the evidence for optional display:
  #pData = beta(z+a,N-z+b) / beta(a,b)  # underflow errors for large a,b
  pData = exp( lbeta(z+a,N-z+b) - lbeta(a,b) )
  # Plot the results.
  layout( matrix( c( 1,2,3 ) ,nrow=3 ,ncol=1 ,byrow=FALSE ) ) # 3x1 panels
  par( mar=c(3,3,1,0) , mgp=c(2,0.7,0) , mai=c(0.5,0.5,0.3,0.1) ) # margins
  cexAxis = 1.33
  cexLab = 1.75
  # convert plotType to notation used by plot:
  if ( plotType=="Points" ) { plotType="p" }
  if ( plotType=="Bars" ) { plotType="h" }
  dotsize = 5 # how big to make the plotted dots
  barsize = 5 # how wide to make the bar lines    
  # y limits for prior and posterior:
  yLim = c(0,1.1*max(c(pTheta,pThetaGivenData)))
  # Plot the prior.
  plot( Theta , pTheta , type=plotType , 
        pch="." , cex=dotsize , lwd=barsize ,
        xlim=c(0,1) , ylim=yLim , cex.axis=cexAxis ,
        xlab=bquote(theta) , ylab=bquote(dbeta(theta*"|"*.(a),.(b))) , 
        cex.lab=cexLab ,
        main="Prior (beta)" , cex.main=1.5 , col="skyblue" )
  if ( showCentTend != "None" ) {
    if ( showCentTend == "Mean" ) {
      meanTheta = a/(a+b) 
      if ( meanTheta > .5 ) {
        textx = 0 ; textadj = c(0,1)
      } else {
        textx = 1 ; textadj = c(1,1)
      text( textx , yLim[2] ,
            bquote( "mean=" * .(signif(meanTheta,3)) ) ,
            cex=2.0 , adj=textadj )
    if ( showCentTend == "Mode" ) {
      if ( a+b-2 > 0 ) {
        modeTheta = (a-1)/(a+b-2)
        if ( modeTheta > .5 ) {
          textx = 0 ; textadj = c(0,1)
        } else {
          textx = 1 ; textadj = c(1,1)
        text( textx , yLim[2] ,
              bquote( "mode=" * .(signif(modeTheta,3)) ) ,
              cex=2.0 , adj=textadj )
  # Mark the highest density interval. HDI points are not thinned in the plot.
  if ( showHDI ) {
    if ( a+b-2 > 0 ) {
      HDIinfo = HDIofICDF( qbeta , shape1=a , shape2=b , credMass=HDImass )
      HDIheight = mean( dbeta(HDIinfo,shape1=a,shape2=b) )
      lines( HDIinfo , rep(HDIheight,length(HDIinfo)) )
      text( mean(HDIinfo) , HDIheight ,
            bquote( .(100*signif(HDImass,3)) * "% HDI" ) ,
            adj=c(0.5,-1.5) , cex=1.5 )
      # Mark the left and right ends of the waterline. 
      for ( i in 1:2 ) {
        lines( c(HDIinfo[i],HDIinfo[i]) , c(-0.5,HDIheight) , type="l" , lty=2 , 
               lwd=1.5 )
        text( HDIinfo[i] , HDIheight , bquote(.(round(HDIinfo[i],3))) ,
              adj=c(0.5,-0.15) , cex=1.2 )
  # Mark the ROPE
  if ( !is.null(ROPE) ) {
    #pInRope = ( pbeta( ROPE[2] , shape1=a+z , shape2=b+N-z ) 
    #            - pbeta( ROPE[1] , shape1=a+z , shape2=b+N-z ) )
    pInRope = ( pbeta( ROPE[2] , shape1=a , shape2=b ) 
                - pbeta( ROPE[1] , shape1=a , shape2=b ) )
    ropeTextHt = 0.7*yLim[2]
    ropeCol = "darkred"
    lines( c(ROPE[1],ROPE[1]) , c(-0.5,ropeTextHt) , type="l" , lty=2 , 
           lwd=1.5 , col=ropeCol )
    lines( c(ROPE[2],ROPE[2]) , c(-0.5,ropeTextHt) , type="l" , lty=2 , 
           lwd=1.5 , col=ropeCol )
    text( mean(ROPE) , ropeTextHt ,
          paste0(ROPE[1],"<",round(pInRope,4)*100,"%<",ROPE[2]) ,
          adj=c(0.5,-0.15) , cex=1.2 , col=ropeCol )    
  # Plot the likelihood: p(Data|Theta)
  plot( Theta , pDataGivenTheta , type=plotType , 
        pch="." , cex=dotsize , lwd=barsize ,
        xlim=c(0,1) , ylim=c(0,1.1*max(pDataGivenTheta)) , cex.axis=cexAxis ,
        xlab=bquote(theta) , ylab=bquote( "p(D|" * theta * ")" ) , 
        cex.lab=cexLab ,
        main="Likelihood (Bernoulli)" , cex.main=1.5 , col="skyblue" )
  if ( z > .5*N ) { textx = 0 ; textadj = c(0,1) }
  else { textx = 1 ; textadj = c(1,1) }
  text( textx ,1.0*max(pDataGivenTheta) ,cex=2.0
        ,bquote( "Data: z=" * .(z) * ",N=" * .(N) ) ,adj=textadj )
  if ( showCentTend != "None" ) {
    if ( showCentTend == "Mean" ) {
      meanTheta = z/N
      if ( meanTheta > .5 ) {
        textx = 0 ; textadj = c(0,1)
      } else {
        textx = 1 ; textadj = c(1,1)
      text( textx , 0.7*max(pDataGivenTheta) ,
            bquote( "z/N = " * .(signif(meanTheta,3)) ) ,
            cex=2.0 , adj=textadj )
    if ( showCentTend == "Mode" ) {
      modeTheta = Theta[ which.max( pDataGivenTheta ) ]
      if ( modeTheta > .5 ) {
        textx = 0 ; textadj = c(0,1)
      } else {
        textx = 1 ; textadj = c(1,1)
      text( textx , 0.7*max(pDataGivenTheta) ,
            bquote( "max at " * .(signif(modeTheta,3)) ) ,
            cex=2.0 , adj=textadj )
  # Plot the posterior.
  plot( Theta , pThetaGivenData , type=plotType , 
        pch="." , cex=dotsize , lwd=barsize ,
        xlim=c(0,1) , ylim=yLim , cex.axis=cexAxis ,
        xlab=bquote(theta) , ylab=bquote(dbeta(theta*"|"*.(a+z),.(b+N-z))) , 
        cex.lab=cexLab ,
        main="Posterior (beta)" , cex.main=1.5 , col="skyblue" )
  if ( showCentTend != "None" ) {
    if ( showCentTend == "Mean" ) {
      meanTheta = (a+z)/(a+b+N) 
      if ( meanTheta > .5 ) {
        textx = 0 ; textadj = c(0,1)
      } else {
        textx = 1 ; textadj = c(1,1)
      text( textx , yLim[2] ,
            bquote( "mean=" * .(signif(meanTheta,3)) ) ,
            cex=2.0 , adj=textadj )
    if ( showCentTend == "Mode" ) {
      if ( a+z > 1 & b+N-z > 1 ) {
        modeTheta = (a+z-1)/(a+b+N-2)
        if ( modeTheta > .5 ) {
          textx = 0 ; textadj = c(0,1)
        } else {
          textx = 1 ; textadj = c(1,1)
        text( textx , yLim[2] ,
              bquote( "mode=" * .(signif(modeTheta,3)) ) ,
              cex=2.0 , adj=textadj )
  # Plot marginal likelihood pData:
  if ( showpD ) {
    meanTheta = (a+z)/(a+b+N)
    if ( meanTheta > .5 ) {
      textx = 0 ; textadj = c(0,1)
    } else {
      textx = 1 ; textadj = c(1,1)
    text( textx , 0.55*yLim[2] , cex=2.0 ,
          bquote( "p(D)=" * .(signif(pData,3)) ) ,adj=textadj )
  # Mark the highest density interval.
  if ( showHDI ) {
    if ( a+b+N-2 > 0 ) {
      HDIinfo = HDIofICDF( qbeta , shape1=a+z , shape2=b+N-z , credMass=HDImass)
      HDIheight = mean( dbeta(HDIinfo,shape1=a+z,shape2=b+N-z) )
      lines( HDIinfo , rep(HDIheight,length(HDIinfo)) )
      text( mean(HDIinfo) , HDIheight ,
            bquote( .(100*signif(HDImass,3)) * "% HDI" ) ,
            adj=c(0.5,-1.5) , cex=1.5 )
      # Mark the left and right ends of the waterline. 
      for ( i in 1:2 ) {
        lines( c(HDIinfo[i],HDIinfo[i]) , c(-0.5,HDIheight) , type="l" , lty=2 , 
               lwd=1.5 )
        text( HDIinfo[i] , HDIheight , bquote(.(round(HDIinfo[i],3))) ,
              adj=c(0.5,-0.15) , cex=1.2 )
  # Mark the ROPE
  if ( !is.null(ROPE) ) {
    pInRope = ( pbeta( ROPE[2] , shape1=a+z , shape2=b+N-z ) 
                - pbeta( ROPE[1] , shape1=a+z , shape2=b+N-z ) )
    ropeTextHt = 0.7*yLim[2]
    ropeCol = "darkred"
    lines( c(ROPE[1],ROPE[1]) , c(-0.5,ropeTextHt) , type="l" , lty=2 , 
           lwd=1.5 , col=ropeCol )
    lines( c(ROPE[2],ROPE[2]) , c(-0.5,ropeTextHt) , type="l" , lty=2 , 
           lwd=1.5 , col=ropeCol )
    text( mean(ROPE) , ropeTextHt ,
          paste0(ROPE[1],"<",round(pInRope,4)*100,"%<",ROPE[2]) ,
          adj=c(0.5,-0.15) , cex=1.2 , col=ropeCol )    
  return( c(a+z,b+N-z) )
} # end of function
variani/dbda documentation built on May 3, 2019, 4:34 p.m.