
Defines functions pal_two

Documented in pal_two

#' List of palettes
#' @export

pals_two<- list(
  barbie = c("#f11da6","#1ab7fc"),

  boba_fett = c("#537654","#c88220"),

  blade_runner_2049 = c("#ee3b2a","#01aca7"),

  dear_white_people = c("#52fcd6","#c66049"),

  emily_in_paris = c("#497e8a","#e7999f"),

  exmas = c("#A60E14","#2C734E"),

  family_switch = c("#EB0E0B","#39BBE2"),

  good_omens = c("#437183","#b93210"),

  hightown = c("#cf0e2a","#4f5764"),

  jaws = c("#c1090b","#3170ab"),

  mussum = c("#E4365C","#39A362"),

  nightflyers = c("#EC2929","#03CFBA"),

  notorius = c("#e7a71d","#4988ab"),

  saint_maud = c("#ed6044","#841525"),

  shirley = c("#807f3f","#f0dba4"),

  spirited = c("#2c6f4c","#aa0700"),

  the_english = c("#cd6c1b","#140f0b"),

  the_expanse = c("#9aa79d","#956b69"),

  the_gilded_age = c("#1c5340","#713a5c"),

  the_help = c("#7c56a1","#f6bb33"),

  the_whale = c("#3D73AD","#DB7238"),

  titans = c("#b2224f","#096c91"),

  watchmen = c("#fbdf00","#03478b"),

  winning_time = c("#ffcc00","#552683")

#' Palettes with two constrast colors
#' @description Palette with two constrast colors, with the following palettes:
#'  \cr
#'  \cr - barbie: Inspired by the movie Barbie.
#'  \cr - boba_fett: Inspired by the TV series Boba Fett.
#'  \cr - blade_runner_2049: Inspired by the movie Blade Runner 2049.
#'  \cr - dear_white_people: Inspired by the TV series Dear White People.
#'  \cr - emily_in_paris: Inspired by the TV series Emily in Paris.
#'  \cr - exmas: Inspired by the movie Exmas.
#'  \cr - family_switch: Inpired by the movie Family Switch.
#'  \cr - good_omens: Inspired by the TV series Good Omens.
#'  \cr - hightown: Inspired by the TV series Hightown.
#'  \cr - jaws: Inspired by the movie Jaws.
#'  \cr - nightflyers: Inspired by the TV series Nightflyers.
#'  \cr - mussum: Inspired by the movie Mussum.
#'  \cr - notorious: Inspired by the movie Notorious.
#'  \cr - saint_maud: Inspired by the movie Saint Maud.
#'  \cr - shirley: Inspired by the movie Shirley.
#'  \cr - spirited: Inspired by the movie Spirited.
#'  \cr - the_english: Inspired by the movie The English.
#'  \cr - the_expanse: Inspired by the TV series The Expanse.
#'  \cr - the_gilded_age: Inspired by the TV series The Gilded Age.
#'  \cr - the_help: Inspired by the movie The Help.
#'  \cr - the_whale: Inspired by the movie The Whale.
#'  \cr - titans: Inspired by the TV series Titans.
#'  \cr - watchmen: Inspired by the TV series Watchmen.
#'  \cr - winning_time: Inspired by the TV series Winning Time.
#' @eval arg_value("name","character",action = "is the pallete name")
#' @eval arg_boolean("reverse",action = "reverse the pallete order")
#' @eval arg_boolean("show_palettes",action = "export the names of all the palettes")
#' @return A character vector with the colors hex codes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' scales::show_col(pal_two("boba_fett"))

pal_two <-
    name = "young_sheldon",
    reverse = FALSE,
    show_palettes = FALSE

    stopifnot(is.character(name), length(name) == 1)

    stopifnot(is.logical(reverse), length(reverse) == 1)

    stopifnot(is.logical(show_palettes), length(show_palettes) == 1)


      output <- names(pals_two)

      output <- pals_two[[name]]


      if(reverse){output <- rev(output)}


vbfelix/relper documentation built on May 10, 2024, 10:50 p.m.