
Defines functions str_select

Documented in str_select

#' Select parts of a string, given patterns
#' @description Select parts of a string: before, after or between patterns.
#' @eval arg_vector("string","character")
#' @eval arg_value("after","character",default = "NULL",action = "will be the pattern to select after")
#' @eval arg_value("before","character",default = "NULL",action = "will be the pattern to select before")
#' @return A character vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#'string <- "begin STRING1 TARGET STRING2 end"
#'#Select a string, before a pattern
#'str_select(string,before = "STRING2")
#'#Select a string, after a pattern
#'str_select(string,after = "STRING1")
#'#Select a string, between two patterns

str_select <- function(string,after = NULL,before = NULL){


  stopifnot((!is.null(after) & !is.null(before)) | (is.null(after) & !is.null(before)) | !is.null(after) & is.null(before))

  stopifnot(is.null(after) | relper::is_string(after))

  stopifnot(is.null(before) | relper::is_string(before))

  if((!is.null(before)) & (!is.null(after))){
    output <- stringr::str_match(string, paste0(after,"\\s*(.*?)\\s*",before))
    output <- output[,2]

  if((!is.null(before)) & (is.null(after))){
    output <- sub(paste0(before,".*"),"",string)

  if((is.null(before)) & (!is.null(after))){
    output <- sub(paste0(".*",after),"",string)

vbfelix/relper documentation built on May 10, 2024, 10:50 p.m.