
Defines functions summary_cat

Documented in summary_cat

#' Summary of categorical variables
#' @description Summary statistics for categoric variables.
#' @eval arg_vector("x","character")
#' @return A tibble with:
#' \cr
#' \cr - n: the number of observations;
#' \cr - na: the number of missing values;
#' \cr - blank_space: the number of values blank ("");
#' \cr - n_distinct: the number of distinct levels;
#' \cr - mode: the mode.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- c(sample(letters,100,replace = TRUE),NA)
#' x
#' summary_cat(x)

summary_cat <- function(x){


  output <-
      n = length(x),
      na = sum(is.na(x),na.rm = TRUE),
      blank_space = sum(x == "",na.rm = TRUE),
      n_distinct = dplyr::n_distinct(x[relper::isnot_na(x)]),
      mode = paste(relper::calc_mode(x[relper::isnot_na(x)]),collapse = ", "),
      modality = relper::calc_modality(x)


vbfelix/relper documentation built on May 10, 2024, 10:50 p.m.