
Defines functions assessGrouping

Documented in assessGrouping

#' @title assessGrouping
#' @description Assess grouping of samples assigned to the same category
#' relative to random.
#' @param distances Data frame object with at least three columns where the
#' first three columns are sample 1 name, sample 2 name, and the distance
#' between them.
#' @param annotations Data frame object with at least two columns where the
#' first two columns are sample name and the category of the sample for
#' grouping. Sample names must match sample 1 and sample 2 names in distances
#' data frame.
#' @param measurement The measurement for comparison between cases and controls
#' and statistical analysis ("mean", "max", or "min). Default "mean"
#' @param output A string denoting what information will be returned: either a
#' list of test and control measurement distances ("measurements"), the p-value
#' of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test comparing test and control distributions
#' ("KS.pvalue"), or a ggplot object plotting the test and control distributions
#' ("plot"). Default "KS.pvalue"
#' @param ctrl_iterations The number of iterations to test for the control
#' distribution; an integer. Default 10000.
#' @return \item{output = "KS.pvalue"}{the p-value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
#' test comparing test and control distributions}
#' \item{output = "plot"}{a ggplot object plotting the test and control
#'     distributions}
#' \item{output = "measurements"}{a list or test and control measurement
#' distances}
#' @importFrom magrittr '%>%'
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by filter summarize
#' @importFrom stats ks.test
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes stat_ecdf theme_classic theme ylab xlab
#' @examples
#' ## create random distance data frame
#' dist<-expand.grid(letters, letters)
#' dist$distance<-rnorm(nrow(dist))
#' annot<-data.frame(sample<-letters, category<- rep(1:13, 2))
#' ## get KS p-value
#' assessGrouping(dist, annot)
#' ## get plot of test vs control distributions
#' assessGrouping(dist, annot,
#'                output = "plot")
#' @export

assessGrouping <- function(distances,
                            measurement = "mean",
                            output = "KS.pvalue",
                            ctrl_iterations = 10000) {
    if (measurement != "mean" & measurement !=
        "max" & measurement != "min") {
        stop("measurement argument must equal 'mean', 'max', or 'min'
            for statistical analysis.")
    if (output != "measurements" & output != "plot" & output != "KS.pvalue") {
        stop("output argument must equal 'measurements', 'plot, or 'KS.pvalue")
    if (ctrl_iterations < 20) {
        stop("ctrl_iterations argument is too small; consider increasing
            iteration count")
    if (ncol(distances) < 3) {
        stop("The first three columns of the distances data frame should be
            sample 1 name, sample 2 name, and the distance between them")
    if (ncol(annotations) < 2) {
        stop("The first two columns of the annotations data frame should be
            sample name and the category of the sample for grouping")
    colnames(distances)[c(1, 2, 3)] <- c("Var1", "Var2", "dist")
    colnames(annotations)[c(1, 2)] <- c("sample", "category")
    # filter for distances with proper annotations
    test_distances <- dplyr::filter(distances,
                                    .data$Var1 %in% annotations$sample &
                                    .data$Var2 %in% annotations$sample)
    test_distances<-test_distances[!duplicated(t(apply(test_distances[,c(1, 2)],
                                        1, sort))), ]  # remove duplicate pairs
    test_distances <- dplyr::filter(test_distances, .data$Var1 != .data$Var2)
    test_categories <- dplyr::filter(annotations, sample %in% distances$Var1 |
                                                    sample %in% distances$Var2)
    if (nrow(test_distances) < 2 | nrow(test_categories) < 2) {
        stop("Sample names in the distance data frame do not match sample names
                in annotations data frame.")
    # get categories for which there is at least two samples
    unique_categories <- test_categories %>%
                        dplyr::group_by(.data$category) %>%
                        dplyr::summarise(no_rows = length(.data$category),
                        .groups = "drop") %>% dplyr::filter(.data$no_rows > 1)
    test_output <- lapply(unique_categories$category,
    function(i) {
        subset_samples <- dplyr::filter(test_categories,
                                        .data$category == i)$sample %>%
        subset_distances <- dplyr::filter(test_distances,
                                            .data$Var1 %in% subset_samples &
                                            .data$Var2 %in% subset_samples)$dist
        if (measurement == "mean") {
        } else if (measurement == "max") {
        } else {
    }) %>% unlist()
    ctrl_output <- lapply(seq_len(ctrl_iterations),
    function(i) {
        subset_distances <- sample(test_distances$dist,
        sample(unique_categories$no_rows, 1))
        if (measurement == "mean") {
        } else if (measurement == "max") {
        } else {
    }) %>% unlist()
    if (output == "measurements") {
        return(list(test_output = test_output,
                    ctrl_output = ctrl_output))
    } else if (output == "KS.pvalue") {
        return(suppressWarnings(ks.test(test_output, ctrl_output,
                                        alternative = "greater")$p.value))
    } else if (output == "plot") {
        group <- c(rep("ctrl", length(ctrl_output)),
                    rep("test", length(test_output)))
        dat_plot <- data.frame(KSD = c(ctrl_output, test_output),
                                        group = group)
        plot <- ggplot(dat_plot, aes(x = .data$KSD, group = group,
                                        color = group)) +
        stat_ecdf(size = 1, na.rm = TRUE) +
        theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = "top") +
        ylab("cummulative distribution") +
        xlab("distance") + theme(legend.position = NULL)
vbusa1/nearBynding documentation built on Aug. 4, 2021, 4:08 p.m.