Man pages for veltenlab/rnamagnet
Infers physical and signaling interactions from single-cell RNA-seq data

getLigandsReceptorsRetrieve a database of ligand-receptor pairs
getRNAMagnetGenesExtracts receptor-ligand pairs mediating interaction between...
NicheData10x10x dataset from mouse bone marrow
NicheDataLCMLCM dataset from mouse bone marrow
NicheMarkers10xMarkers for populations defined by 10x genomics
NicheMetaDataLCMMeta data for LCM dataset
PlotSignalingNetworkVisualizes RNAMagnet output as a signaling network
RNAMagnetAnchorsRuns RNAMagnet for identifying localization of single cells...
RNAMagnetBaseLow-level function to run core RNA magnet steps
rnamagnet-classRNAMagnet class
RNAMagnetSignalingRuns RNAMagnet for identifying signaling interactions between...
runCIBERSORTRuns CIBERSORT for decomposing bulk RNA-seq samples using a...
veltenlab/rnamagnet documentation built on June 24, 2021, 6:19 p.m.