#' Abort based on issues with function argument
#' Create a custom error condition created with
#' \code{\link[rlang:abort]{rlang::abort()}} with a - hopefully - more useful
#' error message and metadata.
#' @name abort_argument
#' @param arg A character string with the argument name.
#' @param must A character string specifying a condition the argument must
#' fulfill.
#' @param not Either a character string specifying a condition the argument
#' must not fulfill or the bare (unquoted) argument name. In the last case,
#' the function evaluates the argument type (\code{abort_argument_type()}) or
#' length (\code{abort_argument_length()}) and displays the result in the
#' error message.
#' @return Each function returns a classed error condition.
#' \code{abort_argument_type()} returns a \code{error_argument_type} class,
#' \code{abort_argument_length()} returns a \code{error_argument_length}
#' class, \code{abort_argument_diff_length()} returns a
#' \code{error_argument_diff_length} class and \code{abort_argument_value()}
#' returns a \code{error_argument_value} class.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[=abort_column_not_found]{abort_column_not_found()}},
#' \code{\link[=abort_no_method_for_class]{abort_no_method_for_class()}}
abort_argument_type <- function(arg, must, not) {
not <- typeof(not)
msg <- glue::glue("`{arg}` must {must}; not {not}.")
message = msg,
arg = arg,
must = must,
not = not
#' @rdname abort_argument
#' @export
abort_argument_class <- function(arg, must, not) {
not <- class(not)
not <- glue::glue_collapse(not, ", ", last = " and ")
msg <- glue::glue("`{arg}` must {must}; not {not}.")
message = msg,
arg = arg,
must = must,
not = not
#' @rdname abort_argument
#' @export
abort_argument_length <- function(arg, must, not) {
not <- length(not)
msg <- glue::glue("`{arg}` must {must}; not {not}.")
message = msg,
arg = arg,
must = must,
not = not
#' @rdname abort_argument
#' @param arg1,arg2 A character string with the argument name.
#' @export
abort_argument_diff_length <- function(arg1, arg2) {
msg <- glue::glue("`{arg1}` and `{arg2}` must have the same length.")
message = msg,
arg = list(arg1, arg2),
must = "have the same length"
#' @rdname abort_argument
#' @param arg A character string with the argument name.
#' @param valid_values A character vector with the valid values.
#' @export
abort_argument_value <- function(arg, valid_values) {
valid_values <- glue::glue_collapse(
glue::double_quote(valid_values), sep = ", ", last = " or "
msg <- glue::glue("`{arg}` must be one of {valid_values}.")
message = msg,
arg = arg
#' Abort based on column not being found in a data frame
#' Creates a custom error condition created with
#' \code{\link[rlang:abort]{rlang::abort()}} with a - hopefully - more useful
#' error message and metadata.
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param col_name A character vector with the column name.
#' @return Returns an error condition of class{error_column_not_found}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[=abort_argument_type]{abort_argument_type()}},
#' \code{\link[=abort_argument_class]{abort_argument_class()}},
#' \code{\link[=abort_argument_length]{abort_argument_length()}},
#' \code{\link[=abort_argument_diff_length]{abort_argument_diff_length()}},
#' \code{\link[=abort_no_method_for_class]{abort_no_method_for_class()}},
#' \code{\link[=abort_package_not_installed]{abort_package_not_installed()}}
abort_column_not_found <- function(data, col_name) {
msg <- glue::glue("Column `{col_name}` not found in `{data}`.")
rlang::abort("error_column_not_found", message = msg)
#' Abort method if class is not implemented
#' Creates a custom error condition created with
#' \code{\link[rlang:abort]{rlang::abort()}} with a - hopefully - more useful
#' error message and metadata.
#' @param fun A character vector with the function name.
#' @param class A character vector with the class name.
#' @param ... Extra message to be added to the error message. Must be
#' character string.
#' @return Returns an error condition of class{error_no_method_for_class}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[=abort_argument_type]{abort_argument_type()}},
#' \code{\link[=abort_argument_class]{abort_argument_class()}},
#' \code{\link[=abort_argument_length]{abort_argument_length()}},
#' \code{\link[=abort_argument_diff_length]{abort_argument_diff_length()}},
#' \code{\link[=abort_column_not_found]{abort_column_not_found()}},
#' \code{\link[=abort_package_not_installed]{abort_package_not_installed()}}
abort_no_method_for_class <- function(fun, class, ...) {
extra_msg <- list(...)
if (any(purrr::map(extra_msg, is.character) == FALSE)) {
abort_argument_type("...", must = "be character", not = ...)
if (length(extra_msg) > 0) {
extra_msg <- glue::glue_collapse(extra_msg, sep = "\n")
} else {
extra_msg <- character()
if (length(class) > 1) {
class <- glue::glue_collapse(
glue::glue("`{class}`"), sep = ", ", last = " and "
noun <- "classes"
} else {
class <- glue::glue("`{class}`")
noun <- "class"
msg <- glue::glue(
"The method `{fun}` is not yet implemented for an object \\
of {noun} {class}."
msg <- glue::glue_collapse(c(msg, extra_msg), sep = "\n")
rlang::abort("error_no_method_for_class", message = msg)
#' Abort if required package is not installed
#' Creates a custom error condition created with
#' \code{\link[rlang:abort]{rlang::abort()}} with a - hopefully - more useful
#' error message and metadata.
#' @param package A character string with the required package name.
#' @return Returns an error condition of class{error_package_not_installed}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[=abort_argument_type]{abort_argument_type()}},
#' \code{\link[=abort_argument_class]{abort_argument_class()}},
#' \code{\link[=abort_argument_length]{abort_argument_length()}},
#' \code{\link[=abort_argument_diff_length]{abort_argument_diff_length()}},
#' \code{\link[=abort_column_not_found]{abort_column_not_found()}},
#' \code{\link[=abort_no_method_for_class]{abort_no_method_for_class()}}
abort_package_not_installed <- function(package) {
pkg <- check_package(package)
if (!isTRUE(pkg)) {
pkg_name <- glue::glue_collapse(
glue::double_quote(pkg), ", ", last = " and "
noun <- ifelse(length(pkg) > 1, "Packages", "Package")
verb <- ifelse(length(pkg) > 1, "are", "is")
pronoun <- ifelse(length(pkg) > 1, "them", "it")
msg <- glue::glue(
"{noun} {pkg_name} {verb} needed for this function to work. \\
Please install {pronoun}."
rlang::abort("error_package_not_installed", message = msg)
} else {
#' Checks whether a package is installed
#' @param x A character string with the package name
#' @return If all packages in \code{x} are installed, returns \code{TRUE},
#' if not, returns the name of the non-installed package(s).
#' @keywords internal
check_package <- function(x) {
installed <- purrr::map_lgl(x, requireNamespace, quietly = TRUE)
if (!all(installed)) {
x[which(installed == FALSE)]
} else {
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