#' Language Model Perplexities
#' Compute language model perplexities on a test corpus.
#' @author Valerio Gherardi
#' @md
#' @param text a character vector or connection. Test corpus from which
#' language model perplexity is computed.
#' @param model an object of class \code{language_model}.
#' @param .preprocess a function taking a character vector as input and
#' returning a character vector as output. Preprocessing transformation
#' applied to input before computing perplexity.
#' @param .tknz_sent a function taking a character vector as input and
#' returning a character vector as output. Optional sentence tokenization step
#' applied before computing perplexity.
#' @param exp \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, returns the actual
#' perplexity - exponential of cross-entropy per token - otherwise returns its
#' natural logarithm.
#' @param detailed \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, the output has
#' a \code{"details"} attribute, which is a data-frame containing the
#' cross-entropy of each individual sentence tokenized from \code{text}.
#' @param batch_size a length one positive integer or \code{Inf}.
#' Size of text batches when reading text from a \code{connection}.
#' If \code{Inf}, all input text is processed in a single batch.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return a number. Perplexity of the language model on the test corpus.
#' @details
#' These generic functions are used to compute a \code{language_model}
#' perplexity on a test corpus, which may be either a plain character vector
#' of text, or a connection from which text can be read in batches.
#' The second option is useful if one wants to avoid loading
#' the full text in physical memory, and allows to process text from
#' different sources such as files, compressed files or URLs.
#' "Perplexity" is defined here, following Ref.
#' \insertCite{chen1999empirical}{kgrams}, as the exponential of the normalized
#' language model cross-entropy with the test corpus. Cross-entropy is
#' normalized by the total number of words in the corpus, where we include
#' the End-Of-Sentence tokens, but not the Begin-Of-Sentence tokens, in the
#' word count.
#' The custom .preprocess and .tknz_sent arguments allow to apply
#' transformations to the text corpus before the perplexity computation takes
#' place. By default, the same functions used during model building are
#' employed, c.f. \link[kgrams]{kgram_freqs} and \link[kgrams]{language_model}.
#' A note of caution is in order. Perplexity is not defined for all language
#' models available in \link[kgrams]{kgrams}. For instance, smoother
#' \code{"sbo"} (i.e. Stupid Backoff \insertCite{brants-etal-2007-large}{kgrams})
#' does not produce normalized probabilities,
#' and this is signaled by a warning (shown once per session) if the user
#' attempts to compute the perplexity for such a model.
#' In these cases, when possible, perplexity computations are performed
#' anyway case, as the results might still be useful (e.g. to tune the model's
#' parameters), even if their probabilistic interpretation does no longer hold.
#' @examples
#' # Train 4-, 6-, and 8-gram models on Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing",
#' # compute their perplexities on the training and test corpora.
#' # We use Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" as test.
#' \donttest{
#' train <- much_ado
#' test <- midsummer
#' tknz <- function(text) tknz_sent(text, keep_first = TRUE)
#' f <- kgram_freqs(train, 8, .tknz_sent = tknz)
#' m <- language_model(f, "kn", D = 0.75)
#' # Compute perplexities for 4-, 6-, and 8-gram models
#' FUN <- function(N) {
#' param(m, "N") <- N
#' c(train = perplexity(train, m), test = perplexity(test, m))
#' }
#' sapply(c("N = 4" = 4, "N = 6" = 6, "N = 8" = 8), FUN)
#' }
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name perplexity
#' @rdname perplexity
#' @export
perplexity <- function(text,
.preprocess = attr(model, ".preprocess"),
.tknz_sent = attr(model, ".tknz_sent"),
exp = TRUE,
UseMethod("perplexity", text)
#' @rdname perplexity
#' @export
perplexity.character <- function(
.preprocess = attr(model, ".preprocess"),
.tknz_sent = attr(model, ".tknz_sent"),
exp = TRUE,
detailed = FALSE,
text <- .preprocess(text)
text <- .tknz_sent(text)
lp <- attr(model, "cpp_obj")$log_probability_sentence(text)
cross_entropy_normalized <- -sum(lp$log_prob) / sum(lp$n_words)
res <- ifelse(exp,
if (detailed) {
attr(res, "details") <-
data.frame(sentence = text,
cross_entropy = -lp$log_prob,
n_words = lp$n_words
#' @rdname perplexity
#' @export
perplexity.connection <- function(
.preprocess = attr(model, ".preprocess"),
.tknz_sent = attr(model, ".tknz_sent"),
exp = TRUE,
batch_size = Inf,
assert_positive_integer(batch_size, can_be_inf = TRUE)
if (!isOpen(text))
open(text, "r")
if (is.infinite(batch_size))
batch_size <- -1L
sum_log_prob <- n_words <- 0
while (length(batch <- readLines(text, batch_size))) {
batch <- .tknz_sent( .preprocess(batch) )
lp <- attr(model, "cpp_obj")$log_probability_sentence(batch)
sum_log_prob <- sum_log_prob + sum(lp$log_prob)
n_words <- sum(lp$n_words)
cross_entropy <- -sum_log_prob / n_words
check_model_perplexity <- function(model) {
check_sbo_perplexity <- function(model) {
if (attr(model, "smoother") != "sbo")
h <- "Computing perplexity for Stupid Backoff model."
x <- "'sbo' smoother does not produce normalized probabilities."
i <- "Using Stupid Backoff scores for the computation."
msgs <- c(h, x = x, i = i)
class = "sbo_perplexity_warning",
.frequency = "once",
.frequency_id = "sbo_perplex"
check_ml_perplexity <- function(model) {
if (attr(model, "smoother") != "ml")
h <- "Computing perplexity for Maximum-Likelihood model."
x <- "'ml' probabilities can be 'NA'."
i <- "Result may be 'NA'."
msgs <- c(h, x = x, i = i)
class = "ml_perplexity_warning",
.frequency = "once",
.frequency_id = "ml_perplex"
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