
Defines functions iNicheViews

Documented in iNicheViews

#' iNicheViews - (Interactive)
#' Function to generate bivariate graphs of all combinations of PCA components, 
#' overlaid with occurrence data. Graphs are stored in jpg files. This 
#' function also generates bar plots of each component, occurence of that 
#' components.  
#' Interactive version. For noninteractive veriosn to be used in scripts refer \link{NicheViews}
#' Time required to run the function depends upon the size of component files. 
#' @import raster
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.copy dev.off hsv jpeg windows
#' @param OutputSufix - Suffix for the output graph files. (file names will be 
#' "sample12.jpg" where sample is suffix and component 1 and 2 are plotted in this 
#' plot)
#' @param RasterFileList - Component files in .asc format (Use the components 
#' generated by PCA function, you can use any .asc files if you need)
#' @param DataFileName - Species occurrences file - .csv file with "Species, 
#' Longitude, Latitude" fields with headers. 
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' iNicheViews()
#' }
#' @export
iNicheViews <- function(OutputSufix=NA,RasterFileList=NA,DataFileName=NA)
    OutputSufix = readline("Enter Suffix for output graph files : ")
    RasterFileList = choose.files(caption="Select ASCII files to crop: ")
  st1 = MakeStack(RasterFileList)
  cat("Stacks created\n")
    DataFileName = file.choose("Select occurrence points : ")
  bpt1 = rasterToPoints(st1)
  cat("Points generated\n")
  bpt1 = as.data.frame(bpt1)
  compname = names(bpt1)
  oMat = read.table(DataFileName, header=T, sep = ",")
  xypt = oMat[,2:3]
  cat("Now extracting components values for occurrences.....")
  tm = extract(st1,xypt)
  TotBins = as.numeric(readline("No. of bins (Depends upon the no of pixels in .asc files) : "))
  ## Extract the component names from stack 
  comps = dim(st1)[3]
  for (i in 1:comps){
  ## Generate bivariate plots and barplots. 
  for (i in 1:comps)
    for (j in 1:i)
      if (i !=j)
        cat(paste("Generating plot for ", compname[j], " and ", compname[i], "\n", sep = ""))
        jpeg(filename=paste(OutputSufix,"_",compname[j],"_",compname[i],".jpg", sep = ""),width=1200,height=800) 
        plot(bpt1[,j+2],bpt1[,i+2], pch= 15, col = "red",xlab=compname[j],ylab=compname[i])
        points(tm[,j],tm[,i], pch= 19, col = "blue")
    ## Generate barplots.
    ## Generate a sequence from min and max of the component to make bins of 100. Currently bins are fixed to 100.
    cat(paste("Generating barplot for ", compname[i], "\n", sep = ""))
    ##S1 = seq(range(bpt1[,i+2])[1],range(bpt1[,i+2])[2], (range(bpt1[,i+2])[2]-range(bpt1[,i+2])[1])/100)
    S1 = seq(range(bpt1[,i+2])[1],range(bpt1[,i+2])[2], (range(bpt1[,i+2])[2]-range(bpt1[,i+2])[1])/TotBins)
    tb1 = table(cut(bpt1[,i+2],S1))
    ## Converting the data into log. Because occurrences are few and other data is huge. 
    ntb1[which(ntb1[,2]==-Inf),2]<- 0
    ntb1[which(ntb1[,1]==-Inf),1]<- 0
    jpeg(filename=paste(OutputSufix,"_",compname[i],".jpg", sep = ""),width=1200,height=800) 
    barplot(t(ntb1),col=c("red","blue"), beside=TRUE,xlab=compname[i])
  cat("Done processing :)\n")
vijaybarve/ENMGadgets documentation built on May 3, 2019, 6:12 p.m.