
Defines functions orderly_status orderly_develop_location orderly_develop_clean orderly_develop_status orderly_develop_start

Documented in orderly_develop_clean orderly_develop_start orderly_develop_status

##' The functions `orderly_develop_start`,
##' `orderly_develop_status` and `orderly_develop_clean`
##' provide a workflow for developing a report in much the same way as
##' one might write code outside of orderly.
##' `orderly_develop_start` will copy all files required (global
##' resources and dependencies) into the report source directory, as
##' well as collect all data and parameters - at this point the
##' directory can be developed in directly.  It will also load all
##' declared packages, and source all code files listed in the
##' `packages:` and `sources:` sections of your
##' `orderly.yml`.  `orderly_develop_status` provides
##' information about the status of files in the directory, while
##' `orderly_develop_clean` deletes all copied files.
##' These functions are designed to work within a report's `src`
##' directory.  For example, for a report `analysis` they will
##' alter or report on the directory `src/analysis`.  It is
##' intended that `orderly_develop_start` can be run repeatedly;
##' doing this will *refresh* the contents of the directory if
##' upstream files have been updated.
##' Some degree of care should be used while using these functions.
##' Because `orderly_develop_start` copies files into your source
##' tree you should be careful to add these files to your
##' `.gitignore` files so that they are not included if using
##' git.  Rerunning `orderly_develop_start` will copy a fresh
##' copy of dependencies into your tree, overwriting files that are
##' there without warning.
##' Repeatedly running `orderly_develop_start` is "safe", in that
##' it will re-run through the setup steps, but beware that sourcing
##' functions is additive and never subtractive.  If you delete (or
##' rename) a function within a source file, it will not be removed
##' from your global environment.  Similarly, environment variables
##' will be loaded each time you call this, but no deletions will
##' happen.  When in doubt, restart your R session.
##' Note that these functions are much more permissive as to the state
##' of your `orderly.yml` than [orderly::orderly_run()] - in
##' particular, they will run, with a message, even if you have not
##' yet defined a `script:` or any `artefacts:`.
##' The `orderly_develop_clean` function will delete dependencies
##' without warning.
##' @title Develop an orderly report
##' @param name Name of the report to develop (see
##'   [orderly::orderly_list()]).  A leading `src/` will be
##'   removed if provided, allowing easier use of autocomplete.
##'   Alternatively, the default of `NULL` is useful if you have
##'   already set the working directory to be the source directory.
##' @inheritParams orderly_run
##' @return A character vector with the full path to the directory,
##'   invisibly.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' path <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")
##' # This report uses a dependency - it requires that the file
##' # incoming.csv exists.  This file is created from the report 'other'
##' orderly::orderly_develop_status("use_dependency", root = path)
##' # Copy the required dependencies over, in this case from a draft report
##' orderly::orderly_run("other", list(nmin = 0), root = path, echo = FALSE)
##' orderly::orderly_develop_start("use_dependency", root = path,
##'                                use_draft = TRUE)
##' # Files have been copied across into the source directory
##' orderly::orderly_develop_status("use_dependency", root = path)
##' # The report can then be developed as needed, interactively.  After
##' # we're happy things can be cleaned up with
##' orderly::orderly_develop_clean("use_dependency", root = path)
orderly_develop_start <- function(name = NULL, parameters = NULL,
                                  envir = parent.frame(),
                                  root = NULL, locate = TRUE, instance = NULL,
                                  use_draft = FALSE, remote = NULL) {
  version <- orderly_version$new(name, root, locate)
  workdir <- version$develop_start(parameters, instance, envir, use_draft,

##' @export
##' @rdname orderly_develop_start
orderly_develop_status <- function(name = NULL, root = NULL, locate = TRUE) {
  loc <- orderly_develop_location(name, root, locate)

##' @export
##' @rdname orderly_develop_start
orderly_develop_clean <- function(name = NULL, root = NULL, locate = TRUE) {
  loc <- orderly_develop_location(name, root, locate)
  status <- orderly_status(loc$path)
  drop <- status$filename[status$derived & status$present]
  if (length(drop) > 0L) {
    orderly_log("remove", drop)
    file.remove(file.path(loc$path, drop))

orderly_develop_location <- function(name, root, locate) {
  config <- orderly_config(root, locate)
  config <- check_orderly_archive_version(config)

  if (is.null(name)) {
    if (!file.exists("orderly.yml")) {
      stop("Did not find orderly.yml within working directory")
    ## There is a corner case here with DOS 8.3 filenames that
    ## requires a round of path normalization to safely get through.
    wd <- normalizePath(getwd(), "/", mustWork = TRUE)
    if (!fs::path_has_parent(wd, config$root)) {
      stop("Working directory is not within the orderly root")
    rel <- fs::path_split(fs::path_rel(wd, config$root))[[1]]
    if (length(rel) != 2 || rel[[1L]] != "src") {
      stop("Unexpected working directory - expected src/<name>")
    name <- rel[[2L]]
  } else {
    name <- clean_report_name(name)

  path <- file.path(path_src(config$root), name)
  inplace <- file.exists(path) && same_path(path, getwd())

  list(config = config, name = name, path = path, inplace = inplace)

## This might be more general, but for now assume not
orderly_status <- function(path) {
  assert_is_directory(path, FALSE)
  assert_file_exists("orderly.yml", workdir = path)
  ## TODO: this needs making more robust
  config <- orderly_config(file.path(path, "..", ".."), FALSE)
  info <- orderly_recipe$new(basename(path), config, TRUE)

  internal <- list(orderly = "orderly.yml",
                   script = info$script,
                   source = info$sources,
                   changelog = info$changelog$filename,
                   resource = info$resources,
                   readme = unname(info$readme),
                   global = names(info$global_resources),
                   dependency = info$depends$as,
                   artefact = unlist(info$artefacts[, "filenames"],
                                     FALSE, FALSE))
  status <- data_frame(
    filename = unlist(internal, FALSE, FALSE),
    type = rep(names(internal), lengths(internal)))
  extra <- setdiff(dir(path, recursive = TRUE), status$filename)
  if (length(extra) > 0L) {
    status <- rbind(status, data_frame(filename = extra, type = "unknown"))
  status$present <- file.exists(file.path(path, status$filename))
  status$derived <- status$type %in% c("global", "dependency", "artefact")
  ## Files that are re-exported are not derived:
  status$derived <- status$derived &
    !(status$filename %in% status$filename[!status$derived])

  class(status) <- c("orderly_status", "data.frame")
vimc/orderly documentation built on July 8, 2023, 2:31 a.m.