
Defines functions orderly_init

Documented in orderly_init

##' Initialise an orderly store.  This is a helper function that
##' automates getting started with using orderly for a new project.
##' It is not required to use - you can create the orderly structure
##' yourself (all that is compulsory is the `orderly_config.yml`
##' file).
##' This function creates a minimal orderly structure, containing:
##' * `orderly_config.yml`: The orderly configuration. Minimally, this
##'   can be empty, but it must exist.
##' * `src`: The path where report sources live. This should be placed
##'   under version control, and contain a number of reports, each in
##'   their own directory with an `orderly.yml` describing their
##'   inputs and outputs (artefacts).  The [orderly::orderly_new()]
##'   function can be used to accelerate creation of new reports.
##' * `draft`: A directory where reports will be run using
##'   [orderly::orderly_run()].  This directory should be excluded
##'   from version control. `orderly` will create it as needed if
##'   it does not exist when a report is run.
##' * `archive`: A directory where successfully run reports will be
##'   moved to after being committed with [orderly::orderly_commit()].
##'   This directory should be excluded from version
##'   control. `orderly` will create it as needed if it does not
##'   exist when a report is committed.
##' * `data`: A directory where data extracted from the database (if
##'   used) will be stored.  This directory should be excluded from
##'   version control. `orderly` will create it as needed if it
##'   does not exist when a report is run.
##' @title Initialise an orderly store
##' @param root The root of the store; this must be an empty directory
##'   or the path of a directory to create
##' @param doc Logical, indicating if documentation should be added to
##'   the directories.  This also has the (potentially useful) effect
##'   of making these directories noticeable by git.
##' @param quiet Logical, indicating if informational messages should
##'   be suppressed.
##' @export
##' @seealso [orderly::orderly_new()] for creating new reports within
##'   a configured orderly repository.
##' @return The path to the newly created archive
##' @examples
##' # Initialise a new orderly repository in an temporary directory:
##' path <- orderly::orderly_init(tempfile())
##' # This has created the directory skeleton that you need to get
##' # started using orderly:
##' fs::dir_tree(path)
##' # As instructed, the next thing to do is to edit the
##' # orderly_config.yml file to match your needs:
##' readLines(file.path(path, "orderly_config.yml"))
orderly_init <- function(root, doc = TRUE, quiet = FALSE) {
  if (file.exists(root)) {
    if (!file.info(root)$isdir || length(dir(root)) > 0) {
      stop("'root', if it already exists, must be an empty directory")
  } else {
    dir.create(root, FALSE, TRUE)
  if (doc) {
    readme <- function(path) {
      file.path(root, path, "README.md")
    file_copy(orderly_file("init/readme_src.md"), readme("src"))
    file_copy(orderly_file("init/readme_data.md"), readme("data"))
    file_copy(orderly_file("init/readme_draft.md"), readme("draft"))
    file_copy(orderly_file("init/readme_archive.md"), readme("archive"))
              file.path(root, "README.md"))
  write_orderly_archive_version(cache$current_archive_version, root)
  if (!quiet) {
    message(sprintf("Now, edit the file 'orderly_config.yml' within '%s'",

vimc/orderly documentation built on July 8, 2023, 2:31 a.m.