
##' Interact with vault's policies.  To get started, you may want to
##' read up on policies as described in the vault manual, here:
##' https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/concepts/policies
##' @title Vault Policy Configuration
##' @name vault_client_policy
##' @examples
##' server <- vaultr::vault_test_server(if_disabled = message)
##' if (!is.null(server)) {
##'   client <- server$client()
##'   # The test server starts with only the policies "root" (do
##'   # everything) and "default" (do nothing).
##'   client$policy$list()
##'   # Here let's make a policy that allows reading secrets from the
##'   # path /secret/develop/* but nothing else
##'   rules <- 'path "secret/develop/*" {policy = "read"}'
##'   client$policy$write("read-secret-develop", rules)
##'   # Our new rule is listed and can be read
##'   client$policy$list()
##'   client$policy$read("read-secret-develop")
##'   # For testing, let's create a secret under this path, and under
##'   # a different path:
##'   client$write("/secret/develop/password", list(value = "password"))
##'   client$write("/secret/production/password", list(value = "k2e89be@rdC#"))
##'   # Create a token that can use this policy:
##'   token <- client$auth$token$create(policies = "read-secret-develop")
##'   # Login to the vault using this token:
##'   alice <- vaultr::vault_client(addr = server$addr,
##'                                 login = "token", token = token)
##'   # We can read the paths that we have been granted access to:
##'   alice$read("/secret/develop/password")
##'   # We can't read secrets that are outside our path:
##'   try(alice$read("/secret/production/password"))
##'   # And we can't write:
##'   try(alice$write("/secret/develop/password", list(value = "secret")))
##'   # cleanup
##'   server$kill()
##' }
vault_client_policy <- R6::R6Class(
  inherit = vault_client_object,
  cloneable = FALSE,

  private = list(api_client = NULL),

  public = list(
    ##' @description Create a `vault_client_policy` object. Not typically
    ##'   called by users.
    ##' @param api_client A [vaultr::vault_api_client] object
    initialize = function(api_client) {
      super$initialize("Interact with policies")
      private$api_client <- api_client

    ##' @description This endpoint deletes the policy with the given
    ##'   name. This will immediately affect all users associated with
    ##'   this policy.
    ##' @param name Specifies the name of the policy to delete.
    delete = function(name) {
      private$api_client$DELETE(paste0("/sys/policy/", name))

    ##' @description Lists all configured policies.
    list = function() {
      dat <- private$api_client$GET("/sys/policy")

    ##' @description Retrieve the policy body for the named policy
    ##' @param name Specifies the name of the policy to retrieve
    read = function(name) {
      dat <- private$api_client$GET(paste0("/sys/policy/", name))

    ##' @description Create or update a policy.  Once a policy is
    ##'   updated, it takes effect immediately to all associated users.
    ##' @param name Name of the policy to update
    ##' @param rules Specifies the policy document.  This is a string
    ##'    in "HashiCorp configuration language".  At present this must
    ##'    be read in as a single string (not a character vector of
    ##'    strings); future versions of vaultr may allow more flexible
    ##'    specification such as `@filename`
    write = function(name, rules) {
      body <- list(rules = rules)
      private$api_client$PUT(paste0("/sys/policy/", name), body = body)
vimc/vaultr documentation built on Nov. 11, 2023, 8:21 a.m.