
Defines functions get_gof_parameters get_gof_broom get_gof

Documented in get_gof get_gof_broom get_gof_parameters

#' Extract goodness-of-fit statistics a tidy format. 
#' A unified approach to extract results from a wide variety of models. For
#' some models `get_gof` attaches useful attributes to the output. You
#' can access this information by calling the `attributes` function:
#' `attributes(get_estimates(model))`
#' @param vcov_type string vcov type to add at the bottom of the table
#' @inheritParams get_estimates
#' @inheritParams modelsummary
#' @export
get_gof <- function(model, gof_function = NULL, vcov_type = NULL, ...) {

    # secret argument passed internally
    # gof_map = NULL: no value supplied by the user
    # gof_map = NA: the user explicitly wants to exclude everything
    dots <- list(...)
    if (isTRUE(is.na(dots$gof_map))) return(NULL)

    checkmate::assert_function(gof_function, null.ok = TRUE)

    # priority
    get_priority <- getOption("modelsummary_get", default = "easystats")
      choices = c("broom", "easystats", "parameters", "performance", "all"))

    if (get_priority %in% c("all", "broom")) {
        funs <- list(get_gof_broom, get_gof_parameters)
    } else {
        funs <- list(get_gof_parameters, get_gof_broom)

    warning_msg <- NULL

    gof <- NULL

    for (f in funs) {
        if (get_priority == "all") {
            tmp <- f(model, ...)
            if (inherits(tmp, "data.frame") &&
                inherits(gof, "data.frame")) {
                idx <- !tolower(colnames(tmp)) %in% tolower(colnames(gof))
                tmp <- tmp[, idx, drop = FALSE]
                if (ncol(tmp) > 0) {
                    gof <- bind_cols(gof, tmp)
            } else if (inherits(tmp, "data.frame")) {
                gof <- tmp
            } else {
                warning_msg <- c(warning_msg, tmp)

        } else {
            if (!inherits(gof, "data.frame")) {
                gof <- f(model, ...)

    # vcov_type: nothing if unnamed matrix, vector, or function
    if (is.character(vcov_type) && !vcov_type %in% c("matrix", "vector", "function")) {
        gof$vcov.type <- vcov_type

    # internal customization by modelsummary
    gof_custom_df <- glance_custom_internal(model, vcov_type = vcov_type, gof = gof, gof_function = gof_function)
    if (!is.null(gof_custom_df) && is.data.frame(gof)) {
        for (n in colnames(gof_custom_df)) {
            # modelsummary's vcov argument has precedence
            # mainly useful to avoid collision with `fixest::glance_custom`
            overwriteable <- c("IID", "Default", "")
            if (is.null(vcov_type) || n != "vcov.type" || gof[["vcov.type"]] %in% overwriteable) {

                gof[[n]] <- gof_custom_df[[n]]

    # glance_custom (vcov_type arg is needed for glance_custom.fixest)
    gof_custom_df <- glance_custom(model)
    if (!is.null(gof_custom_df) && is.data.frame(gof)) {
        for (n in colnames(gof_custom_df)) {
            # modelsummary's vcov argument has precedence
            # mainly useful to avoid collision with `fixest::glance_custom`
            if (is.null(vcov_type) || n != "vcov.type") {
                gof[[n]] <- gof_custom_df[[n]]

    # gof_function function supplied directly by the user
    if (is.function(gof_function)) {
        if (!"model" %in% names(formals(gof_function))) {
            msg <- "`gof_function` must accept an argument named 'model'."
        tmp <- try(gof_function(model = model))
        if (!isTRUE(checkmate::check_data_frame(tmp, nrows = 1, col.names = "unique"))) {
            msg <- "`gof_function` must be a function which accepts a model and returns a 1-row data frame with unique column names."
        } else {
            for (n in names(tmp)) {
                gof[[n]] <- tmp[[n]]

    # drop NA gof: this allows us to drop them with glance_custom
    for (i in rev(seq_along(gof))) {
        if (isTRUE(is.na(gof[[i]]))) {
            gof[[i]] <- NULL

    # uniform types. Important for `mice` compatibility
    for (col in colnames(gof)) {
        if (inherits(gof[[col]], "logLik")) {
            gof[[col]] <- as.numeric(gof[[col]])

    if (inherits(gof, "data.frame")) {

'`modelsummary could not extract goodness-of-fit statistics from a model
of class "%s". The package tried a sequence of 2 helper functions:


One of these functions must return a one-row `data.frame`. The `modelsummary` website explains how to summarize unsupported models or add support for new models yourself:

            call. = FALSE)

#' Extract goodness-of-fit statistics from a single model using the
#' `broom` package or another package with package which supplies a
#' method for the `generics::glance` generic.
#' @keywords internal
get_gof_broom <- function(model, ...) {

  out <- suppressWarnings(try(
    broom::glance(model, ...),
    silent = TRUE))

  if (!inherits(out, "data.frame")) {
    return("`broom::glance(model)` did not return a data.frame.")

  if (nrow(out) > 1) {
    return("`broom::glance(model)` returned a data.frame with more than 1 row.")


#' Extract goodness-of-fit statistics from a single model using
#' the `performance` package
#' @keywords internal
get_gof_parameters <- function(model, ...) {

    dots <- list(...)

    mi <- hush(tryCatch(
        error = function(e) NULL,
        warning = function(e) NULL))

    if (isTRUE(dots[["metrics"]] == "none")) {

    args <- c(list(model, verbose = FALSE), dots)

    if (!"metrics" %in% names(dots)) {
        if (isTRUE(mi[["is_bayesian"]])) {
            # this is the list of "common" metrics in `performance`
            # documentation, but their code includes R2_adj, which produces
            # a two-row glance and gives us issues.
            msg <- format_msg(
            '`modelsummary` uses the `performance` package to extract goodness-of-fit
            statistics from models of this class. You can specify the statistics you wish
            to compute by supplying a `metrics` argument to `modelsummary`, which will then
            push it forward to `performance`. Acceptable values are: "all", "common",
            "none", or a character vector of metrics names. For example: `modelsummary(mod,
            metrics = c("RMSE", "R2")` Note that some metrics are computationally
            expensive. See `?performance::performance` for details.')
            warn_once(msg, "performance_gof_expensive")
            metrics <- c("RMSE", "LOOIC", "WAIC")

        } else if (inherits(model, "fixest") && isTRUE(utils::packageVersion("insight") < "")) {
            args[["metrics"]] <- c("RMSE", "R2", "R2_adj")

        } else {
            args[["metrics"]] <- "common"

    fun <- performance::model_performance
    out <- hush(tryCatch(do.call("fun", args), error = function(e) NULL))

    # sanity
    if (!inherits(out, "data.frame") && isTRUE(dots$metrics != "none")) {
        return("`performance::model_performance(model)` did not return a data.frame.")

    if (inherits(out, "data.frame") && nrow(out) > 1) {
        return("`performance::model_performance(model)` returned a data.frame with more than 1 row.")

    # cleanup
    out <- hush(insight::standardize_names(out, style = "broom"))

    # nobs
    n_obs <- hush(tryCatch(insight::n_obs(model)[1], error = function(e) NULL))
    out[["nobs"]] <- n_obs

vincentarelbundock/gtsummary documentation built on Feb. 15, 2025, 11:22 p.m.