
Defines functions mapIDs attributesFiltersFromTo loadBIOMARTdatasets findOrthologsMmHs findOrthologsHsMm findOrthologs

Documented in attributesFiltersFromTo findOrthologs findOrthologsHsMm findOrthologsMmHs loadBIOMARTdatasets mapIDs

##' map orthologous genes using ENSEMBL BioMART
##' @rdname findOrthologs
##' @name findOrthologs
##' @author Vitalii Kleshchevnikov
##' @description findOrthologs(): map orthologous genes using ENSEMBL BioMART (\link[biomaRt]{getBM}) from one species to another species. This function retrieves ids by 500 at a time to decrease the load on ENSEMBL servers.
##' @param datasets_FROM_TO environment containing "Mart" objects produced by \code{loadBIOMARTdatasets()}. It is convenient to specify datasets here rather than pre-loading. Full list of datasets in ENSEMBL BioMART: listDatasets("ensembl")
##' @param from_filters Filters (one or more) that should be used in the query in the "from" species database. A possible list of filters can be retrieved using \code{attributesFiltersFromTo(datasets_FROM_TO = loadBIOMARTdatasets())}.
##' @param from_values Values of the filter, e.g. vector of affy IDs in the "from" species database. If multiple filters are specified then the argument should be a list of vectors of which the position of each vector corresponds to the position of the filters in the filters argument.
##' @param to_attributes Attributes you want to retrieve from the "to" species database. A possible list of attributes can be retrieved using the function \code{attributesFiltersFromTo(datasets_FROM_TO = loadBIOMARTdatasets())}.
##' @param to_homolog_attribute Attribute that returns homolog gene id in the "from" database
##' @param from_gene_id_name name of the column containing the ENSEMBL gene ids of "from" species
##' @param to_gene_id_name name of the column containing the ENSEMBL gene ids of "from" species
##' @return findOrthologs(): data.frame containing the mapping of homologous genes from one species to another species including \code{to_attributes}
##' @import biomaRt
##' @export findOrthologs
##' @examples
##' findOrthologs()
findOrthologs = function(datasets_FROM_TO = loadBIOMARTdatasets(from = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl",
                                                                to = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl"),
                         from_filters = "hgnc_symbol",
                         from_values = c("TP53", "TERT"),
                         to_attributes = "external_gene_name",
                         to_homolog_attribute = "mmusculus_homolog_ensembl_gene",
                         from_gene_id_name = "human_ensembl_gene_id",
                         to_gene_id_name = "mouse_ensembl_gene_id"){

  ensembl_from = datasets_FROM_TO$ensembl_from
  ensembl_to = datasets_FROM_TO$ensembl_to

  # calculate where groups of 500 start and end
  n_from_values = length(from_values)
  starts = seq(1, n_from_values, 500)
  ends = starts + 499
  ends[ends == max(ends)] = n_from_values
  # download iteratively
  to_gene_id2whatever = lapply(1:length(ends), function(n){

    from_values_temp = from_values[starts[n]:ends[n]]
    from_whatever2gene_id = getBM(attributes = unique(c(from_filters, "ensembl_gene_id")),
                                  filters = from_filters,
                                  values = from_values_temp,
                                  mart = ensembl_from)
    from_whatever2gene_id[,from_gene_id_name] = from_whatever2gene_id$ensembl_gene_id
    from_whatever2gene_id$ensembl_gene_id = NULL

    from2to = getBM(attributes = c("ensembl_gene_id", to_homolog_attribute),
                    filters = "ensembl_gene_id",
                    values = from_whatever2gene_id[,from_gene_id_name],
                    mart = ensembl_from)
    from2to[, from_gene_id_name] = from2to$ensembl_gene_id
    from2to$ensembl_gene_id = NULL

    to_gene_id2whatever = getBM(attributes = unique(c(to_attributes, "ensembl_gene_id")),
                                filters = "ensembl_gene_id",
                                values = from2to[, to_homolog_attribute],
                                mart = ensembl_to)
    to_gene_id2whatever[, to_gene_id_name] = to_gene_id2whatever$ensembl_gene_id
    to_gene_id2whatever$ensembl_gene_id = NULL

    to_gene_id2whatever = merge(x = to_gene_id2whatever, y = from2to, by.x = to_gene_id_name, by.y = to_homolog_attribute)
    to_gene_id2whatever = merge(x = to_gene_id2whatever, y = from_whatever2gene_id, by.x = from_gene_id_name, by.y = from_gene_id_name)

  # combine results
  to_gene_id2whatever = Reduce(rbind, to_gene_id2whatever)

##' @rdname findOrthologs
##' @name findOrthologsHsMm
##' @description findOrthologsHsMm(): map orthologous genes using ENSEMBL BioMART from human to mouse
##' @return findOrthologsHsMm(): data.frame containing the mapping of homologous genes from human to mouse including \code{to_attributes}
##' @import biomaRt
##' @export findOrthologsHsMm
##' @examples
##' findOrthologsHsMm()
findOrthologsHsMm = function(from_filters = "hgnc_symbol",
                             from_values = c("TP53", "TERT"),
                             to_attributes = "external_gene_name"){
  findOrthologs(datasets_FROM_TO = loadBIOMARTdatasets(from = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl",
                                                       to = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl"),
                from_filters = from_filters,
                from_values = from_values,
                to_attributes = to_attributes,
                to_homolog_attribute = "mmusculus_homolog_ensembl_gene",
                from_gene_id_name = "human_ensembl_gene_id",
                to_gene_id_name = "mouse_ensembl_gene_id")

##' @rdname findOrthologs
##' @name findOrthologsMmHs
##' @description findOrthologsMmHs(): map orthologous genes using ENSEMBL BioMART from mouse to human
##' @return findOrthologsMmHs(): data.frame containing the mapping of homologous genes from mouse to human including \code{to_attributes}
##' @import biomaRt
##' @export findOrthologsMmHs
##' @examples
##' findOrthologsMmHs()
findOrthologsMmHs = function(from_filters = "ensembl_gene_id",
                             from_values = c("ENSMUSG00000059552", "ENSMUSG00000021611"),
                             to_attributes = "hgnc_symbol"){
  findOrthologs(datasets_FROM_TO = loadBIOMARTdatasets(from = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl",
                                                       to = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl"),
                from_filters = from_filters,
                from_values = from_values,
                to_attributes = to_attributes,
                to_homolog_attribute = "hsapiens_homolog_ensembl_gene",
                from_gene_id_name = "mouse_ensembl_gene_id",
                to_gene_id_name = "human_ensembl_gene_id")

##' @rdname findOrthologs
##' @name loadBIOMARTdatasets
##' @description loadBIOMARTdatasets(): Load 2 ENSEMBL BioMART datasets for finding orthologs. Details \link[biomaRt]{useMart}
##' @param from ENSEMBL biomart dataset for a species whose identifiers you want to convert. Full list of possible options: listDatasets("ensembl")
##' @param to ENSEMBL biomart dataset for a species whose identifiers you want convert into.
##' @return loadBIOMARTdatasets(): environment containing 2 object of class 'Mart', one for each species dataset
##' @import biomaRt
##' @export loadBIOMARTdatasets
loadBIOMARTdatasets = function(from = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl", to = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl") {
  # load biomart ensembl datatsets
  # ensembl = useMart("ensembl")
  # listDatasets(ensembl)
  ensembl_from = useMart("ensembl", from)
  ensembl_to = useMart("ensembl", to)
  datasets_FROM_TO = new.env()
  datasets_FROM_TO$ensembl_from = ensembl_from
  datasets_FROM_TO$ensembl_to = ensembl_to

##' @rdname findOrthologs
##' @name attributesFiltersFromTo
##' @description attributesFiltersFromTo(): List filters and attributes available in each dataset. Details: \link[biomaRt]{listAttributes}
##' @param datasets_FROM_TO environment containing "Mart" objects produced by \code{loadBIOMARTdatasets()}
##' @return attributesFiltersFromTo(): list containing 4 vector of either filters or attributes for each dataset
##' @import biomaRt
##' @export attributesFiltersFromTo
##' @examples
##' attributes = attributesFiltersFromTo(datasets_FROM_TO = loadBIOMARTdatasets())
##' grep("Mouse gene stable ID", attributes$from_attributes$description, ignore.case = T, value = T)
##' attributes$from_attributes[which(attributes$from_attributes$description == "Mouse gene name"),]
##' grep("hgnc_symbol", attributes$from_attributes$name, value = T)
##' # find the desired column name
##' attributes$from_attributes[grep("Mouse gene stable ID", attributes$from_attributes$description, ignore.case = T),]
attributesFiltersFromTo = function(datasets_FROM_TO = loadBIOMARTdatasets()){
  ensembl_from = datasets_FROM_TO$ensembl_from
  ensembl_to = datasets_FROM_TO$ensembl_to
  # getting names of the things one can get from ENSEMBL
  list(from_attributes = listAttributes(ensembl_from),
       from_filters = listFilters(ensembl_from),
       to_attributes = listAttributes(ensembl_to),
       to_filters = listFilters(ensembl_to))

##' Map moleculer identifiers using ENSEMBL BioMart
##' @rdname mapIDs
##' @name mapIDs
##' @description mapIDs(): Map moleculer identifiers in a data.table using ENSEMBL BioMart - \link[biomaRt]{getBM}
##' @param DT data.table containing id to be converted
##' @param ids2convert_col column in \code{DT} containing identifiers to be converted
##' @param filters Filters (one, in ids2convert_col column) that should be used in the query. A possible list of filters can be retrieved using the function listFilters.
##' @param map_to Attributes you want to retrieve. A possible list of attributes can be retrieved using the function listAttributes.
##' @param map_to_name how to name the column in the output containing \code{map_to} identifiers
##' @param biomart_dataset which BioMart dataset to use for mapping. Full list of possible options: listDatasets("ensembl")
##' @return mapIDs(): data.table \code{DT} containing an additional column (\code{map_to_name})
##' @import biomaRt
##' @import data.table
##' @export mapIDs
##' @examples
##' # load TF regulon data
##' combined_file = "../regulatory_networks_by_cmap/data/validation_TF_regulons/all_simp_regulons_w_pos_effect.tsv"
##' regulons = fread(combined_file, header = T, stringsAsFactors = F)
##' regulons = mapIDs(regulons)
mapIDs = function(DT, ids2convert_col = "target", filters = "hgnc_symbol", map_to = "entrezgene", map_to_name =  "target_entrezgene", biomart_dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl"){
  ## Map HGNC symbols to entrez gene id
  biomart = loadBIOMARTdatasets(from = biomart_dataset,
                                to = biomart_dataset)
  biomart = biomart$ensembl_from

  hgnc_symbol2entrezgene = getBM(attributes = c(map_to, filters),
                                 filters = filters,
                                 values = unique(DT[, ids2convert_col, with = F]),
                                 mart = biomart)

  hgnc_symbol2entrezgene = unique(as.data.table(hgnc_symbol2entrezgene))
  unique(merge(x = DT, y = hgnc_symbol2entrezgene,
               by.x = ids2convert_col, by.y = filters,
               all.x = T, all.y = F, allow.cartesian = TRUE))

vitkl/orthologsBioMART documentation built on Nov. 15, 2021, 9:20 p.m.