
Defines functions maple_plt

Documented in maple_plt

#' Generate a period life table.
#' @param death.rates A matrix of death rates, with 18 rows, one for each 5-year age group 0-4, ..., 80-84, 85+ and one column for each year.
#' @param ax A matrix (in the same row/column format as death.rates) containing the number of years lived on average in the current age group, by those who die in each age group. For example, if all deaths in the age group 60-64 happened exactly at the middle of the age group, this would be equal to 2.5. If the number of columns ax is smaller than that of death.rates, the values in the last column are repeated for all missing columns. This is useful when calculating life tables for death rate projections; the ax values for the last year of data will be used to calculate the life tables for all future years. If this matrix is not supplied, the assumed numbers are 0.5 for the first age group (0-4 years) and 2.5 for all other age groups. The ax values for all but the first age group are calibrated as described in Notes, so not supplying ax values should not have a large impact on the resulting estimates.
#' @param check.conv If TRUE, it will test that the iterative procedure to estimate ax (see Notes) has converged.
#' @param full.table If TRUE, returns all the columns of the period life table, instead of just death rates, life expectancy and probability of dying.
#' @return A period life table with death rates (mx), life expectancy (ex) and probability of dying (qx) for each age groupa and year.
#' @note The ax for the open-ended age group 85+ is calculated using the Kannisto-Thatcher method [Thatcher et al, The survivor ratio method for estimating numbers at high ages, Demographic Research (6), 2002]. For age groups 5-9 to 80-84 the ax are calibrated using an iterative procedure described on p.47 of [Preston et al, Demography: measuring and modeling population processes, 2001].
#' @examples
#' data(maple.deaths)
#' data(maple.population)
#' data(maple.ax)
#' plt <- maple_plt(maple.deaths / maple.population, maple.ax)
#' @export
maple_plt <- function(death.rates, ax = NULL, check.conv = FALSE, full.table = FALSE) {
    year <- rep(as.numeric(colnames(death.rates)), each = nrow(death.rates))
    age <- rep(as.numeric(rownames(death.rates)), ncol(death.rates))
    mx <- as.vector(death.rates)

    if (is.null(ax)) {
        ax <- ifelse(age == 0, .5, 2.5)
    } else if (ncol(ax) < ncol(death.rates)) {
        ax <- ax[, c(seq(1, ncol(ax)), rep(ncol(ax), ncol(death.rates) - ncol(ax)))]
    ax <- as.vector(ax)

    # Remove NA rates (this is useful when eg a given year has no mortality data;
    # the removed entries are re-inserted as NAs at the end of the function call)
    na.idx <- NULL
    if (any(is.na(mx))) {
        na.idx <- which(is.na(mx))
        stopifnot(age[na.idx] == seq(0, 85, 5))
        age0 <- age
        ax0 <- ax
        mx0 <- mx
        age <- age[-na.idx]
        mx <- mx[-na.idx]
        ax <- ax[-na.idx]

    # Replace zero rates by a small number to avoid division by zero
    mx[mx == 0] <- 1e-10
    # Probability of dying between age x and x+4
    qx <- 5 * mx / (1 + (5 - ax) * mx)
    # If probability of dying is >1, set it to "almost" 1
    qx[qx > 1] <- 0.99999
    qx[age == 85] <- 1 # by definition
    px <- 1 - qx # probability of surviving to next age group
    lx <- rep(NA, length(px))
    lx[age == 0] <- 100000
    for (k in seq(5, 85, 5))
        lx[age == k] <- lx[age == k - 5] * px[age == k - 5]
    dx <- lx * qx
    ax[age >= 70] <- kt_extension(matrix(lx[age >= 70], nrow = 4))

    num.iter <- 4 # Number of iterations - see Preston et al. p.47
    iter.dat <- vector("list", num.iter + 1)
    iter.dat[[1]] <- list(ax = ax, qx = qx, lx = lx, dx = dx)
    for (i in seq(num.iter)) {
        ax.new <- ax
        for (k in seq(5, 80, 5))
            ax.new[age == k] <- (-5 / 24 * dx[age == k - 5] +
                                     2.5 * dx[age == k] + 5 / 24 * dx[age == k + 5]) / dx[age == k]
        ax.new[age <= 10 | age >= 70] <- ax[age <= 10 | age >= 70]
        ax <- ax.new
        qx <- 5 * mx / (1 + (5 - ax) * mx)
        qx[qx > 1] <- 0.99999
        qx[age == 85] <- 1
        px <- 1 - qx
        lx <- rep(NA, length(px))
        lx[age == 0] <- 100000
        for (k in seq(5, 85, 5))
            lx[age == k] <- lx[age == k - 5] * px[age == k - 5]
        dx <- lx * qx
        # save result of current iteration
        iter.dat[[i + 1]] <- list(ax = ax, qx = qx, lx = lx, dx = dx)

    if (check.conv) {
        ax.iter <- sapply(iter.dat, `[[`, "ax")
        stopifnot(ax.iter[, num.iter] - ax.iter[, num.iter - 1] < 0.01)
    iter.result <- iter.dat[[num.iter + 1]]
    ax <- iter.result$ax
    qx <- iter.result$qx
    lx <- iter.result$lx
    dx <- iter.result$dx

    Lx <- rep(NA, length(age))
    for (k in seq(0, 80, 5))
        Lx[age == k] <- 5 * lx[age == k + 5] + ax[age == k] * dx[age == k]
    Lx[age == 85] <- lx[age == 85] / mx[age == 85]
    Tx <- rep(NA, length(age))
    Tx[age == 85] <- Lx[age == 85]
    for (k in rev(seq(0, 80, 5)))
        Tx[age == k] <- Tx[age == k + 5] + Lx[age == k]
    ex <- Tx / lx

    # Re-insert missing values
    if(!is.null(na.idx)) {
        mx1 <- mx0
        mx1[-na.idx] <- mx
        mx <- mx1
        ax1 <- ax0
        ax1[-na.idx] <- ax
        ax <- ax1
        age <- age0
        qx1 <- rep(NA, length(mx0))
        qx1[-na.idx] <- qx
        qx <- qx1
        ex1 <- rep(NA, length(mx0))
        ex1[-na.idx] <- ex
        ex <- ex1
        Tx1 <- rep(NA, length(mx0))
        Tx1[-na.idx] <- Tx
        Tx <- Tx1
        Lx1 <- rep(NA, length(mx0))
        Lx1[-na.idx] <- Lx
        Lx <- Lx1
        lx1 <- rep(NA, length(mx0))
        lx1[-na.idx] <- lx
        lx <- lx1
    if (full.table) return(data.frame(year = year, age = age, ax = ax, mx = mx, qx = qx,
                                      ex = ex, Tx = Tx, Lx = Lx, lx = lx))
    data.frame(age = age, year = year, mx = mx, qx = qx, ex = ex)
vkontis/maple documentation built on July 15, 2019, 5:08 p.m.