
# Script for looking at ProMex output
# Metadata for Lewy study added for customization
# And finally make MSnSet object

fn <- "../notinst/extdata/ProMex/SYUA_HUMAN/Lewy_Intact_ProMex_result_SYUA_HUMAN.txt.xz"
dat <- read.delim(fn, check.names=F,

# need to come up with a feature name convention
# let's just keep it simple XYZ_i, where
# XYZ is part of UniProt entry name XYZ_HUMAN
# i is the consecutive number of the proteoform
# within a given protein

prot <- paste("SYUA",sub(".*HUMAN(.*)","\\1",dat$ProteinName),sep='')
protForm <- c(unique(prot),prot)
protForm <- make.unique(protForm)
protForm <- protForm[-seq_along(unique(prot))]

fcol <- c("MonoMass", "MinNet", "MaxNet", "ProteinName", "Composition")
ecol <- grep("rep",colnames(dat),value=T)
d.feat <- dat[,fcol]
rownames(d.feat) <- protForm
d.exprs <- as.matrix(dat[,ecol])
rownames(d.exprs) <- protForm

metaData <- read.delim("../notinst/extdata/lewy_intact_meta.txt", header = T,
rownames(metaData) <- sprintf("rep%s",as.numeric(sub(".*(\\d{2})","\\1",metaData$file)))

m <- MSnSet(exprs = d.exprs, fData = d.feat, pData = metaData)
sampleNames(m) <- pData(m)$

# tweak pData
pData(m)$subject.type <- factor(pData(m)$subject.type, 
                                levels=c("control.2", "control.1", "case"))
pData(m)$ <- as.factor(sprintf("%02d", pData(m)$
pData(m)$Projid <- as.character(pData(m)$Projid)
pData(m)$homogenizationBatch <- as.factor(pData(m)$homogenizationBatch)
pData(m)$prepBatch <- as.factor(pData(m)$prepBatch)

save(m, file="../data/promex_alpha_synuclein.RData")
vladpetyuk/LewyBodies.SN.TopDown documentation built on May 3, 2019, 6:15 p.m.