
Defines functions gui_vms_save_bat

Documented in gui_vms_save_bat

#' VMS DB Save Bathymetry GUI
#' The \code{gui_vms_save_bat} function implements the graphical user interface for the
#'  VMS Save Bathymetry routine.
#' This function, with a VMS database,
#'  downloads an XYZ bathymetry file from NOAA servers.
#' @param vms_db_name The path of a VMS DataBase
#' @return This function does not return a value.
#' @usage gui_vms_save_bat(vms_db_name = "")
#' @seealso \code{\link{gui_vms_view_ping}} \code{\link{gui_vms_view_track}} \code{\link{gui_vms_view_intrp}}

gui_vms_save_bat <- function(vms_db_name = "") {
  vms_DB <- vms_DB$new()
  vms_DB$db <- vms_db_name

  vms_db_bat_win <- gwindow("Bathymetry and Isobaths Download Tool", visible = FALSE)

  bat_g <- gframe(horizontal = FALSE, container = vms_db_bat_win)
  bat_g2 <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = bat_g)
  gimage(system.file("ico/download-3.png", package = "vmsbase"), container = bat_g2)
  proglab_bat <- glabel("Get Isobaths", container = bat_g2)

  bat_g3 <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = bat_g)

  vms_db_f <- gframe(text = "VMS DB file", horizontal = TRUE, container = bat_g3)
  sel_vms_f <- glabel("Select VMS DB file", container = vms_db_f)
  gimage(system.file("ico/folder-blue.png", package = "vmsbase"),
    container = vms_db_f,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
      vms_DB$db <- gfile(
        text = "Select VMS DataBase file",
        type = "open",
        filter = list("VMS DB file" = list(patterns = c("*.vms.sqlite")))
      #            svalue(sel_vms_f) <- strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]])]
      svalue(sel_vms_f) <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", strsplit(vms_DB$db, "\\\\")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "\\\\")[[1]])], strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]])])
      enabled(start_b) <- TRUE
  gimage(system.file("ico/application-exit-5.png", package = "vmsbase"),
    container = vms_db_f,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
      vms_DB$db <- ""
      enabled(start_b) <- FALSE
      svalue(sel_vms_f) <- "Select VMS DB file"

  res_g <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = bat_g3)
  glabel("Set Resolution", container = res_g)
  use_res <- gdroplist(1:4,
    selected = 2, container = res_g


  theplot <- ggraphics(container = bat_g, width = 400, height = 400)

  start_b <- gbutton("Start\nBathymetry Download", container = bat_g, handler = function(h, ...) {
    enabled(vms_db_bat_win) <- FALSE

    #     enabled(res_g) <- FALSE
    #     enabled(vms_db_f) <- FALSE
    #     enabled(start_b) <- FALSE

    pings <- sqldf("select * from ping", dbname = vms_DB$db)

    xmax <- as.numeric(sqldf("select max(LON) from track", dbname = vms_DB$db))
    xmin <- as.numeric(sqldf("select min(LON) from track", dbname = vms_DB$db))
    ymax <- as.numeric(sqldf("select max(LAT) from track", dbname = vms_DB$db))
    ymin <- as.numeric(sqldf("select min(LAT) from track", dbname = vms_DB$db))

    xrange <- extendrange(c(xmax, xmin), f = 0.05)
    yrange <- extendrange(c(ymax, ymin), f = 0.05)

    #     bat_blo <- getNOAA.bathy(xrange[1],
    #                              xrange[2],
    #                              yrange[1],
    #                              yrange[2], resolution = svalue(use_res))

    bat_blo <- getNOAA.bathy(xmin - 0.5,
      xmax + 0.5,
      ymin - 0.5,
      ymax + 0.5,
      resolution = svalue(use_res)

    isob <- c(-20, -50, -100, -200)
    lon <- unique(as.numeric(rownames(bat_blo)))
    lat <- unique(as.numeric(colnames(bat_blo)))

    icol <- rgb(0, 0, seq(255, 100, len = length(isob)), maxColorValue = 255)

    par(mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
    blues <- c("lightsteelblue4", "lightsteelblue3", "lightsteelblue2", "lightsteelblue1")
    plot(bat_blo, image = TRUE, land = TRUE, lwd = 0.1, bpal = list(c(0, max(bat_blo), "grey"), c(min(bat_blo), 0, blues)))
    plot(bat_blo, deep = 0, shallow = 0, step = 0, lwd = 0.4, add = TRUE)
    points(pings[, "LON"], pings[, "LAT"], col = "firebrick", cex = 0.1)
    #     plot(pings[,"LON"], pings[,"LAT"],
    #          xlab = "Longitude",
    #          ylab = "Latitude",
    #          mar = c(1,1,0,0))
    #     contour(lon, lat, bat_blo, add=TRUE,
    #             lwd=0.3,
    #             col=icol,
    #             levels = c(-20, -50, -100,-200),
    #             drawlabel=FALSE,
    #             xlab="a")

    gconfirm("Bathymetry downloas Complete!\n\nSave current Bathymetry and Isobaths?",
      title = "Confirm",
      icon = "question",
      parent = vms_db_bat_win,
      handler = function(h, ...) {
        saveRDS(bat_blo, file = paste(vms_DB$db, "bathy.rData", sep = ""))
  enabled(start_b) <- FALSE

  if (vms_DB$db != "") {
    #     svalue(sel_vms_f) <- strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]])]
    svalue(sel_vms_f) <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", strsplit(vms_DB$db, "\\\\")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "\\\\")[[1]])], strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]])])
    enabled(start_b) <- TRUE
  visible(vms_db_bat_win) <- TRUE
vmsbase/R-vmsbase documentation built on May 21, 2020, 9:54 a.m.