
Defines functions gradient Gradient

Documented in Gradient

# Voreinstellungen
# par(mar=rep(0,4),oma=rep(0,4))
# Icons
# specialized plot functions
#' gradient
#' @param age vector of sizes, default: c(2,1.4,1,0.7,0.5)
#' @param ni nuber of symbols per size
#' @param nij symbol density
#' @param a intercept
#' @param b slope
#' @param icon matrix of coordinates for one symbol
#' @param colo vector of colors at the end of the color gradient spanning length(age) colors, default is c("blue","lightblue")
#' @param plotx range of x values to draw, default c(-400-ni*200,400)
#' @param ploty range of y values to draw, default c(a-200,b*ni*200+200)
#' @param seed for random number generator, default 12345
#' @param ... input to function lines()
#' @return plots a gradient
#' @import base
#' @import stats
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gradient()
#' gradient(c(1.41,1.3,1.21,1.13,1.06,1),ni=6,nij=3,a=-100,b=1.6,icon=8*cod%*%diag(c(-1,1)),plotx=c(-2000,300),ploty=c(-100,2100))
#' gradient(icon=-8*cod,nij=9) # fish kill
#' gradient(icon=5*worm,colo=c("white","lightgrey"))
#' gradient(icon=9*zebrafish,colo="no",col="darkgrey")
#' }

gradient <- function(age = c(2,1.4,1,0.7,0.5), # fish size
 ni  = 5, # fish per age
 nij = 1, # fish density
 a   = 0, # regression coefficients
 b   = 1,
 icon = cod*8,
 colo  = c("blue","lightblue"),
 plotx  = c(-400-ni*200,400),
 ploty  = c(a-200,b*ni*200+200),
 seed = 12345,
 m <- length(age)
 if(colo[1]=="n"|colo[1]=="no"|colo[1]=="none") co <- FALSE
 else {co <- TRUE; color  = shape::shadepalette(m,colo[1],colo[2])}
 for (i in 1:m){ for (j in 1:nij) {
  x <- 0-  200*(1:ni)+rnorm(ni,0,200) # coordinates of nose tips
  y <- a+b*200*(1:ni)+rnorm(ni,0,100) # along a line
  shoal <- cbind(as.vector(outer(age[i]*icon[,1],x,"+")),
  if(co) polygon(shoal ,col=colo[i])
 } }

#' Gradient
#' @param age vector of sizes
#' @param ni number of symbols per size
#' @param near factor applied to distance between symbols
#' @param a intercept
#' @param b slope
#' @param icon symbol as a matrix
#' @param colo vector of colors at the end of the color gradient spanning length(age) colors, default is c("darkgreen","green")
#' @param seed for random number generator
#' @param ... input to function lines()
#' @return plot of a gradient
#' @import base
#' @import stats
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Gradient()
#' Gradient(ni=19,near=0.5)
#' Gradient(c(1.41,1.3,1.21,1.13,1.06,1),29,icon=rbind(bush,fir-2))
#' Gradient(a=100,b=-0.6,icon=cod)
#' Gradient(exp((10:1)/5-4),near=0.5,icon=8*cod,colo = c("lightblue","cyan"))
#' Gradient(c(1.41,1.3,1.21,1.13,1.06,1),near=0.5,icon=wheat,colo = c("lightgreen","gold"),col="brown")
#' Gradient(icon=worm,colo = c("lightgray","cyan"),col="grey")
#' Gradient(icon=bike,colo="no",col="blue",lwd=3)
#' }
Gradient <- function(age = c(2,1.4,1,0.7,0.5), # fir sizes
 ni = 9, # firs per age
 near = 1,# closeness of age-groups
 a = 0, b = 1, # Regressionskoeffizienten
 icon = fir,
 colo = c("darkgreen","green"),
 seed = 12345,
 m <- length(age)
 x <- vector(); y <- vector(); year <- vector()
 for (i in m:1){
  year <- rbind(year,rep(i,ni))
  x <- rbind(x,20*i*near+runif(ni,0,50)) # coordinates of twig tips
  y <- rbind(y,a+b*20*i*near+runif(ni,0,50)) # along (a+bx)-line
 oy   <- order(y,decreasing=TRUE)
 x    <-    x[oy]
 year <- year [oy]
 y    <- sort(y,decreasing=TRUE)
  year <- z[3]
  wood <- cbind(icon[,1]*age[year]+z[1],
vonthein/illustrator documentation built on Nov. 7, 2019, 4:32 p.m.