
Defines functions populationRangesRO .clusterCalls .pruneMultiAssign .getMergeIndex .getROHits populationRanges

# author: Ludwig Geistlinger, Herve Pages, Martin Morgan
# date: 2017-08-12 22:31:59
# descr: functionality for summarizing indivdual calls
#   across the population under study
#   e.g. defining CNV regions from CNV calls

# CNVRuler procedure that trims region margins based on regional density
populationRanges <- function(grl, density=0.1)
    gr <- unlist(grl)
    cover <- reduce(gr)
    disjoint <- disjoin(gr)

    dj_covered_hits <- subjectHits(findOverlaps(disjoint, cover))
    cover_support <- countOverlaps(cover, gr)[dj_covered_hits]
    ppn <- countOverlaps(disjoint, gr) / cover_support
    reduce(disjoint[ppn >= density])

# Reciprocal overlap procedure

# reciprocal overlap (RO) approach (e.g. Conrad et al, Nature, 2010)
# reciprocal overlap of 0.51 between two CNV calls A and B:
# requires that B overlap at least 51% of A, 
#   *and* that A also overlaps at least 51% of B

# Approach:
# At the top level of the hierarchy, all contiguous bases overlapping at least 
# 1bp of a CNV call are merged into a “CNV region” (CNVR). 
# Within each CNVR we further define CNVs with the following algorithm:
# 1.   Calculate reciprocal overlap (RO) between all remaining calls.
# 2.   Identify pair of calls with greatest RO. If RO > threshold, merge and 
#       create a new CNV. If not, exit.
# 3.    Continue adding unclustered calls to the CNV, in order of best overlap. 
#       In order to add a call, the new call must have > threshold to all calls 
#       within CNV to be added. When no additional calls may be added, move to 
#       next step.
# 4.   If calls remain, return to 1. Otherwise exit.
# A typical reciprocal overlap threshold value is 0.5 for constructing CNVs

# given a set individual calls, returns overlaps (hits) between them 
# that satisfy the RO threshold
.getROHits <- function(calls, ro.thresh=0.5)
    # calculate pairwise ro
    hits <- findOverlaps(calls, drop.self=TRUE, drop.redundant=TRUE)
    x <- calls[queryHits(hits)]
    y <- calls[subjectHits(hits)]
    pint <- pintersect(x, y)
    rovlp1 <- width(pint) / width(x)
    rovlp2 <- width(pint) / width(y)

    # keep only hits with ro > threshold
    ind <- rovlp1 > ro.thresh & rovlp2 > ro.thresh
    hits <- hits[ind]

    # exit here if not 2 or more hits
    if(length(hits) < 2) return(hits)       

    rovlp1 <- rovlp1[ind]
    rovlp2 <- rovlp2[ind]
    # order hits by RO 
    pmins <- pmin(rovlp1, rovlp2)
    ind <- order(pmins, decreasing=TRUE)
    qh <- queryHits(hits)
    sh <- subjectHits(hits)       
    hits <- Hits(qh[ind], sh[ind], queryLength(hits), subjectLength(hits))
    mcols(hits)$RO1 <- rovlp1[ind]
    mcols(hits)$RO2 <- rovlp2[ind]


# decides whether a given hit can be merged to an already existing cluster
# mergeability requires that all cluster members satisfy the pairwise RO 
# threshold
.getMergeIndex <- function(hit, cluster, hits)
    # (1) check whether query / subject of hit is part of cluster
    curr.qh <- queryHits(hit)
    curr.sh <- subjectHits(hit)
    prev.qh <- queryHits(cluster)
    prev.sh <- subjectHits(cluster)
    prev.members <- union(prev.qh, prev.sh)
    is.part <- c(curr.qh, curr.sh) %in% prev.members

    # (2) can it be merged?    
    mergeIndex <- NULL

    # (2a) query *and* subject of hit are part of cluster
    if(all(is.part)) mergeIndex <- 1
    # (2b) query *or* subject of hit are part of cluster
    else if(any(is.part))
        # check whether the call which is not part of the cluster
        # has sufficient RO with all others in the cluster 
        npart <- c(curr.qh, curr.sh)[!is.part]
        req.hits <- Hits(   rep(npart, length(prev.members)), 
        is.gr <- queryHits(req.hits) > subjectHits(req.hits) 
        req.hits[is.gr] <- t(req.hits[is.gr])
        mergeIndex <- match(req.hits, hits)        
        if(any(is.na(mergeIndex))) mergeIndex <- NULL


# as the outlined procedure can assign a call to multiple clusters 
# (in the most basic case a call A that has sufficient RO with a call B and 
# a call C, but B and C do not have sufficient RO), this allows to optionally 
# strip away such multi-assignments
.pruneMultiAssign <- function(clusters)
    cid <- seq_along(clusters)
    times <- sapply(clusters, length)
    cid <- rep(cid, times)
    ind <- unlist(clusters)
    ndup <- !duplicated(ind)
    ind <- ind[ndup]
    cid <- cid[ndup]
    pruned.clusters <- split(ind, cid)

# the clustering itself then goes sequentially through the identified RO hits, 
# touching each hit once, and checks whether this hit could be merged to 
# already existing clusters
.clusterCalls <- function(calls, ro.thresh=0.5, multi.assign=FALSE)
    hits <- .getROHits(calls, ro.thresh)        
    # exit here if not 2 or more hits
    if(length(hits) < 2) return(hits)       
    # worst case: there as many clusters as hits
    cid <- seq_along(hits)
    # touch each hit once and check whether ... 
    # ... it could be merged to a previous cluster
    for(i in 2:length(hits))
        # has this hit already been merged?
        if(cid[i] != i) next 
        curr.hit <- hits[i]
        # check each previous cluster
        for(j in seq_len(i-1))
            # has this hit already been merged?
            if(cid[j] != j) next 
            # if not, check it
            prev.cluster <- hits[cid == j]
            mergeIndex <- .getMergeIndex(curr.hit, prev.cluster, hits)
                if(length(mergeIndex) == 1) cid[i] <- j
                else cid[mergeIndex] <- j
    # compile hit clusters 
    hit.clusters <- unname(split(hits, cid))

    # extract call clusters
    call.clusters <- lapply(hit.clusters, 
        function(h) union(queryHits(h), subjectHits(h)))
    # can calls be assigned to more than one cluster?
    if(!multi.assign) call.clusters <- .pruneMultiAssign(call.clusters)

# this clustering procedure is then invoked on each initial cluster, which are, 
# according to the procedure outlined by Conrad et al., constructed by merging 
# all calls with >= 1 bp overlap.
populationRangesRO <- function(grl, ro.thresh=0.5, multi.assign=FALSE)
    gr <- unlist(grl)

    # build initial clusters
    init.clusters <- reduce(gr)
    message(paste("TODO:", length(init.clusters)))

    # cluster within each initial cluster
    cl.per.iclust <- sapply(init.clusters, 
            message(which(init.clusters == ic))
            # get calls of cluster
            ccalls <- subsetByOverlaps(gr, ic)
            clusters <- .clusterCalls(ccalls, ro.thresh, multi.assign)
            clusters <- range(extractList(ccalls, clusters))
            clusters <- sort(unlist(clusters))  
    ro.ranges <- unname(unlist(GRangesList(cl.per.iclust)))
waldronlab/subtypeHeterogeneity documentation built on Oct. 28, 2020, 9:14 a.m.