
Defines functions humanReadable

Documented in humanReadable

humanReadable <- function(x, units="auto", standard=c("IEC", "SI", "Unix"),
                          digits=1, width=NULL, sep=" ",
                          justify = c("right", "left"))
  ## Setup
  suffix.SI   <- c("B",  "kB",  "MB",  "GB",  "TB",  "PB",  "EB",  "ZB",  "YB")
  suffix.IEC  <- c("B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB")
  suffix.Unix <- c("B" ,  "K",   "M",   "G",   "T",   "P",   "E",   "Z",   "Y")

  standard <- match.arg(standard)
  if(length(justify) == 1)
    justify <- c(justify, justify)

  ## Functions
  .applyHuman <- function(x, base, suffix, digits, width, sep)
    ## Which suffix should we use?
    n <- length(suffix)
    i <- pmax(pmin(floor(log(x, base)), n-1),0)
      i <- 0
    x <- x / base^i
    ## Formatting
      ## the same formatting for all
      x <- format(round(x=x, digits=digits), nsmall=digits)
      ## similar to ls, du, and df
      lenX <- nchar(x)
      if(lenX > width) {
        digits <- pmax(width - nchar(round(x)) - 1, 0)
      if(i == 0) digits <- 0
      x <- round(x, digits=digits)
    c(x, suffix[i+1])

  ## Work
  if(any(x < 0)) stop("'x' must be positive")
  if(standard == "SI")
    suffix <- suffix.SI
    base <- 10^3
  else if (standard=="IEC")
    suffix <- suffix.IEC
    base <- 2^10
  else  # (standard=="Unix)
    suffix <- suffix.Unix
    base <- 2^10

  if(!missing(units) && units=="bytes")
    retval <- rbind(x, "bytes")
  else if(!missing(units) && units!="auto")
    units <- suffix[match(toupper(units), toupper(suffix))]
    power <- match(units, suffix) -1
    X <- x / (base^power)
    X <- format.default(x=X, digits=digits, nsmall=digits)
    retval <- rbind(X, rep(units, length(X)))
    retval <- sapply(X=x, FUN=".applyHuman", base=base, suffix=suffix,
                     digits=digits, width=width, sep=sep)

  if(all(justify == "none"))
    paste(trim(retval[1,]), trim(retval[2,]), sep=sep)
    paste(format(trim(retval[1,]), justify=justify[1]),
          format(trim(retval[2,]), justify=justify[2]), sep=sep)
warnes/gdata documentation built on Dec. 5, 2023, 12:20 a.m.