
Defines functions Queue Queue2

Documented in Queue Queue2

#' A queue
#' A Queue object is backed by a pairlist and calls out to compiled C code to
#' manipulate the pairlist.
#' @export
Queue <- function() {
  self <- environment()

  # A pairlist that represents the queue
  q <- NULL
  # A pairlist that points to last element in q. This is the most recent item
  # added. This eliminates the need to traverse pairlist q each time we want
  # to add an item.
  last <- NULL

  add <- function(..., .list = NULL) {
    if (is.null(q)) {
      q <<- as.pairlist(c(list(...), .list))
      last <<- .Call(C_last, q)

    } else {
      last <<- .Call(C_append_list, last, list(...))
      last <<- .Call(C_append_list, last, .list)

  remove <- function() {
    val <- .Call(C_car, q)
    q <<- .Call(C_cdr, q)

  peek <- function() .Call(C_car, q)

  empty <- function() is.null(q)

  reset <- function() {
    q <<- NULL
    last <<- NULL

  size <- function() length(q)

  # Return the entire queue as a list, where the first item is the next to be
  # removed (and oldest in the queue).
  as_list <- function() as.list(q)


#' A queue implemented entirely in R
#' A Queue2 object is backed by a list, which is used in a circular manner. All
#' manipulation is done in R, without calling out to any compiled code. The
#' backing list will grow or shrink as the queue changes in size.
#' @param init Initial size of the list that backs the queue. This is also used
#'   as the minimum size of the list; it will not shrink any smaller.
#' @export
Queue2 <- function(init = 20) {
  self <- environment()

  q <- vector("list", init)
  head <- 0L  # Index of most recently added item
  tail <- 0L  # Index of oldest item (next to be removed)

  # TODO: implement with ... and .list arguments
  add <- function(value) {
    len <- length(q)
    new_head <- head + 1L
    if (new_head > len)
      new_head <- new_head - len

    if (new_head <= tail) {
      # low_tail can be negative values up to zero, and is always less than new_head.
      low_tail <- tail - len
    } else {
      # In this case, low_tail can be from 1 up to and including head
      low_tail <- tail

    # If head meets tail, need to grow.
    if (new_head - low_tail >= len) {

      # Set head and tail and add the item
      tail <<- 1L
      head <<- new_head - low_tail + 1L
      q[head] <<- list(value)

    # Didn't need to grow, but we wrapped around the list
    if (new_head > len)
      new_head <- new_head - len

    # If tail was at zero, we had an empty queue, and need to set tail to 1
    if (tail == 0L)
      tail <<- 1L

    head <<- new_head
    q[head] <<- list(value)

  .resize <- function(new_size) {
    n <- size()
    if (new_size < n)
      stop("Can't shrink smaller than number of items (", size(), ").")
    if (new_size <= 0)
      stop("Can't shrink smaller than one.")

    if (head == 0L) {
      q <<- vector("list", new_size)

    len <- length(q)

    q <<- as_list(new_size)

    # Set head and tail and add the item
    tail <<- 1L
    head <<- n

  remove <- function() {
    if (tail == 0L)

    len <- length(q)
    value <- q[[tail]]
    q[tail] <<- list(NULL)
    if (tail == head) {
      # We've emptied the queue
      tail <<- head <<- 0L
    } else {
      tail <<- tail + 1L

      # Wrapped around
      if (tail > len)
        tail <<- tail - len

    # Shrink list if < 1/4 of the list is used, down to a minimum size of `init`
    if (len > init && size() < len/4) {
      .resize(max(init, ceiling(len/4)))


  peek <- function() {
    if (tail == 0L)


  empty <- function() head == 0L

  reset <- function() {
    q <<- vector("list", init)
    head <<- 0L
    tail <<- 0L

  size <- function() {
    if (head == 0L)

    n <- head - tail + 1L
    if (n < 1L)
      n <- n + length(q)


  # Return the entire queue as a list, where the first item is the next to be
  # removed (and oldest in the queue).
  # `.size` is the desired size of the output list. This is only for internal use.
  as_list <- function(.size = NULL) {
    if (head == 0L)

    if (is.null(.size)) {
      .size <- size()
    } else if (.size < size()) {
      stop("Can't return list smaller than number of items.")

    len <- length(q)

    # low_tail can be negative values up to zero, and is always less than head.
    low_tail <- tail
    if (head < tail)
      low_tail <- tail - len

    # Get indices and transfer over old
    new_q <- vector("list", .size)
    old_idx <- (seq(low_tail, head) - 1L) %% len + 1L
    new_q[seq_len(length(old_idx))] <- q[old_idx]


wch/qstack documentation built on May 4, 2019, 2:02 a.m.