#' Fetch NBP rates against indicated foreign currencies
#' Fetch FX rates against given foreign currencies from NBP API
#' This function fetches the FX rates against Polish zloty for the currencies
#' indicated in the input character vector cTickers. The data is fetched for the
#' time scope defined by the parameters dateStartDate and dateEndDate
#' @param cTickers - character vector of IDs of the
#' @param dateStartDate - Date class scalar, indicates the date of the beginning
#' of the interval for which the data is to be fetched. It is included in the
#' final interval.
#' @param dateEndDate - Date class scalar, indicates the date of the end
#' of the interval for which the data is to be fetched. It is included in the final interval.
#' @return list of data.tables; names of the data.tables are standard ISO FX
#' pairs names with PLN featuring as the quote currency and the currencies indicated
#' in cTickers as base currencies; e.g. the results for query of USD rates
#' will be available under the output list's key "USDPLN".
#' @export
lFetchDailyHistoricalFxRates <- function(cTickers, dateStartDate, dateEndDate) {
# 1. input validation --------------------------------------------------------
# 1.1. cTickers
if (!is.character(cTickers)) {
stop("Error inside lFetchDailyHistoricalFxRates: the vector ",
"cTickers is not of character type! ")
cTickers <- toupper(x = cTickers)
if (!all(cTickers %in% cNbpHandledTickers)) {
cCorrectTickers <- cTickers[cTickers %in% cNbpHandledTickers]
if (length(x = cCorrectTickers) == 0L) {
stop("ERROR: inside lFetchDailyHistoricalFxRates: no correct tickers ",
"have been passed to the function ")
} else {
warning("WARNING: inside lFetchDailyHistoricalFxRates: some of the tickers ",
"passed in the cTickers input vector are invalid! ",
"discarding the following tickers: ",
paste0(setdiff(x = cTickers, y = cCorrectTickers), collapse = ", "),
"!!! ", immediate. = TRUE)
cTickers <- cCorrectTickers
# 1.2. dateStartDate
if (!lubridate::is.Date(x = dateStartDate) | length(x = dateStartDate)!= 1) {
stop("Error inside lFetchDailyHistoricalFxRates: the dateStartDate ",
"is not a scalar Date class object! ")
# 1.3. dateEndDate
if (!lubridate::is.Date(x = dateEndDate) | length(x = dateEndDate) != 1) {
stop("Error inside lFetchDailyHistoricalFxRates: the dateEndDate ",
"is not a scalar Date class object! ")
# 1.4. compare dateStartDate and dateEndDate
if (dateStartDate > dateEndDate) {
stop("Error inside lFetchDailyHistoricalFxRates: the dateEndDate ",
"is not a scalar Date class object! ")
# 2. iterate over the tickers and fetch data for each one --------------------
lDataOut <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(x = cTickers))
names(lDataOut) <- paste0(cTickers, "PLN")
for (cIterTicker in cTickers) {
# 2.1. fetch the data
dtIterData <- dtFetchDataNbpApiSingleCurrency(cTicker = cIterTicker,
dateStartDate = dateStartDate,
dateEndDate = dateEndDate)
# 2.2. process the fetched data and store
lDataOut[[paste0(cIterTicker, "PLN")]] <- dtIterData
dtFetchDataNbpApiSingleCurrency <- function(cTicker, dateStartDate, dateEndDate) {
# 1. split the time range into 90D periods -----------------------------------
iSingleQueryWindowSize <- 90
dateDaysSeq <- seq(dateStartDate, dateEndDate, 1L)
cDaysSeq <- format(x = dateDaysSeq, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
iDaysPointers <- seq(0, length(x = cDaysSeq), iSingleQueryWindowSize) + 1
# 2. prepare list to store the data in ---------------------------------------
lData <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(iDaysPointers))
# 3. iterate over the sub-intervals, fetching the data -----------------------
cCoreOfUrl <- "http://api.nbp.pl/api/exchangerates/rates/a"
for (k in 1:length(x = iDaysPointers)) {
iIterPointer <- iDaysPointers[[k]]
# 3.1. prepare first and last date
cIterStartDate <- cDaysSeq[[iIterPointer]]
if (k != length(iDaysPointers)) {
cIterEndDate <- cDaysSeq[[iIterPointer + (iSingleQueryWindowSize - 1)]]
} else {
cIterEndDate <- cDaysSeq[[length(x = cDaysSeq)]]
# 3.2. concatenate core url with ticker and time range
cIterUrl <- paste0(cCoreOfUrl, "/", tolower(x = cTicker),
"/", cIterStartDate, "/", cIterEndDate, "/?format=json")
# 3.3. run the query
message("Querying URL: ", cIterUrl)
cIterRes <- try(expr = { httr::GET(url = cIterUrl) }, silent = TRUE)
# 3.4. check if returned error, or perhaps no data issue
if (methods::is(object = cIterRes, class2 = "try-error")) {
stop("Failed to query: ", cIterUrl)
# 3.5. output is error has not occurred
cIterTextContent <- httr::content(x = cIterRes, "text")
# 3.6. check for known errors
if (cIterTextContent == "404 NotFound - Bark danych / No data available") {
warning("The query: ", cIterUrl, " returned error: ",
"'404 NotFound - Brak danych / No data available'",
"; saving NULL...", immediate. = TRUE)
lData[k] <- list(NULL)
# 3.7. if output OK, unpack
cIterParsedJson <- rjson::fromJSON(cIterTextContent)
lJsonRates <- cIterParsedJson[["rates"]]
# 3.8. extract FX rates
lExtractedRates <- lapply(X = lJsonRates, FUN = function(x) {
return(data.table::data.table("quote_date" = x[["effectiveDate"]],
"FX_rate" = x[["mid"]])) })
# 3.9. concatenate the rows and save the produced data
dtIterData <- dplyr::bind_rows(lExtractedRates) %>% data.table::as.data.table()
lData[[k]] <- dtIterData
# 4. concatenate the data.tables ---------------------------------------------
# 4.1. extract NULL members of lData
bNullsInData <- sapply(X = lData, FUN = function(x) { is.null(x) })
# 4.2. if all nulls, return list(NULL)
if (all(bNullsInData)) {
warning("WARNING: data fetch for the currency ", cTicker, " for the time interval ",
dateStartDate, " to ", dateEndDate, " has yileded no data; ",
"returning list(NULL)!",
immediate. = TRUE)
# 4.3. if not all NULLs, return the availble data
if (!all(bNullsInData)) {
# 4.3.1. keep non-NULLs
lData <- lData[!bNullsInData]
# 4.3.2. concatenate the table that have any data
dtDataOut <- dplyr::bind_rows(lData) %>% data.table::as.data.table()
# 4.3.3. format a bit and return
data.table::setkey(x = dtDataOut, "quote_date")
dtDataOut[["quote_date"]] <- as.Date(x = dtDataOut[["quote_date"]], format = "%Y-%m-%d")
data.table::setnames(x = dtDataOut, old = "FX_rate", new = paste0("NBP_", cTicker, "PLN"))
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