
Defines functions existsBackgroundVariables

Documented in existsBackgroundVariables

existsBackgroundVariables <- function(dat, variable, warnIfMissing = FALSE, stopIfMissingOnVars = NULL )  {
           checkmate::assert_vector(variable, null.ok = TRUE, unique=TRUE)
           checkmate::assert_logical(warnIfMissing, len = 1)
           checkmate::assert_character(stopIfMissingOnVars, null.ok = TRUE)
           if(is.null(variable))  {return(NULL)}
           if(any(is.na(variable))) {stop("'variable' must not contain missing values (i.e., NA values).")}
           if(is.factor(variable))    {
	             v  <- as.character(variable)
      				 rN <- removeNumeric(v)
      				 if(all (nchar(rN) == 0 ) ) { variable <- as.numeric(v) } else { variable <- as.character(variable)}
           if(is.character(variable))  {
            	 misVariable <- setdiff(variable, colnames(dat))
               if(length(misVariable)>0) {
                  stop(paste0("Can't find ",length(misVariable)," variable(s) in dataset: '", paste( misVariable,collapse="', '"), "'"))
               varColumn <- match(variable, colnames(dat))
           if(is.numeric(variable))   {
               if ( !all(round(variable) == variable)) {stop("If provided as column number, variable '",variable,"' must be integer.")}
               if(ncol(dat) < max(variable) ) {stop("Designated column number exceeds number of columns in dataset.")}
               varColumn <- variable
           if (warnIfMissing) { checkMis(dat, varColumn, stopIfMissingOnVars=stopIfMissingOnVars) }
           return(colnames(dat)[varColumn]) }

checkMis  <- function (dat, varColumn, stopIfMissingOnVars) {
             lapply(varColumn, FUN = function ( col ) {
                 isna <- length(which(is.na(dat[,col])))
                 if (isna>0) {
                     if ( colnames(dat)[col] %in% stopIfMissingOnVars) {
                        stop("Found ",isna," missing values in variable '",colnames(dat)[col],"'.")
                     } else {
                        warning("Found ",isna," missing values in variable '",colnames(dat)[col],"'.")
weirichs/eatTools documentation built on Oct. 12, 2024, 11:33 a.m.