
Defines functions CCT

Documented in CCT

#Code adpated from the STAR package https://github.com/xihaoli/STAAR/blob/dc4f7e509f4fa2fb8594de48662bbd06a163108c/R/CCT.R wtih a modifitcaiton: when indiviudal p-value = 1, use minimum p-value 
#' An analytical p-value combination method using the Cauchy distribution
#' The \code{CCT} function takes in a numeric vector of p-values, a numeric
#' vector of non-negative weights, and return the aggregated p-value using Cauchy method.
#' @param pvals a numeric vector of p-values, where each of the element is
#' between 0 to 1, to be combined.
#' @param weights a numeric vector of non-negative weights. If \code{NULL}, the
#' equal weights are assumed.
#' @return the aggregated p-value combining p-values from the vector \code{pvals}.
#' @examples pvalues <- c(2e-02,4e-04,0.2,0.1,0.8)
#' @examples CCT(pvals=pvalues)
#' @references Liu, Y., & Xie, J. (2020). Cauchy combination test: a powerful test
#' with analytic p-value calculation under arbitrary dependency structures.
#' \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association 115}(529), 393-402.
#' (\href{https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01621459.2018.1554485}{pub})
#' @export

CCT <- function(pvals, weights=NULL){
  #### check if there is NA
  if(sum(is.na(pvals)) > 0){
    stop("Cannot have NAs in the p-values!")

  #### check if all p-values are between 0 and 1
  if((sum(pvals<0) + sum(pvals>1)) > 0){
    stop("All p-values must be between 0 and 1!")

  #### check if there are p-values that are either exactly 0 or 1.
  is.zero <- (sum(pvals==0)>=1)
  is.one <- (sum(pvals==1)>=1)
  #if(is.zero && is.one){
  #  stop("Cannot have both 0 and 1 p-values!")
    warning("There are p-values that are exactly 1!")

  #### check the validity of weights (default: equal weights) and standardize them.
    weights <- rep(1/length(pvals),length(pvals))
  }else if(length(weights)!=length(pvals)){
    stop("The length of weights should be the same as that of the p-values!")
  }else if(sum(weights < 0) > 0){
    stop("All the weights must be positive!")
    weights <- weights/sum(weights)

  #### check if there are very small non-zero p-values
  is.small <- (pvals < 1e-16)
  if (sum(is.small) == 0){
    cct.stat <- sum(weights*tan((0.5-pvals)*pi))
    cct.stat <- sum((weights[is.small]/pvals[is.small])/pi)
    cct.stat <- cct.stat + sum(weights[!is.small]*tan((0.5-pvals[!is.small])*pi))

  #### check if the test statistic is very large.
  if(cct.stat > 1e+15){
    pval <- (1/cct.stat)/pi
    pval <- 1-pcauchy(cct.stat)
weizhouUMICH/SAIGE documentation built on May 6, 2022, 12:34 a.m.