
Defines functions mergeAndFillCols

Documented in mergeAndFillCols

mergeAndFillCols <- function(data_dt, toMerge_v, outName_v = 'merged', search_lsv = NULL, replace_lsv = NULL, check_v = T) {
  #' Merge and Fill Columns
  #' @description Takes >= 2 columns with overlapping, incomplete data and merges them into 1 column.
  #' @param data_dt data.table with values
  #' @param toMerge_v vector of column names that should be merged
  #' @param outName_v name of the resulting merged column. Default is 'merged'.
  #' @param search_lsv list of values to search for within the columns. This is done before merge. 
  #' One example is the 'age' columns that have KJ in them. Can search for those and replace with NA to take the value in the other column.
  #' @param replace_lsv list of values to replace. Each element must match with search_lsv
  #' @param check_v logical. TRUE (default) check new column accuracy by searching for '_'; FALSE - don't check
  #' @export
  ## Search and replace
  if (!is.null(search_lsv)) {
    data_dt[, (toMerge_v) := lapply(.SD, function(x) {
      sapply(1:length(search_lsv), function(y) {
        search_v <- search_lsv[[y]]; replace_v <- replace_lsv[[y]]
        for (a in 1:length(search_v)) x <- gsub(as.character(search_v[a]), as.character(replace_v[a]), x)
    })}), .SDcols = toMerge_v]
  } # fi
  ## Change "NA" to NA - don't think this is needed either
  #for (c_v in toMerge_v) data_dt[get(c_v) == "NA", (c_v) := NA]
  ## Get classes - I don't think this is helpful
  # class_v <- unlist(sapply(toMerge_v, function(x) class(data_dt[[x]])))
  # if (length(unique(unlist(class_v))) > 1) warning("Different classes. Trying first.")
  # class_v <- class_v[[1]]

  ## Paste together
  data_dt[, newCol := do.call(paste, c(.SD, sep = "_")), .SDcols = toMerge_v]
  ## Remove NAs
  data_dt$newCol <- gsub("_NA|NA_", "", data_dt$newCol)
  ## Remove original columns
  data_dt[, (toMerge_v) := NULL]
  ## If both merged columns had same value, need to just get the one
  data_dt$newCol <- sapply(data_dt$newCol, function(x) {
    y <- unique(strsplit(x, split = "_")[[1]])
    yy <- paste(y, collapse = "_")
  ## Check new columns
  if (check_v) {
    splitNewCol_v <- lapply(data_dt$newCol, function(x) strsplit(x, split = "_")[[1]])
    tooLong_v <- which(lapply(splitNewCol_v, length) > 1)
    if (length(tooLong_v) > 0) {
      warning(sprintf("At least one value in merged column may be incorrectly substituted.\n '_' was found, but could be part of true value.\nCheck these indices in %s:\n%s\n", outName_v, paste(tooLong_v, collapse = ", ")))
  ## Rename new column
  colnames(data_dt)[colnames(data_dt) == "newCol"] <- outName_v
  ## Return
} # mergeAndFillCols
weshorton/wrh.rUtils documentation built on Oct. 28, 2024, 7:24 a.m.