myOpenXWriteWkbk <- function(data_ls, file_v, append_v = T, overwrite_v = T) {
#' Write list to excel workbook
#' @description Write a named list to a workbook using openxlsx. Sheet names are list names.
#' @param data_ls list of tables to write
#' @param file_v path to output file.
#' @param append_v logical ind
#' @param overwrite_v logical. Only matters if file_v already exists. If true, will append to existing workbook.
#' If false, will overwrite existing workbook.
#' @details
#' If file_v doesn't exist, then append_v and overwrite_v don't matter
#' If file_v does exist, there are two options:
#' 1. Overwrite the existing file completely (requires append_v = F and overwrite_v = T)
#' 1. Only append new sheets (requires append_v = T and overwrite_v = F)
#' 1. Append new sheets and also overwrite existing sheets (requires append_v = T and overwrite_v = T) (Think this is the same as the firt one...)
#' @return writes to file
#' @export
### Turn to list if not
if (!is.logical(all.equal(class(data_ls), "list"))) {
data_ls <- list(data_ls)
### Make names if not present
if (is.null(names(data_ls))) {
names(data_ls) <- paste0("Sheet ", 1:length(data_ls))
cat(sprintf("No sheet names given. Will be named Sheet 1, Sheet 2, etc."))
} # fi is.null
### Check if file exists
fileExists_v <- file.exists(file_v)
### Read in existing data and overwrite or not
if (fileExists_v) {
### Read in existing data
origData_lsdt <- wrh.rUtils::readAllExcel(file_v)
### Get sheets to append
if (append_v) newSheets_v <- setdiff(names(data_ls), names(origData_lsdt))
### Create output
if (append_v & overwrite_v) {
origData_lsdt <- data_ls
} else if (append_v & !overwrite_v) {
origData_lsdt <- c(origData_lsdt, data_ls[newSheets_v])
} else if (!append_v & overwrite_v) {
origData_lsdt <- data_ls
} else {
stop("File exists, but neither append nor overwrite were selected.\n")
} else {
origData_lsdt <- data_ls
} # fi fileExists_v
### Check names of the added data
emptyNames_v <- which(names(origData_lsdt) == "")
if (length(emptyNames_v) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(emptyNames_v)) {
cat(sprintf("Sheet %s missing a name. Naming: NoName%s", emptyNames_v[i], i))
names(origData_lsdt)[emptyNames_v[i]] <- paste0("NoName", i)
} # for i
} # fi length > 0
### Check duplicate names - shouldn't be needed now.
dupNames_dt <-[N>1]
if (dupNames_dt[,.N] > 0) {
for (i in 1:nrow(dupNames_dt)) {
whichNames_v <- which(names(origData_lsdt) == dupNames_dt[i,V1])[-1] # get indices of the duplicates
newNames_v <- names(origData_lsdt)[whichNames_v] # extract them
newNames_v <- sapply(1:length(newNames_v), function(x) paste0(newNames_v[x], LETTERS[x+1])) # Modify them
names(origData_lsdt)[whichNames_v] <- newNames_v # Add back
} # for i
} # fi dupNames_v
### Check long names
for (i in 1:length(origData_lsdt)) {
currName_v <- names(origData_lsdt)[i]
if (nchar(currName_v) > 31) {
newName_v <- paste(splitChar(currName_v)[1:31], collapse = "")
names(origData_lsdt)[i] <- newName_v
warning(sprintf("Worksheet name %s is too long. Shortened to: %s\n",
currName_v, newName_v))
} # fi
} # for i
### Create workbook
wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
### Load sheets
invisible(lapply(seq_along(origData_lsdt), function(x) {
openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb = wb, sheetName = names(origData_lsdt)[x])
openxlsx::writeData(wb = wb, sheet = x, x = origData_lsdt[[x]])
### Save
openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb = wb, file = file_v, overwrite = T)
} # myOpenXWriteWkbk
### Testing Data - add this to example?
### Step 1 - make a list and run it through
# data_ls <- list("A" = matrix(1:10), "B" = matrix(1:20), "C" = matrix(2:21))
# file_v <- "~/Desktop/test.xlsx"
### Append = F and overwrite = T
# data_ls <- list("A" = matrix(1:10), "B" = matrix(1:20), "C" = matrix(2:21), "D" = matrix(1:10))
# append_v <- F
# overwrite_v <- T
### Append = T and overwrite = F (adding D only, NOT updating A, even though it's different)
# data_ls <- list("A" = matrix(1:50), "B" = matrix(1:20), "C" = matrix(2:21), "D" = matrix(1:10))
# append_v <- T
# overwrite_v <- F
### Append = T and overwrite = T (adding D and updating A)
# data_ls <- list("A" = matrix(1:50), "B" = matrix(1:20), "C" = matrix(2:21), "D" = matrix(1:10))
# append_v <- T
# overwrite_v <- T
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