Man pages for whoppitt/NBDA
A Package For Implementing Network-Based Diffusion Analysis

baselineSupportGet the support for each baseline rate function from a...
combineOadaAICtablesCombine two or more oadaAICtables into a single oadaAICtable
combineTadaAICtablesCombine two or more tadaAICtables into a single tadaAICtable
constrainedNBDAdataPut parameter constraints on an nbdaData object or dTADAData...
dTADADataCreate a dTADAdata object
filteredNBDAdataFilter out individuals from an nbdaData object or dTADAData...
modelAverageEstimatesGet the model averaged estimate for each variable from an...
multiModelLowerLimitsTest the sensitivity of the lower limit of an s parameter to...
multiModelLowerLimits_multicoreTest the sensitivity of the lower limit of an s parameter to...
multiModelPropSTObtain estimates of the proportion of events that occured by...
nbdaDataCreate an nbdaData object
nbdaPropSolveBySTEstimate the proportion of events that occured by social...
nbdaPropSolveByST.byeventEstimate the probability that each event occured by social...
networksSupportGet the support for each network combination from an...
oadaAICtableFit a set of OADA models for multi-model inference
oadaFitFit an order of acquisition diffusion analysis (OADA) model
plotConnectionsPlot the connections to informed individuals against event...
plotProfLikPlot profile likelihood for a parameter in an NBDA
plotProfLikDiffTrueTiesPlot profile likelihood for the difference between two...
plotProfLikTrueTiesPlot profile likelihood for a parameter in an OADA with...
profLikCIFind confidence intervals for parameters in an NBDA
profLikCIDiffTrueTiesFind confidence intervals for the difference between two...
profLikCITrueTiesFind confidence intervals for a parameter in an OADA with...
tadaAICtableFit a set of TADA models for multi-model inference
tadaFitFit a time of acquisition diffusion analysis (TADA) model
typeByNetworksSupportGet the support for each network x type combination from an...
typeSupportGet the support for each type of model from an oadaAICtable...
unconditionalStdErrGet the unconditional standard error for each variable from...
variableSupportGet the support for each variable from an oadaAICtable or...
whoppitt/NBDA documentation built on April 25, 2021, 7:55 a.m.