oadaFit: Fit an order of acquisition diffusion analysis (OADA) model

Description Usage Arguments Details Value oadaFit components Additional oadaFit_coxme components See Also

View source: R/oadaFit.R


oadaFit takes diffusion data in the form of an nbdaData object (nbdaData) or a list of nbdaData objects (for multiple diffusions) and fits an order of acquisition diffusion analysis (OADA) model.


oadaFit(nbdadata, type = "social", startValue = NULL, lower = NULL,
  upper = NULL, interval = c(0, 999), method = "nlminb",
  gradient = T, iterations = 150, standardErrors = "Numeric",
  formula = NULL, coxmeFit = NULL, SLdom = F)



an object of class nbdaData (nbdaData) to fit a model to a single diffusion or a list of nbdaData objects to fit a model to multiple diffusions.


a string specifying either "social" or "asocial" model. Usually asocial models have all s parameters constrained =0 and all ILVs affecting only the rate of social learning are removed (i.e. those in the int_ilv slot(s) of the nbdaData object(s)). However, if a non-zero offset is present on the social transmission component, e.g. when constaining all s parameters to a specific value using constrainedNBDAdata, int_ilv variables are retained. This situation occurs most commonly when the function is called internally by the profLikCI function.


optional numeric vector giving start values for the maximum likelihood optimization. Length to match the number of parameters fitted in the model.


optional numeric vector giving lower values for the maximum likelihood optimization. Length to match the number of parameters fitted in the model. By default taken to be 0 for all s parameters and -Inf for coefficients of ILVs.


optional numeric vector giving upper values for the maximum likelihood optimization. Length to match the number of parameters fitted in the model. By default taken to be Inf for all parameters.


currently non-functioning argument: can be ignored.


character string determining which optimization algorithm is used, defaulting to "nlminb" using the nlminb function. If set to "both" the optim method optim is also used and the results returned for both optimization procedures.


logical indicating whether the gradient function should be used during optimization.


numerical determining the maximum iterations to be used during optimization. Increasing this may solve convergence issues.


a string indicating how standard errors should be calculated. Defaults to "Numeric" which uses the hessian function. In some cases an analytical solution can be provided using "Analytic": this can increase the speed of the fit for large models. In cases where the analytic solution is not available in the package, the standard errors default back to numeric. There is no advantage in accuracy to using the analytical solution. If any other string is provided, no standard errors are returned.


a formula can be provided to customise the model if being fitted using the coxme function. At the current time users are advised to leave this =NULL and the appropriate formula, including all effect specified in the nbdaData objects, will be built internally.


logical indicating whether the coxme function should be used to fit the model. This is set to NULL by default, meaning the coxme function will be used if random effects are included. If random effects are included and coxmeFit=F the random effects will be ignored.


logical determining whether a "social learning dominant" model should be fitted. This is useful in cases where the user suspects that s parameters are all =Inf- which can occur if individuals with zero connections to informed individuals only learn when all other naive individuals also have zero connections to informed individuals. This means that the strength of social learning relative to asocial learning will be estimated as Inf. In such cases an SLdom model enables the user to judge the size of s parameters for different networks relative to one another.


The model is fitted using maximum likelihood methods, for TADA models use tadaFit.The ILVs and random effects included in the model are determined by those present in the nbdaData object(s). All nbdaData objects must contain the same social networks (assMatrix must match in the third dimension), the same individual level variables (ILVs) in each of the asoc_ilv, int_ilv and multi_ilv slots and the same random effects in the random_effects slot. If random effects are included, the model is fitted by calls to the coxme function in the coxme package. Random effects are assumed to operate multiplicatively, i.e. affect asocial and social learning differences among individuals by the same amount. If more complex effects are required then a Bayesian approach is recommended (not implemented in the NBDA package). trueTies specified in nbdaData object(s) are accounted for unless random effects are included. This is done by adding the likelihood across all orders of acquisition consistent with the trueTies.l This is highly computationally intensive and inadvisable for any but a few true ties.


If coxmeFit=F or random effects are absent the function returns an object of class oadaFit. If coxmeFit=T or random effects are included the function returns an object of class oadaFit_coxme.

oadaFit components

The following components of the oadaFit object are of key importance for interpreting the output:


The maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) for the model parameters


The name of the variable corresponding to each of the parameter estimates. These are numbered so the user can easily identify parameters when obtaining confidence intervals using profLikCI. The s parameters are labelled "Social transmission N" with N giving the number of the network. ILV effects on asocial learning are preceded with "Asocial:". ILV effects on social learning are preceded with "Social:". "Multiplicative" ILV effects constrained to be equal on asocial and social learning are preceded with "Social=Asocial".


The standard error for each parameter. These can not always be derived so may be NaN. The user is advised to get confidence intervals for parameters using profLikCI.


The AIC for the model.


The AICc for the model: AIC adjusted for sample size, with sample size taken to be the number of acquisition events.


The -log-likelihood for the model. Can be used to conduct likelihood ratio tests to test hypotheses.

The oadaData object also contains the following components:


The data the model is fitted to, as a list of nbdaData objects.


The output of the nlminb optimization alogorithm, useful for assessing convergence of the model.


The output of the optim optimization alogorithm, where used, useful for assessing convergence of the model.


The hessian matrix- giving the value of the second partial derivatives of the -log-likelihood with respect to the model parameters at the maximum likelihood estimators. Used to dervive the standard errors.


The model type: "asocial" or "social".


Logical showing whether a "social learning dominant" model was fitted (see above).

Additional oadaFit_coxme components

In addtion to the components described for oadaFit objects, the following slots are present in an oadaFit_coxme object:


The estimated variance of the random effects fitted by the coxme function.


The formula for the fixed effects input to the coxme function. This will include any multiplicative ILVs fitted.


The formula for the random effects input to the coxme function.

See Also

For TADA models use tadaFit. To obtain confidence intervals see profLikCI. For further details about OADA see https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022519310000081 and https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/full/10.1098/rstb.2016.0418

whoppitt/NBDA documentation built on April 25, 2021, 7:55 a.m.