dTADAData: Create a dTADAdata object

Description Usage Arguments Details Value

View source: R/dTADAData.R


dTADAdata creates an object of class dTADAdata required for conducting a network-based diffusion analysis (NBDA) using a discrete time of acquisition diffusion analysis (dTADA) using the tadaFit function.


dTADAData(label, idname = NULL, assMatrix, asoc = NULL,
  asoc_ilv = "ILVabsent", int_ilv = "ILVabsent",
  multi_ilv = "ILVabsent", orderAcq, timeAcq, dTimePeriods = rep(1,
  endTime), endTime, updateTimes = NULL, demons = NULL,
  presenceMatrix = NULL, assMatrixIndex = rep(1, endTime),
  weights = rep(1, dim(assMatrix)[1]), asocialTreatment = "constant",
  offsetCorrection = NULL)



a string giving a name for the diffusion


an optional vector giving an id for each individual in the diffusion. Order to match that used in assMatrix.


a three or four dimensional array specifying the association matrices or social network(s) to be included in the analysis. If assMatrix has three dimensions the networks are assumed to be static. The first dimension is the row of the social network(s) and the second dimension is the column. Connections are taken to be from the column to the row, such that the entry in row i and column j gives the connection from j to i. The third dimension contains the different networks to be included in the analysis, i.e. assMatrix[,,1] gives the first network, assMatrix[,,2] the second and so on. If a fourth dimension is included the network is taken to vary over time, with assMatrix[,,k,1] giving the values for network k in time period 1, assMatrix[,,k,2] giving the values for network k in time period 2 and so on (see assMatrixIndex below).


for backwards compatibility only, now replaced with asoc_ilv below.


an optional character vector giving the names of individual-level variables (ILVs) having an effect on the rate of asocial learning. Each entry in asoc_ilv must refer to an object containing the data for that variable. If asocialTreatment= "constant", each variable must be a single column matrix with rows equal to the number of rows in assMatrix, thus providing a single value for each individual in the diffusion. If asocialTreatment= "timevarying" then each variable must be a matrix with columns equal to the number of time steps, and rows equal to the number of rows in assMatrix, thus providing a value for each individual in the diffusion for each discrete time step.


a optional character vector giving the names of individual-level variables (ILVs) having an (interactive) effect on the rate of social learning. These are specified as for asoc_ilv.


a optional character vector giving the names of individual-level variables (ILVs) having the same effect on both asocial and social learning (referred to as the multiplicative model). These are specified as for asoc_ilv.


a numerical vector giving the order in which individuals acquired the target behaviour, with numbers referring to rows of assMatrix. The order does not to be resolved within each time step, and it does not matter what order individuals are listed if they learned within the same time step.


a numerical vector giving the time step during which each individual acquired the target behaviour, given in the order matching orderAcq.


numeric giving the final time step in the diffusion.


non-functioning argument- can be ignored.


a binary numeric vector specifying which individuals are trained demonstrators or had otherwise already acquired the target behaviour prior to the start of the diffusion. Length should match the number of rows of assMatrix. e.g. c(0,0,1,0,0,0,1) specifies that individuals 3 and 7 are trained demonstrators.


a binary matrix specifying who was present in the diffusion for each time period- set to 1s by default. Number of rows to match the number of individuals, and the number of columns to match the number of time periods (endTime). 1 denotes that an individual was present in the diffusion for a given time period, 0 denotes that an individual was absent, and so could neither learn nor transmit the behaviour to others during that time period. Set to 1s by default.


a numeric vector necessary if time-varying networks are used, i.e. if assMatrix is a four dimensional array. This specifies which time period (4th dimension of assMatrix) is applicable to each time step e.g. assMatrixIndex=c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3) specifies that assMatrix[,,,1] gives the networks for time steps 1-3, assMatrix[,,,2] gives the networks for time steps 4-6 and assMatrix[,,,3] gives the networks for time steps 7-9.


a numeric vector giving the transmission weights for each individual, length to match the number of rows in assMatrix. It is assumed that the rate at which information is transmitted FROM individual j is multiplied by entry j in the weights vector.


a string- "constant" if ILVs are assumed to be constant over time and "timevarying" if they are assumed to be different for each time step. See asoc_ilv, int_ilv and multi_ilv above.


a four column matrix with rows equal to the number of individuals, specifying the offset to be added to the social learning component and the linear predictors for the effect of ILVs on asocial learning, social learning, or on both (multiplicative effect). This is used by other functions calling the nbdaData function and it is not anticipated that users will need to use this argument directly.


a optional character vector giving the names of random effects. Each variable must be a single column matrix with rows equal to the number of rows in assMatrix, thus providing a single level for each individual in the diffusion. These random effects are currently NOT INCLUDED when the dTADA model is fitted. The slot is made available for forwards compatibility with a planned Bayesian NBDA package in development.


An dTADAdata object is required to contain the data for each diffusion to be used in the network based diffusion analysis when using the discrete time of acquistion diffusion analysis (dTADA) method (tadaFit function). When multiple diffusions are being modelled a list of nbdaData objects is provided to the tadaFit function.


Returns an object of class dTADAdata, which can be used to conduct an NBDA using the tadaFit functions.

whoppitt/NBDA documentation built on April 25, 2021, 7:55 a.m.