Defines functions dTADAData

Documented in dTADAData

#These functions create a data object specifically for the discrete TADA (dTADA).
#The form of the data is much the same except each line represents an individual that was naive for a single time period
#Time varying inputs to the function, e.g. networks, ILVs, presenceMatrix, also follow time structuring by time period rather than by event
#Random effects are not implemented but retained in the data structure for furture developments (e.g. Bayesian approach)

setClass("dTADAData", representation(label="vector", idname="vector", assMatrix="array", asoc_ilv="vector", int_ilv="vector",multi_ilv="vector",random_effects="vector",
                                    orderAcq="vector", timeAcq="vector",endTime="numeric",dTimePeriods="vector",
                                    updateTimes="vector",  demons="vector",
                                    weights="vector",statusMatrix="matrix", availabilityMatrix="matrix",presenceMatrix="matrix", event.id="vector", id="vector",
                                    time1="vector", time2="vector",TADAtime1="vector", TADAtime2="vector", status="vector", presentInDiffusion ="vector",
                                    assMatrixIndex="vector",asocialTreatment="character", stMetric="matrix", asocILVdata="matrix",intILVdata="matrix",

          signature(.Object = "dTADAData"),
          function (.Object, label, idname=NULL, assMatrix, asoc_ilv="ILVabsent", int_ilv="ILVabsent", multi_ilv="ILVabsent",random_effects="REabsent",orderAcq, timeAcq, endTime, dTimePeriods,
                    id=NA, event.id=NA, demons=NULL, updateTimes=NULL, presenceMatrix=NULL,
                    assMatrixIndex= rep(1,length(orderAcq)),weights=rep(1, dim(assMatrix)[1]), asocialTreatment="constant",offsetCorrection=NULL, ...)

              #put the time varying association matrix into an object called assMatrixTV
              if(length(dim(assMatrix))==3){ assMatrixTV<- array(data=assMatrix,dim=c(dim(assMatrix),1))}else{assMatrixTV<-assMatrix}

              # create default numeric id vector for individuals if no names are provided, if it is, convert to a factor
              if(is.null(idname)) idname <- (1:dim(assMatrix)[1]);

              # each asoc_ vector should be a vector of character strings of matrices whose names correspond to the names of the individual-level variables (ILVs). the rows of each matrix should correspond to individuals and the columns to times at which the value of the ILV changes
              nAcq <- ifelse(any(is.na(orderAcq)), 0, length(orderAcq)) # number of acquisition events EXCLUDING demonstrators.

              #If no asoc variable is provided, set a single column of zeroes
                ILVabsent <-matrix(data = rep(0, dim(assMatrix)[1]), nrow=dim(assMatrix)[1], byrow=F)
                REabsent <-matrix(data = rep(0, dim(assMatrix)[1]), nrow=dim(assMatrix)[1], byrow=F)

              status <- presentInDiffusion <-vector(); # set up the status vector and presentInDiffusion vector

              # If there is just one asocial variable matrix for all events and times, then you will have a column matrix for each ILV, the length of the number of individuals
              # If there are more than one asocial variable matrices (i.e. time-varying covariates), then you will have a matrix for each ILV, with rows equal to the number of individuals, and columns equal to the number of time steps

              asoc_ilv.dim <- dim(eval(as.name(asoc_ilv[1])))[1] # specify the dimensions of int.array
              int_ilv.dim <- dim(eval(as.name(int_ilv[1])))[1] # specify the dimensions of int.array
              multi_ilv.dim <- dim(eval(as.name(multi_ilv[1])))[1] # specify the dimensions of multi.array
              random_effects.dim <- dim(eval(as.name(random_effects[1])))[1] # specify the dimensions of random.array

              # create asoc.array to hold the asocial variables. depending on the treatment required: "timevarying" or "constant", create a one-matrix array or a multi-matrix array
              if (asocialTreatment=="constant"){
                asoc_ilv.array <- array(dim=c(asoc_ilv.dim, 1, length(asoc_ilv)))
                dimnames(asoc_ilv.array) <- list(NULL, NULL, asoc_ilv)
                int_ilv.array <- array(dim=c(int_ilv.dim, 1, length(int_ilv)))
                dimnames(int_ilv.array) <- list(NULL, NULL, int_ilv)
                multi_ilv.array <- array(dim=c(multi_ilv.dim, 1, length(multi_ilv)))
                dimnames(multi_ilv.array) <- list(NULL, NULL, multi_ilv)
                random_effects.array <- array(dim=c(random_effects.dim, 1, length(random_effects)))
                dimnames(random_effects.array) <- list(NULL, NULL, random_effects)

              } else {
                if (asocialTreatment=="timevarying"){
                  asoc_ilv.array <- array(dim=c(asoc_ilv.dim,endTime,length(asoc_ilv)))
                  dimnames(asoc_ilv.array) <- list(NULL, c(paste("time",c(1:endTime),sep="")), asoc_ilv)
                  int_ilv.array <- array(dim=c(int_ilv.dim,endTime,length(int_ilv)))
                  dimnames(int_ilv.array) <- list(NULL, c(paste("time",c(1:endTime),sep="")), int_ilv)
                  multi_ilv.array <- array(dim=c(multi_ilv.dim,endTime,length(multi_ilv)))
                  dimnames(multi_ilv.array) <- list(NULL, c(paste("time",c(1:endTime),sep="")), multi_ilv)
                  random_effects.array <- array(dim=c(random_effects.dim,endTime,length(random_effects)))
                  dimnames(random_effects.array) <- list(NULL, c(paste("time",c(1:endTime),sep="")), random_effects)

              # generate a matrix that contains the status of each individual at each acquisition event
              statusMatrix <- matrix(0, nrow=dim(assMatrix)[2], ncol=endTime+1)  # a matrix with as many rows as indivs and as many columns as acquisition events PLUS one for the demonstrators
              # create a list vector to hold the index of naive individuals after each acquisition event
              naive.id <- vector(mode="list", length=endTime)

              # if there are seeded demonstrators add the vector (which should have length dim(assMatrix)[1]) to the first column of the statusMatrix to show which individuals set out as skilled (status of 1)
                statusMatrix[,1] <- rep(0,dim(assMatrix)[1])
              } else {
                for(i in 1:endTime){
                  statusMatrix[,i] <- demons

              availabilityMatrix <- statusMatrix # if there are ties the statusMatrix and the availabilityMatrix will differ (the latter gives who is available to be learned *from*). we create it as identical and modify it accordingly below

              #presenceMatrix gives who was present in the diffusion for each TIME PERIOD for a dTADA- set to 1s by default

              asocILVdata.naive <-intILVdata.naive<-multiILVdata.naive<-randomEffectdata.naive<-vector() # this will hold the individual level variables for the naive individuals

              # Will: I just put a dummy asoc variable in at the start with all 0s, when the model is fitted using oadaFit the constraints and offsets vector are
              # automatically modified to ignore the dummy variable (a zero is appended to the end of each, or 2 zeroes if type=unconstrained is specified)

              for(a in 1:length(asoc_ilv)){ # Loop through asocial variables - a loop
                  asoc_ilv.array[,,a] <- eval(as.name(asoc_ilv[a])) # evaluate each one in turn
              for(a in 1:length(int_ilv)){ # Loop through asocial variables - a loop
                  int_ilv.array[,,a] <- eval(as.name(int_ilv[a])) # evaluate each one in turn
              for(a in 1:length(multi_ilv)){ # Loop through asocial variables - a loop
                  multi_ilv.array[,,a] <- eval(as.name(multi_ilv[a])) # evaluate each one in turn
              for(a in 1:length(random_effects)){ # Loop through asocial variables - a loop
                  random_effects.array[,,a] <- eval(as.name(random_effects)) # evaluate each one in turn

              for (i in 1:endTime){ # Loop through time periods

                k <- ifelse(asocialTreatment=="constant", 1, i) # this makes sure you are treating ILVs correctly if they are constant and if they are time-varying
                statusMatrix[orderAcq[timeAcq==i],(i+1):(endTime+1)] <- 1 # give the individuals that acquired the trait a status of 1 and carry skilled status (1) through to all following acquisition events
                naive.id[[i]] <- which(statusMatrix[,i]==0) # index for naive individuals before the ith time Period event

              } # closes the i loop - nAcq (k is i or 1)
                            #Now correct the availabilityMatrix such that individuals who are not present for a time period cannot be learned from


              if(is.na(id[1])) {id <- paste(label,c(unlist(naive.id)), sep="_")} # id of naive individuals before each time period

              naive <- dim(assMatrix)[1]-apply(statusMatrix, 2, sum) # number of naive individuals remaining after each time period (last event will be the end of the diffusion for TADA data with incomplete diffusion)

              # work out the number of association matrices provided and set up stMetric matrix accordingly
              stMetric <- matrix(data=0, nrow=length(id), ncol=dim(assMatrix)[3])
              dimnames(stMetric) <- list(NULL, paste("stMetric",c(1:dim(assMatrix)[3]),sep=""))

              # Loop through time periods - learner loop
              # learnMetric is the sum of network connections of individuals that learned at each acquisition events, to other informed individuals.
              # This will always be 0 for the first animal that learned unless there were demonstrators

              # time1 and time2 index the time period or "event period" corresponding to acquisitions
              #if(nAcq!=0){ I cut this since it should work without now I have changed nAcq to nAcq+1 for TADA
              time1 <-TADAtime1<- vector(); # time period index: time start
              time2 <-TADAtime2<- vector(); # time period index: time end
              event.id.temp <- vector(); # vector to indicate the event number (this is essentially indexing the naive individuals before each event)
              for(event in 1:endTime){
                time1 <- c(time1, rep(event-1, naive[event]))
                time2 <- c(time2, rep(event, naive[event]))
                TADAtime1 <- c(TADAtime1, rep(timeRunning, naive[event]))
                TADAtime2 <- c(TADAtime2, rep(timeRunning, naive[event]))
                event.id.temp <- c(event.id.temp, rep(event, each=length(naive.id[[event]])))
              } # closes for loop through events

              if(is.na(event.id[1])) {event.id <- paste(label, event.id.temp, sep="_")}

              for(event in 1:endTime){ # event indexes the number of the time period

                assMatrix<-array(assMatrixTV[,,, assMatrixIndex[event]],dim=dim(assMatrixTV)[1:3])

                learner <- orderAcq[timeAcq==event] # learner is individual id of the animal that learned AT an event
                nonlearners <- naive.id[[event]] # nonlearners are individual id of the animals that were naive BEFORE an event

                status <- c(status, statusMatrix[unlist(naive.id[[event]]),event+1])

                temp.stMetric <- vector() # reset this before the metrics for each event are calculated

                for (nonlearner in nonlearners){

                     # stMetric is the total assoc of the individuals that did NOT learn by that acquisition event, with all other already-informed individuals
                     m1 <- matrix(data=assMatrix[nonlearner,,], nrow=dim(assMatrix)[3], byrow=T) # matrix1
                     m2 <- (weights*statusMatrix[,event])*t(m1) # matrix2
                     v1 <- apply(X=m2, MARGIN=2, FUN=sum) # vector1 of rowsums
                     temp.stMetric <- rbind(temp.stMetric, v1)

                   } # closes nonlearner loop for MATRIX stMetric

                   stMetric[time2==event,] <- temp.stMetric

                     ilv1 <-cbind("ILVabsent"=rep(0,length(nonlearners)))
                       ilv1 <- matrix(asoc_ilv.array[nonlearners, 1,],nrow=length(nonlearners))
                       ilv1 <- matrix(asoc_ilv.array[nonlearners, event,],nrow=length(nonlearners))
                   }# this makes sure the right column out of the asoc.array is used

                     intilv1 <-cbind("ILVabsent"=rep(0,length(nonlearners)))
                       intilv1 <- matrix(int_ilv.array[nonlearners, 1,],nrow=length(nonlearners))
                       intilv1 <- matrix(int_ilv.array[nonlearners, event,],nrow=length(nonlearners))
                   }# this makes sure the right column out of the asoc.array is used

                     multiilv1 <-cbind("ILVabsent"=rep(0,length(nonlearners)))
                       multiilv1 <- matrix(multi_ilv.array[nonlearners, 1,],nrow=length(nonlearners))
                       multiilv1 <- matrix(multi_ilv.array[nonlearners, event,],nrow=length(nonlearners))
                   }# this makes sure the right column out of the asoc.array is used

                     randomeffect1 <-cbind("REabsent"=rep(0,length(nonlearners)))
                       randomeffect1 <- matrix(random_effects.array[nonlearners, 1,],nrow=length(nonlearners))
                       randomeffect1 <- matrix(random_effects.array[nonlearners, event,],nrow=length(nonlearners))
                   }# this makes sure the right column out of the asoc.array is used

                   asocILVdata.naive <- rbind(asocILVdata.naive, ilv1)
                     attr(asocILVdata.naive, "dimnames") <- list(NULL,"ILVabsent")
                     attr(asocILVdata.naive, "dimnames") <- list(NULL,asoc_ilv)

                   intILVdata.naive <- rbind(intILVdata.naive, intilv1)
                     attr(intILVdata.naive, "dimnames") <- list(NULL,"ILVabsent")
                     attr(intILVdata.naive, "dimnames") <- list(NULL,int_ilv)

                   multiILVdata.naive <- rbind(multiILVdata.naive, multiilv1)
                     attr(multiILVdata.naive, "dimnames") <- list(NULL,"ILVabsent")
                     attr(multiILVdata.naive, "dimnames") <- list(NULL,multi_ilv)
                   randomEffectdata.naive <- rbind(randomEffectdata.naive, randomeffect1)
                     attr(randomEffectdata.naive, "dimnames") <- list(NULL,"REabsent")
                     attr(randomEffectdata.naive, "dimnames") <- list(NULL,random_effects)

              } # closes event loop

              label <- rep(label, length.out=length(id))

              if(is.null(demons)) demons <- NA;

              if(is.null(offsetCorrection)) offsetCorrection <- cbind(rep(0,dim(asocILVdata.naive)[1]),rep(0,dim(asocILVdata.naive)[1]),rep(0,dim(asocILVdata.naive)[1]),rep(0,dim(asocILVdata.naive)[1]));

              callNextMethod(.Object, label=label, idname=idname, assMatrix=assMatrixTV, asoc_ilv=asoc_ilv, int_ilv=int_ilv,multi_ilv=multi_ilv,random_effects=random_effects, orderAcq=orderAcq, timeAcq=timeAcq, endTime=endTime,updateTimes=NA, demons=demons, weights=weights, statusMatrix=statusMatrix, availabilityMatrix=availabilityMatrix, event.id=event.id, id=id, time1=time1, time2=time2,TADAtime1=TADAtime1, TADAtime2=TADAtime2, status=status, presentInDiffusion= presentInDiffusion, presenceMatrix = presenceMatrix ,asocialTreatment=asocialTreatment, stMetric=stMetric, asocILVdata=asocILVdata.naive, intILVdata=intILVdata.naive, multiILVdata=multiILVdata.naive,randomEffectdata=randomEffectdata.naive,offsetCorrection=offsetCorrection,assMatrixIndex=assMatrixIndex)

          } # end function

) # end setMethod "initialize"

#'Create a dTADAdata object
#'\code{dTADAdata} creates an object of class dTADAdata required for conducting a network-based diffusion analysis (NBDA) using
#' a discrete time of acquisition diffusion analysis (dTADA) using the \code{\link{tadaFit}} function.
#'An dTADAdata object is required to contain the data for each diffusion to be used in the network based diffusion analysis
#'when using the discrete time of acquistion diffusion analysis (dTADA) method (\code{\link{tadaFit}} function). When multiple
#'diffusions are being modelled a list of nbdaData objects is provided to the \code{\link{tadaFit}} function.
#'@param label a string giving a name for the diffusion
#'@param idname an optional vector giving an id for each individual in the diffusion. Order to match that used in assMatrix.
#'@param assMatrix a three or four dimensional array specifying the association matrices or social network(s) to be included
#'in the analysis.
#'If assMatrix has three dimensions the networks are assumed to be static. The first dimension is the row of the social
#'network(s) and the second dimension is the column. Connections are taken to be from the column to the row, such that the
#'entry in row i and column j gives the connection from j to i. The third dimension contains the different networks to be
#'included in the analysis, i.e. assMatrix[,,1] gives the first network, assMatrix[,,2] the second and so on. If a fourth
#'dimension is included the network is taken to vary over time, with assMatrix[,,k,1] giving the values for network k in
#'time period 1, assMatrix[,,k,2] giving the values for network k in time period 2 and so on (see assMatrixIndex below).
#'@param asoc for backwards compatibility only, now replaced with asoc_ilv below.
#'@param asoc_ilv an optional character vector giving the names of individual-level variables (ILVs) having an effect on the
#'rate of asocial learning. Each entry in asoc_ilv must refer to an object containing the data for that variable. If
#'asocialTreatment= "constant", each variable must be a single column matrix with rows equal to the number of rows in
#'assMatrix, thus providing a single value for each individual in the diffusion. If asocialTreatment= "timevarying" then
#'each variable must be a matrix with columns equal to the number of time steps, and rows equal to the number of
#'rows in  assMatrix, thus providing a  value for each individual in the diffusion for each discrete time step.
#'@param int_ilv a optional character vector giving the names of individual-level variables (ILVs) having an (interactive)
#'effect on the rate of social learning. These are specified as for asoc_ilv.
#'@param multi_ilv a optional character vector giving the names of individual-level variables (ILVs) having the same effect
#'on both asocial and social learning (referred to as the multiplicative model). These are specified as for asoc_ilv.
#'@param random_effects a optional character vector giving the names of random effects. Each variable must be a single
#'column matrix with rows equal to the number of rows in assMatrix, thus providing a single level for each individual in the
#'diffusion. These random effects are currently NOT INCLUDED when the dTADA model is fitted. The slot is made available
#'for forwards compatibility with a planned Bayesian NBDA package in development.
#'@param orderAcq a numerical vector giving the order in which individuals acquired the target behaviour, with numbers
#'referring to rows of assMatrix. The order does not to be resolved within each time step, and it does not matter what order
#'individuals are listed if they learned within the same time step.
#'@param timeAcq a numerical vector giving the time step during which each individual acquired the target behaviour, given in
#'the order matching orderAcq.
#'@param endTime numeric giving the final time step in the diffusion.
#'@param updateTimes non-functioning argument- can be ignored.
#'@param demons a binary numeric vector specifying which individuals are trained demonstrators or had otherwise already
#'acquired the target behaviour prior to the start of the diffusion. Length should match the number of rows of assMatrix.
#'e.g. c(0,0,1,0,0,0,1) specifies that individuals 3 and 7 are trained demonstrators.
#'@param presenceMatrix a binary matrix specifying who was present in the diffusion for each time period- set to 1s by default.
#'Number of rows to match the number of individuals, and the number of columns to match the number of time periods (endTime).
#'1 denotes that an individual was present in the diffusion for a given time period, 0 denotes that an individual was
#'absent, and so could neither learn nor transmit the behaviour to others during that time period. Set to 1s by default.
#'@param assMatrixIndex a numeric vector necessary if time-varying networks are used, i.e. if assMatrix is a four dimensional
#'array. This specifies which time period (4th dimension of assMatrix) is applicable to each time step
#'e.g. assMatrixIndex=c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3) specifies that assMatrix[,,,1] gives the networks for time steps 1-3, assMatrix[,,,2]
#'gives the networks for time steps 4-6 and assMatrix[,,,3] gives the networks for time steps 7-9.
#'@param weights a numeric vector giving the transmission weights for each individual, length to match the number of rows in
#'assMatrix. It is assumed that the rate at which information is transmitted FROM individual j is multiplied by entry j in
#'the weights vector.
#'@param asocialTreatment a string- "constant" if ILVs are assumed to be constant over time and "timevarying" if they are
#'assumed to be different for each time step. See asoc_ilv, int_ilv and multi_ilv above.
#'@param offsetCorrection a four column matrix with rows equal to the number of individuals, specifying the offset to be
#'added to the social learning component and the linear predictors for the effect of ILVs on asocial learning, social
#'learning, or on both (multiplicative effect). This is used by other functions calling the \code{nbdaData} function and it
#'is not anticipated that users will need to use this argument directly.
#'@return Returns an object of class dTADAdata, which can be used to conduct an NBDA using the \code{\link{tadaFit}} functions.

dTADAData <- function(label, idname=NULL, assMatrix, asoc=NULL, asoc_ilv="ILVabsent",int_ilv="ILVabsent",multi_ilv="ILVabsent", orderAcq, timeAcq,dTimePeriods=rep(1,endTime),
                      endTime, updateTimes=NULL, demons=NULL, presenceMatrix =NULL,assMatrixIndex= rep(1,endTime), weights=rep(1, dim(assMatrix)[1]), asocialTreatment="constant",offsetCorrection=NULL){

  # For backwards compatibility, allow the asoc argument and assume it refers to asoc_ilv

  if(!is.null(asoc)&asoc_ilv[1]=="ILVabsent") asoc_ilv<-asoc

      dTimePeriods=dTimePeriods,endTime=endTime,demons=demons, presenceMatrix = presenceMatrix, assMatrixIndex = assMatrixIndex,weights=weights,asocialTreatment=asocialTreatment);

whoppitt/NBDA documentation built on April 25, 2021, 7:55 a.m.