nbdaPropSolveByST.byevent: Estimate the probability that each event occured by social...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also

View source: R/oadaPropSolveByST.R


Generates a table giving the predicted probability that each event occured by social transmission via each network.


nbdaPropSolveByST.byevent(par = NULL, nbdadata = NULL, model = NULL,
  type = "social", retainInt = NULL)



optional numeric giving the parameter values. Not necessary if model is specified.


object of class nbdaData, list of objects of class nbdaData, object of class dTADAData or list of objects of class dTADAData. Not necessary if model is specified.


object of class oadaFit or tadaFit.


string determining whether the estimates are for an "asocial" or "social" model. This is taken from model if provided.


logical, can be used to force the model to retain int_ilvs in an asocial model. This is used internally by other functions when there is an offset on the s parameters, but can usually be safely ignored by the user.


The user can provide the name of a model- in which case the MLEs of that model are input as parameter values. Instead the user can input their own parameter values in which case nbdadata must also be provided. The function works for multiple diffusions. A column is also provided for P(S offset), which gives the probability that transmission was via network effects that have been allocated to the offset fo s parameters, see constrainedNBDAdata.


A dataframe giving the predicted probability that each event occured by social transmission via each network.

See Also


whoppitt/NBDA documentation built on April 25, 2021, 7:55 a.m.