Man pages for wiesenfa/BDP2
Bayesian Adaptive Designs for Phase II Trials with Binary Endpoint

BDP2Operating characteristics of a single-arm trial with a binary...
BDP2-packageBayesian Adaptive Designs for Phase II Trials with Binary...
BDP2_simulateSimulated operating characteristics of a single-arm trial...
BDP2workflowShiny app for workflow
crit_generalCalculates CritBoundaries for different types of futility...
internalinternal functions
pFstopOperating characteristics of a single-arm trial with a binary...
pFstopEcalloperating characteristics of a single-arm trial with a binary...
pFstopEstopOperating characteristics of a single-arm trial with a binary...
plot.cE_vs_pEcallPlot objects returned by plotBDP2()
wiesenfa/BDP2 documentation built on April 11, 2021, 8:06 p.m.