
Defines functions view_scale_primary dist_euclidean expand_range4 default_expansion coord_trans_xy

Documented in coord_trans_xy

#' Transformed XY Cartesian coordinate system
#' `coord_trans_xy` behaves similarly to [ggplot2::coord_trans()] in that it
#' occurs after statistical transformation and will affect the visual appearance
#' of geoms. The main difference is that it takes a single transformer that is
#' applied to the x and y axes simultaneously. Any transformers produced by
#' [ggforce::linear_trans()] that have x and y arguments should work, but any
#' other transformers produced using [scales::trans_new()] that take x and y
#' arguments should also work. Axis limits will be adjusted to account for
#' transformation unless limits are specified with `xlim` or `ylim`.
#' @details This coordinate system only works with geoms where all points are
#'   defined with x and y coordinates (e.g., [ggplot2::geom_point()],
#'   [ggplot2::geom_polygon()]). This does not currently work with geoms where
#'   point coordinates are extrapolated (e.g., [ggplot2::geom_rect()]).
#'   Furthermore, when used with ggplot2 3.5.0 and later, some transformation
#'   edge cases may cause problems with rendering axis lines. This includes not
#'   currently support "capping" axes. I hope to support all of these geoms,
#'   edge cases, and features in the future.
#' @param trans Transformer for x and y axes.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggproto
#' @importFrom ggforce linear_trans
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::coord_cartesian
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # make transformer
#' library(ggforce)
#' trans <- linear_trans(shear(2, 0), rotate(-pi / 3))
#' # set up data to be plotted
#' square <- data.frame(x = c(0, 0, 4, 4), y = c(0, 1, 1, 0))
#' points <- data.frame(x = runif(100, 0, 4), y = runif(100, 0, 1))
#' # plot data normally
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(data = points, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
#'   geom_polygon(data = square, fill = NA, color = "black") +
#'   geom_point(color = "black") +
#'   coord_cartesian(expand = FALSE) +
#'   theme_classic()
#' # plot data with transformation
#' ggplot(data = points, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
#'   geom_polygon(data = square, fill = NA, color = "black") +
#'   geom_point(color = "black") +
#'   coord_trans_xy(trans = trans, expand = FALSE) +
#'   theme_classic()
coord_trans_xy <- function(trans = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
                           expand = FALSE, default = FALSE, clip = "on") {
  if (is.null(trans)) trans <- linear_trans(translate(0, 0))
  if (!is(trans, "transform")) {
    cli::cli_abort("`trans` must be a linear transformation, such as that
                   produced by `ggforce::linear_trans()`")

  # check arguments
  clip <- arg_match0(clip, c("off", "on"))

  ggproto(NULL, CoordTransXY,
    trans = trans,
    limits = list(x = xlim, y = ylim),
    expand = expand,
    default = default,
    clip = clip

default_expansion <- function(...) {

expand_range4 <- function(...) {

dist_euclidean <- function(...) {

#' @rdname coord_trans_xy
#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggproto CoordCartesian CoordTrans ggproto_parent
#' @importFrom ggplot2 transform_position
#' @importFrom scales rescale squish_infinite
#' @export
CoordTransXY <- ggproto("CoordTransXY", CoordTrans,
  distance = function(self, x, y, panel_params) {
    max_dist <- dist_euclidean(panel_params$x.range, panel_params$y.range)
    points_trans <- self$trans$transform(x, y)
    dist_euclidean(points_trans$x, points_trans$y) / max_dist
  backtransform_range = function(self, panel_params) {
    ranges <- self$trans$inverse(panel_params$x.range, panel_params$y.range)
      x = ranges$x,
      y = ranges$y
  setup_panel_params = function(self, scale_x, scale_y, params = list()) {
    # TODO: handle discrete scales?
    expansion_x <- default_expansion(scale_x, expand = self$expand)
    expansion_y <- default_expansion(scale_y, expand = self$expand)
    limits <- data.frame(
      x = if (is.null(self$limits$x)) scale_x$get_limits() else self$limits$x,
      y = if (is.null(self$limits$y)) scale_y$get_limits() else self$limits$y
    lims <- expand.grid(x = limits$x, y = limits$y)
    lims_trans <- self$trans$transform(lims$x, lims$y)
    limits_trans <- data.frame(
      x = if (scale_x$trans$name == "reverse") rev(range(lims_trans$x))
            else range(lims_trans$x),
      y = if (scale_y$trans$name == "reverse") rev(range(lims_trans$y))
            else range(lims_trans$y)
    # range expansion expects values in increasing order, which may not be true
    # for reciprocal/reverse transformations
    if (all(is.finite(limits_trans$x)) && diff(limits_trans$x) < 0) {
      range_x_coord <- rev(expand_range4(rev(limits_trans$x), expansion_x))
    } else {
      range_x_coord <- expand_range4(limits_trans$x, expansion_x)
    if (all(is.finite(limits_trans$y)) && diff(limits_trans$y) < 0) {
      range_y_coord <- rev(expand_range4(rev(limits_trans$y), expansion_y))
    } else {
      range_y_coord <- expand_range4(limits_trans$y, expansion_y)
    expand_range <- expand.grid(x = range_x_coord, y = range_y_coord)
    final_scale_limits <- self$trans$inverse(expand_range$x, expand_range$y)

    scale_range_x <- final_scale_limits$x[1:2]
    scale_range_y <- final_scale_limits$y[c(1, 3)]
    scale_range_x_sec <- final_scale_limits$x[3:4]
    scale_range_y_sec <- final_scale_limits$y[c(2, 4)]

    # calculate break information
    out_x <- scale_x$break_info(scale_range_x)
    out_y <- scale_y$break_info(scale_range_y)

    # secondary axis breaks are potentially different
    out_x_sec <- scale_x$break_info(scale_range_x_sec)
    out_y_sec <- scale_x$break_info(scale_range_y_sec)

    # range in coord space
    out_x$range <- range(range_x_coord)
    out_y$range <- range(range_y_coord)

        x = view_scale_primary(scale_x, continuous_range = scale_range_x),
        x.sec = view_scale_secondary(scale_x,
                                     continuous_range = scale_range_x_sec),
        x.range = out_x$range,
        x.range.coord = range_x_coord,
        x.full.range = final_scale_limits$x[c(1, 4)],
        x.labels = out_x$labels,
        x.major = rescale(out_x$major_source, 0:1, scale_range_x),
        x.minor = rescale(out_x$minor_source, 0:1, scale_range_x),
        x.sec.labels = out_x_sec$sec.labels,
        x.sec.major = rescale(out_x_sec$sec.major_source,
                              0:1, scale_range_x_sec),
        x.sec.minor = rescale(out_x_sec$sec.minor_source,
                              0:1, scale_range_x_sec)
        y = view_scale_primary(scale_y, continuous_range = scale_range_y),
        y.sec = view_scale_secondary(scale_y,
                                     continuous_range = scale_range_y_sec),
        y.range = out_y$range,
        y.range.coord = range_y_coord,
        y.full.range = final_scale_limits$y[c(1, 4)],
        y.labels = out_y$labels,
        y.major = rescale(out_y$major_source, 0:1, scale_range_y),
        y.minor = rescale(out_y$minor_source, 0:1, scale_range_y),
        y.sec.labels = out_y_sec$sec.labels,
        y.sec.major = rescale(out_y_sec$sec.major_source,
                              0:1, scale_range_y_sec),
        y.sec.minor = rescale(out_y_sec$sec.minor_source,
                              0:1, scale_range_y_sec)
  transform = function(self, data, panel_params) {
    new_data <- data
    # transform x and y coordinates
    if ("x" %in% colnames(new_data)) {
      # hacks for axis lines
      if (all(data$y == panel_params$y.full.range[1])) {
        new_data$x <- rescale(data$x, 0:1, range(data$x))
      } else if (all(data$y == panel_params$y.full.range[2])) {
        new_data$x <- rescale(data$x, 0:1, range(data$x))
      } else if (all(data$x == panel_params$x.full.range[1])) {
        new_data$y <- rescale(data$y, 0:1, range(data$y))
      } else if (all(data$x == panel_params$x.full.range[2])) {
        new_data$y <- rescale(data$y, 0:1, range(data$y))
      # hacks for axis tick labels
      else if (all(data$x == -Inf)) {
        new_data$y <- rescale(data$y, 0:1, panel_params$y$continuous_range)
      } else if (all(data$x == Inf)) {
        new_data$y <- rescale(data$y, 0:1, panel_params$y.sec$continuous_range)
      } else if (all(data$y == -Inf)) {
        new_data$x <- rescale(data$x, 0:1, panel_params$x$continuous_range)
      } else if (all(data$y == Inf)) {
        new_data$x <- rescale(data$x, 0:1, panel_params$x.sec$continuous_range)
      } else {
        temp_data <- self$trans$transform(data$x, data$y)
        new_data$x <- rescale(temp_data$x, 0:1, panel_params$x.range.coord)
        new_data$y <- rescale(temp_data$y, 0:1, panel_params$y.range.coord)
    # transform end points for segments
    if ("xend" %in% colnames(new_data)) {
      temp_data <- self$trans$transform(new_data$xend, new_data$yend)
      new_data$xend <- rescale(temp_data$x, 0:1, panel_params$x.range.coord)
      new_data$yend <- rescale(temp_data$y, 0:1, panel_params$y.range.coord)
    # TODO: transform corners for geom_rect?
    transform_position(new_data, squish_infinite, squish_infinite)

view_scale_primary <- function(...) {

if (packageVersion("ggplot2") >= "3.5.0") {
  view_scale_secondary <- function(...) {
} else { # nocov start
  scale_flip_position <- function(scale) {
    scale$position <- switch(scale$position,
                             top = "bottom",
                             bottom = "top",
                             left = "right",
                             right = "left",
  view_scale_secondary <- function(scale, limits = scale$get_limits(),
                                   continuous_range =
                                     scale$dimension(limits = limits)) {
    if (is.null(scale$secondary.axis) ||
        inherits(scale$secondary.axis, "waiver") ||
        scale$secondary.axis$empty()) {
      # if there is no second axis, return the primary scale with no guide
      # this guide can be overridden using guides()
      primary_scale <- view_scale_primary(scale, limits, continuous_range)
      primary_scale$guide <- ggplot2::guide_none()
    } else {
      break_info <- scale$secondary.axis$break_info(continuous_range, scale)
      names(break_info) <- gsub("sec\\.", "", names(break_info))

      # flip position from the original scale by default
      # this can (should) be overridden in the guide
      position <- switch(scale$position,
                         top = "bottom",
                         bottom = "top",
                         left = "right",
                         right = "left",

      ggproto(NULL, ViewScale,
              scale = scale,
              guide = scale$secondary.axis$guide,
              position = position,
              break_info = break_info,
              # as far as scales are concerned, this is a regular scale with
              # different breaks and labels in a different data space
              aesthetics = scale$aesthetics,
              name = scale$sec_name(),
              make_title = function(self, title) {
              limits = limits,
              continuous_range = continuous_range,
              dimension = function(self) self$break_info$range,
              get_limits = function(self) self$break_info$range,
              get_breaks = function(self) self$break_info$major_source,
              get_breaks_minor = function(self) self$break_info$minor_source,
              break_positions = function(self) self$break_info$major,
              break_positions_minor = function(self) self$break_info$minor,
              get_labels = function(self, breaks = self$get_breaks()) {
              rescale = function(x) rescale(x, from = break_info$range,
                                            to = c(0, 1))
  ViewScale <- ggproto("ViewScale", NULL,
    # map, rescale, and make_title need a reference
    # to the original scale
    scale = ggproto(NULL, ggplot2::Scale),
    guide = ggplot2::guide_none(),
    position = NULL,
    aesthetics = NULL,
    name = ggplot2::waiver(),
    scale_is_discrete = FALSE,
    limits = NULL,
    continuous_range = NULL,
    breaks = NULL,
    minor_breaks = NULL,
    is_empty = function(self) {
      is.null(self$get_breaks()) && is.null(self$get_breaks_minor())
    is_discrete = function(self) self$scale_is_discrete,
    dimension = function(self) self$continuous_range,
    get_limits = function(self) self$limits,
    get_breaks = function(self) self$breaks,
    get_breaks_minor = function(self) self$minor_breaks,
    get_labels = function(self, breaks = self$get_breaks()) {
    rescale = function(self, x) {
      self$scale$rescale(x, self$limits, self$continuous_range)
    map = function(self, x) {
      if (self$is_discrete()) {
        self$scale$map(x, self$limits)
      } else {
        self$scale$map(x, self$continuous_range)
    make_title = function(self, title) {
    break_positions = function(self) {
    break_positions_minor = function(self) {
      b <- self$get_breaks_minor()
      if (is.null(b)) {

} # nocov end
willgearty/deeptime documentation built on April 5, 2024, 3:24 a.m.