
Defines functions getScaleData get_scale_data

Documented in get_scale_data getScaleData

#' Get geological timescale data
#' This function takes a name of a geological timescale and returns data for the
#' timescale. Valid names include those of built-in `data.frames` ([periods()],
#' [epochs()], [stages()], [eons()], or [eras()]), partial matches of those
#' names (e.g., "per" or "stage"), and exact matches to those hosted by
#' Macrostrat (see full list here:
#' <https://macrostrat.org/api/defs/timescales?all>). Note that the colors in
#' the built-in `data.frames` are according to the Commission for the Geological
#' Map of the World. If you would like to obtain custom Macrostrat colors that
#' are better for mapping, you should specify the full name of a timescale
#' (e.g., "international periods") and set `true_colors` to `FALSE`. Note that
#' these colors only vary for the Precambrian.
#' @param name The name of the desired timescale.
#' @param true_colors Return original international time scale colors? (as
#'   opposed to custom Macrostrat plotting colors)
#' @return A `data.frame` with the following columns: \item{name}{the names of
#'   the time intervals.}
#'   \item{max_age}{the oldest boundaries of the time intervals, in millions of
#'     years.}
#'   \item{min_age}{the youngest boundaries of the time intervals, in millions
#'     of years.}
#'   \item{abbr}{either traditional abbreviations of the names of the time
#'     intervals (if they exist) or custom abbreviations created with R.}
#'   \item{color}{hex color codes associated with the time intervals (if
#'     applicable).}
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom curl nslookup
#' @export
get_scale_data <- function(name, true_colors = TRUE) {
  possible_names <- c("periods", "epochs", "stages", "eras", "eons")
  name_match <- charmatch(name, possible_names)
  if (!is.na(name_match)) {
    if (name_match == 0) {
      cli::cli_abort("'name' matches multiple scales. Please be more specific.")
    } else {
      name <- possible_names[name_match]
      if (name == "periods") {
        dat <- deeptime::periods
      } else if (name == "epochs") {
        dat <- deeptime::epochs
      } else if (name == "stages") {
        dat <- deeptime::stages
      } else if (name == "eras") {
        dat <- deeptime::eras
      } else if (name == "eons") {
        dat <- deeptime::eons
  } else {
    # try to get the timescale from macrostrat
    # check that we are online and macrostrat is online
    tryCatch(# nocov start
      error = function(e) {
        cli::cli_abort("Macrostrat is not available. Either the site is down or
                       you are not connected to the internet.")
    )# nocov end
    URL <- url(paste0("https://macrostrat.org/api/v2/defs/intervals",
                      "?format=csv&timescale=", gsub(" ", "%20", name),
                      ifelse(true_colors, "&true_colors=true", "")))
    raw_dat <- tryCatch(
        read.csv(URL, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      error = function(e) {
        cli::cli_abort("'name' does not match a built-in or Macrostrat
    clean_dat <- raw_dat[, c("name", "b_age", "t_age", "abbrev", "color")]
    colnames(clean_dat) <- c("name", "max_age", "min_age", "abbr", "color")
    no_abbr <- (is.na(clean_dat$abbr) | clean_dat$abbr == "")
    clean_dat$abbr[no_abbr] <-
      abbreviate(clean_dat$name, minlength = 1,
                 use.classes = FALSE, named = FALSE)[no_abbr]
    dat <- clean_dat

#' Get geological timescale data
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' `getScaleData()` was renamed to [get_scale_data()] as of **deeptime** version
#' 1.0.0 to create a more consistent API.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
getScaleData <- function(name) {
  lifecycle::deprecate_warn("1.0.0", "getScaleData()", "get_scale_data()")
willgearty/deeptime documentation built on April 5, 2024, 3:24 a.m.