
#' Generalized Propensity Score for Continuous Treatment Domain
#' This function is used to fit a normal model for the conditional distribution of the treatment given covariates, and returns the resulting score function values for the observed treatment. After fitting the observed values the user can specify specific fixed treatment values to evaluate the conditional density at these points.
#' Currently assumes normal density for the conditional distribution.
#' @param tx Vector with the continuous treatment value, used for finding the initial parameter MLE's
#' @param covs Matrix of observed covariates
#' @param gps_val Scalar value or vector which contains the values to find the estimated generalized propensity score
#' @param interact_vars Specifies a character subset of the variables from the matrix covs and adds in pairwise interactions between all included covariates
#' @param polynomial_vars Specifies a character subset of variables from the matrix covs to include as polynomial terms
#' @param polynomial_deg Scalar value that identifies to what power the polynomial variable should be raised
#' @param variable_selection Indicator whether to perform variable selection using AIC backwards selection
#' @return Returns a list of objects.
#' @export

# we want to write a function that will caclulate the GPS values at specific values of the treatment
normal_gps <- function(tx, covs, gps_val = NULL, interact_vars = NULL, polynomial_vars = NULL,
                       polynomial_deg = NULL, variable_selection = F){
  #### Arguments #####
  # tx                  : vector with the continuous treatment value, used for finding the initial parameter MLE's
  # covs                : matrix of observed covariates
  # gps_val             : scalar value or vector which contains the values to find the estimated generalized propensity score
  # polynomial_vars     : specifies a character subset of variables from the matrix covs to include as polynomial terms
  # polynomial_deg      : scalar value that identifies to what power the polynomial variable should be raised
  # interact_vars       : specifies a character subset of the variables from the matrix covs and adds in pairwise interactions between all included covariates
  # variable_selection  : indicator whether to perform variable selection using AIC backwards selection

  # a simple function to evaluate the conditional density given a treatment value, design matrix, and coefficient estimates
  R_score <- function(tx, X, beta, sigma){
    #tx     : is a continuous treatment vector
    #X      : design matrix used when estimating the beta and sigma parameters
    #beta   : fixed coefficient estimate from conditional distribution of tx given X
    #sigma  : standard deviation estimate from conditional distribution of tx given X
    (1/ sqrt(2 * pi * sigma^2)) * exp((-1/(2 * sigma^2)) * (tx - X %*% beta)^2)

  #standardizing the numeric values
  num_var <- sapply(covs, is.numeric)
  covs[ , num_var] <- lapply(covs[ , num_var], scale)

  #I want to include an option where you can specify interactions between the listed covariates as well as higher order polynomials
    if(is.null(polynomial_vars) == T & is.null(polynomial_deg) == F){
      stop("Must specify polynomial_vars with polynomial_deg")
      #here I am buliding a stop point if the polynomial degrees is specified but polynomial variables are not
    }else if(is.null(polynomial_vars) == F & is.null(polynomial_deg) == F){
        stop("Degree of polynomial must be numeric")
      else if(polynomial_deg > 1){
        power_covs <- covs[ ,polynomial_vars] ^ polynomial_deg
        colnames(power_covs) <- paste0(polynomial_vars,"_",polynomial_deg)
        covs <- data.frame(covs, power_covs)
    #if polynomial variables are specified then

  if(is.null(interact_vars) == F){
    #I want to restrict the interaction variables to only pairwise interactions as higher order interactions are often intractable
    product_vars = NULL
    final_names = NULL
    for (i in 1:(length(interact_vars)-1)){
      for(j in (i+1):length(interact_vars)){
        cross_prod = covs[, interact_vars[i]] * covs[, interact_vars[j]]
        name_vec = paste0(interact_vars[i], "X", interact_vars[j])
        final_names = c(final_names, name_vec)
        product_vars = cbind(product_vars, cross_prod)
    colnames(product_vars) = final_names
    covs <- data.frame(covs, product_vars)

  #here I need to build in a stoping mechanism that check to make sure that the number of parameters is not larger than the number of observations
    stop("Model is oversaturated. Reduce the number of interactions, polynomials, or covariates such that p<n")

  #in this first part we specify the observed treatment values to get parameter estiamtes for the normal distribution

  #transforming the covariate matrix provided into a design matrix so that variables that are factors are converted into dummy numeric variables
  prev_na<- options('na.action')#the original na.action case
  options(na.action='na.pass') #this option allows the model matrix to be constructed with NA's allowed rather than only complete cases
  design_mat = data.frame(model.matrix( ~ . - 1, data = covs))
  options(na.action = prev_na$na.action)

  dt = data.frame(tx, design_mat)
  #combining the vector and matrices into a data.frame object. note that these need to be the same length
  lm_mod = lm(tx ~ . - 1, data = dt)
  #fittting the normal model using all covariates linearly
  beta = coef(lm_mod)
  #retrieving the beta coefficients
  sigma = summary(lm_mod)$sigma
  #retrieving sigma hat

  #adding in a stepwise selection based on AIC criterion
  if(variable_selection == T){
    var_select <- step(lm_mod, lm(tx ~ 1, data = dt), direction = "backward", trace = F)
    form_select <- formula(var_select)
    beta_select <- coef(var_select)
    num_select <- length(beta_select) #number of variables selected
    sigma_select <- summary(var_select)$sigma

    prev_na<- options('na.action')#the original na.action case
    options(na.action='na.pass') #this option allows the model matrix to be constructed with NA's allowed rather than only complete cases
    design_mat_select = data.frame(model.matrix(form_select, data = dt))
    options(na.action = prev_na$na.action)

    X_select = as.matrix(design_mat_select)
    X_select[is.na(X_select)] <- 0

    R_hat_select = R_score(tx = tx, X = X_select, beta = beta_select, sigma = sigma_select)

  #now in the second part we get a vector of generalized propensity scores for each individual based on their covariates
  X = as.matrix(design_mat)

  #creating the design matrix without an intercept term, since the normal model above did not include an intercept
  X[is.na(X)] <- 0
  #assigning zero to all missing values

  #finding the observed GPS, i.e. R_hat for the full model
  R_hat = R_score(tx = tx, X = X, beta = beta, sigma = sigma)

  #if we have values that we want to evaluate the GPS at then we can specify them here
    # now we have two possible paths to evaluate the gps depending on if the function is provided as a scalar or a vector
    if(length(gps_val) == 1){ #scalar GPS
      gps_vec = rep(gps_val, times = nrow(X))
      #creating a vector that repeats the GPS value to match the length of our design matrix

      gps = R_score(tx = gps_vec, X = X, beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
      #using the normal probability density function and the parameter estimates from earlier to retrieve GPS estimate

      #vector GPS
      #creating empty matrices to hold the given GPS values, and the calculated GPS scores for each individual
      val_mat = matrix(nrow=nrow(X), ncol = length(gps_val))
      #each column of the val_mat will be identical
      gps_mat = matrix(nrow=nrow(X), ncol = length(gps_val))
      colnames(gps_mat) = gps_val

      #now we want to loop over the number of different values that were given
      for(i in 1:ncol(gps_mat)){
        val_mat[, i] = rep(gps_val[i], times = nrow(gps_mat))
        #repeating the ith value to become a vector to evaluate in normal equation

        gps_mat[, i] = R_score(tx = val_mat[, i], X = X, beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
        #then for each alue we evaluate the generalized propensity score and save the corresponding vector into the ith column

  if(variable_selection == T){
    #saving all of this information into one object
    est = list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma, lm = lm_mod, obs_GPS=R_hat, gps_fit = gps_mat,
               select_mod = var_select, obs_GPS_select = R_hat_select, num_select = num_select)
    est = list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma, lm = lm_mod, obs_GPS=R_hat, gps_fit = gps_mat)
williazo/gps.continuousnav documentation built on May 8, 2019, 6:57 p.m.