
Defines functions getnthweekday.by_year getnthweekday.by_month getnthweekday.by_day getnthweekday getnthday.by_year getnthday.by_month getnthday.by_day getnthday getnth_ nth2int YEAR MONTH ref_by_day ref_by_month ref_by_year ref.numeric ref.character ref.Date ref getdate

Documented in getdate

#' Obtaining dates using other dates (or month or year) as reference
#' Imagine you have one date and want the first or last day of this date's
#' month.
#' For example, you have the date 2018-02-01 and want the last day of its month.
#' You have to check whether or not its year is a leap year, and this sounds a
#' tough task.
#' \code{getdate} helps with returning specific dates according to a reference
#' than can be another date, a month or an year.
#' @param expr a character string specifying the date to be returned
#'             (see Details)
#' @param ref a reference which represents a month or year, where the
#'            date has to be found.
#' @param cal the calendar's name
#' @details
#' \code{expr} represents the day has to be returned, here it follows a few
#' examples:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{"second day"}
#'   \item \code{"10th bizday"}
#'   \item \code{"3rd wed"}
#'   \item \code{"last bizday"}
#'   \item \code{"first fri"}
#' }
#' \code{expr} is a character string with two terms: \code{"<position> <day>"}
#' \itemize{
#'   \item positions: \code{first} or \code{1st},
#'   \code{second} or \code{2nd},
#'   \code{third} or \code{3rd}, \code{last} and \code{XXth} (examples
#'   \code{6th} or \code{11th})
#'   \item days: \code{day}, \code{bizday}, or weekdays (\code{sun}, \code{mon},
#'   \code{tue}, \code{wed}, \code{thu}, \code{fri}, \code{sat})
#' }
#' \code{getdate} returns dates according to a reference that can be a month or
#' an year. This reference can be passed as a character vector representing
#' months or years, or as a numeric vector representing years.
#' The ISO format must be used to represent years or months with character
#' vectors.
#' @return a vector of dates according to a reference (month or year)
#' @examples
#' getdate("10th wed", 2018, "Brazil/ANBIMA")
#' getdate("last bizday", 2010:2018, "Brazil/ANBIMA")
#' dts <- seq(as.Date("2018-01-01"), as.Date("2018-12-01"), "month")
#' getdate("first bizday", format(dts, "%Y-%m"), "Brazil/ANBIMA")
#' getdate("last bizday", Sys.Date(), "Brazil/ANBIMA")
#' getdate("next bizday", Sys.Date(), "Brazil/ANBIMA")
#' getdate("2nd wed", Sys.Date())
#' getdate("next wed", Sys.Date())
#' getdate("last wed", Sys.Date())
#' getdate("next mon", Sys.Date())
#' getdate("last mon", Sys.Date())
#' @export
getdate <- function(expr, ref, cal = bizdays.options$get("default.calendar")) {
  cal <- check_calendar(cal)
  ref <- ref(ref)
  tok <- strsplit(expr, "\\s+")[[1]]
  if (length(tok) != 2) {
    stop("Invalid expr", expr)
  n <- getnth_(tok[1])
  if (tok[2] == "day") {
    getnthday(ref, n, FALSE, cal)
  } else if (tok[2] == "bizday") {
    getnthday(ref, n, TRUE, cal)
  } else if (tok[2] %in% WEEKDAYS) {
    wday <- which(tok[2] == WEEKDAYS)
    getnthweekday(ref, n, wday, cal)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid expr", expr)

#' Creates date references to be used in \code{getdate}
#' Date references are specifically months or years to be used in
#' \code{getdate}.
#' Months and years can be specified directly or can be base on a given date.
#' \code{getdate} returns a date that is in the reference passed.
#' @param x a \code{Date} vector, a character vector (specifying dates, months
#' or years) or a numeric vector (specifying years)
#' @param ym a character string with the values \code{month} or \code{year} (see
#' Details)
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @examples
#' ref(as.Date("2018-01-01")) # refers to 2018-01-01
#' ref("2018-01-01") # refers to 2018-01-01
#' ref(c("2018-01", "2018-02")) # refers to 2018-01 and 2018-02
#' ref("2018") # refers to 2018
#' ref(2010:2018) # refers to all years from 2010 to 2018
#' @noRd
ref <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("ref")

ref.Date <- function(x, ...) {

ref.character <- function(x, ...) {
  if (all(grepl("^(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})$", x))) {
    mx <- regmatches(x, regexec("^(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})$", x))
    mx <- do.call(rbind, mx)
    ref_by_month(as.integer(mx[, 2]), as.integer(mx[, 3]))
  } else if (all(grepl("^(\\d{4})$", x))) {
    mx <- regmatches(x, regexec("^(\\d{4})$", x))
    mx <- do.call(rbind, mx)
    ref_by_year(as.integer(mx[, 2]))
  } else if (all(grepl("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}$", x))) {
  } else {
    stop("Invalid character ref ", x)

ref.numeric <- function(x, ...) {
  that <- list(
    ref_table = cbind(year = x)
  structure(that, class = c("ref", "by_year"))

ref_by_year <- function(year) {
  that <- list(
    ref_table = cbind(year = year)
  structure(that, class = c("ref", "by_year"))

ref_by_month <- function(year, month) {
  that <- list(
    ref_table = cbind(
      year = year,
      month = month
  structure(that, class = c("ref", "by_month"))

ref_by_day <- function(dates) {
  that <- list(
    dates = dates
  structure(that, class = c("ref", "by_day"))

MONTH <- function(x) as.integer(format(x, "%m"))

YEAR <- function(x) as.integer(format(x, "%Y"))

nth2int <- function(x) {
  rx <- regexec("^(\\d+)th$", x)
  mx <- regmatches(x, rx)[[1]]
  if (length(mx) == 0) {
    stop("Invalid position nth", x)

getnth_ <- function(x) {
    `next` = 1,
    first = 1,
    second = 2,
    third = 3,
    last = -1,
    `1st` = 1,
    `2nd` = 2,
    `3rd` = 3,

getnthday <- function(ref, pos, use_bizday, cal) {

getnthday.by_day <- function(ref, pos, use_bizday, cal) {
  if (use_bizday) {
    add.bizdays(ref$dates, pos, cal)
  } else {
    add.bizdays(ref$dates, pos, "actual")

getnthday.by_month <- function(ref, pos, use_bizday, cal) {
  ym_table <- unique(ref$ref_table)
  cal_table <- cal$dates.table

  date_res <- lapply(
    function(x) {
      month <- ym_table[x, "month"]
      year <- ym_table[x, "year"]
      ix <- cal_table[, "month"] == month & cal_table[, "year"] == year
      ix <- if (use_bizday) ix & cal_table[, "is_bizday"] == 1 else ix

      sel_range <- cal_table[ix, ]
      # pos < 0 == last --> NROW(selected_range)
      pos <- if (pos < 0) NROW(sel_range) else pos
      date <- unname(sel_range[pos, "dates"])

      idx <- ref$ref_table[, "year"] == year & ref$ref_table[, "month"] == month
      list(date = date, index = idx)

  dates <- integer(NROW(ref$ref_table))
  for (res in date_res) {
    dates[res$index] <- res$date

  as.Date(dates, origin = as.Date("1970-01-01"))

getnthday.by_year <- function(ref, pos, use_bizday, cal) {
  ym_table <- unique(ref$ref_table)
  cal_table <- cal$dates.table

  date_res <- lapply(
    function(x) {
      year <- ym_table[x, "year"]
      ix <- cal_table[, "year"] == year
      ix <- if (use_bizday) ix & cal_table[, "is_bizday"] == 1 else ix

      sel_range <- cal_table[ix, ]
      # pos < 0 == last --> NROW(selected_range)
      pos <- if (pos < 0) NROW(sel_range) else pos
      date <- unname(sel_range[pos, "dates"])

      idx <- ref$ref_table[, "year"] == year
      list(date = date, index = idx)

  dates <- integer(NROW(ref$ref_table))
  for (res in date_res) {
    dates[res$index] <- res$date

  as.Date(dates, origin = as.Date("1970-01-01"))

getnthweekday <- function(ref, pos, wday, cal) {

getnthweekday.by_day <- function(ref, pos, wday, cal) {
  ym_table <- unique(ref$dates)
  cal_table <- cal$dates.table

  date_res <- lapply(
    function(x) {
      n_date <- as.integer(ym_table[x])
      cur_wday <- (n_date %% 7) + 1
      ix_date <- which(cal_table[, "dates"] == n_date)
      delta <- abs(cur_wday - wday)

      pos <- if (pos > 0) {
        if (delta == 0 & pos == 1) {
          ix_date + 7
        } else {
          ix_date + (pos - 1) * 7 + delta
      } else {
        ix_date - (pos + 1) * 7 - (7 - delta)
      date <- unname(cal_table[pos, "dates"])

      idx <- ref$dates == ym_table[x]
      list(date = date, index = idx)

  dates <- integer(length(ref$dates))
  for (res in date_res) {
    dates[res$index] <- res$date

  as.Date(dates, origin = as.Date("1970-01-01"))

getnthweekday.by_month <- function(ref, pos, wday, cal) {
  ym_table <- unique(ref$ref_table)
  cal_table <- cal$dates.table

  date_res <- lapply(
    function(x) {
      month <- ym_table[x, "month"]
      year <- ym_table[x, "year"]
      ix <- cal_table[, "month"] == month & cal_table[, "year"] == year
      ix <- ix & cal_table[, "weekday"] == wday

      sel_range <- cal_table[ix, ]
      # pos < 0 == last --> NROW(selected_range)
      pos <- if (pos < 0) NROW(sel_range) else pos
      date <- unname(sel_range[pos, "dates"])

      idx <- ref$ref_table[, "year"] == year & ref$ref_table[, "month"] == month
      list(date = date, index = idx)

  dates <- integer(NROW(ref$ref_table))
  for (res in date_res) {
    dates[res$index] <- res$date

  as.Date(dates, origin = as.Date("1970-01-01"))

getnthweekday.by_year <- function(ref, pos, wday, cal) {
  ym_table <- unique(ref$ref_table)
  cal_table <- cal$dates.table

  date_res <- lapply(
    function(x) {
      year <- ym_table[x, "year"]
      ix <- cal_table[, "year"] == year
      ix <- ix & cal_table[, "weekday"] == wday

      sel_range <- cal_table[ix, ]
      # pos < 0 == last --> NROW(selected_range)
      pos <- if (pos < 0) NROW(sel_range) else pos
      date <- unname(sel_range[pos, "dates"])

      idx <- ref$ref_table[, "year"] == year
      list(date = date, index = idx)

  dates <- integer(NROW(ref$ref_table))
  for (res in date_res) {
    dates[res$index] <- res$date

  as.Date(dates, origin = as.Date("1970-01-01"))

WEEKDAYS <- c("thu", "fri", "sat", "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed")
wilsonfreitas/R-bizdays documentation built on Feb. 14, 2024, 4:17 a.m.