
Defines functions search_atc_code

Documented in search_atc_code

#' Retrieve Classification Details for a Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Code
#' Retrieve the hierarchical classification details for a Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) code
#' from the World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology website (https://www.whocc.no)
#' @param ATC_CODE a character string of a valid ATC code
#' @return a `tibble` of ATC classification level and value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' search_atc_code('A10BA02')
#' }

search_atc_code <- function(ATC_CODE)
  base_url_a <- 'https://www.whocc.no/atc_ddd_index/?code='
  base_url_b <- '&showdescription=no'

  search_url <- paste0(base_url_a, ATC_CODE, base_url_b)

  http_req <- httr::GET(search_url)
  http_content <- httr::content(http_req, 'parsed')

  xml_parse <- xml2::xml_text(http_content)

  xml_split <- strsplit(xml_parse, '\n')[[1]]

  if (xml_split[169] == "") {
    stop('Invalid ATC Code', call. = FALSE)

  res_a <- xml_split[167]

  find_upper <- gregexpr("[A-Z]", res_a)[[1]]

  find_upper_diff <- NULL
  for (i in seq_along(find_upper)) {
    find_upper_diff[[i]] <- find_upper[i] - find_upper[i + 1]

  res_a_full <-
    substr(res_a, start = find_upper[which(find_upper_diff > -5)[1]], stop = nchar(res_a))

  res_b <- xml_split[168]

  res_c <- xml_split[169]

  res_d <- xml_split[170]

  res_d_full <-
           start = 1,
           stop = stringr::str_locate(res_d, 'ATC')[1] - 1)

  res_e <- stringr::str_locate(res_d, ATC_CODE)[2]

  whitespace <- stringr::str_locate_all(res_d, '\\s+')[[1]]

  word_end <-
    whitespace[which(whitespace[, 1] == res_e + 1) + 1, ][[1]]

  chemical_name <-
    substr(res_d, start = res_e + 2, stop = word_end - 1)

  atc_levels <-
      'Anatomical Main Group',
      'Therapeutic Sub-Group',
      'Pharmacological Sub-Group',
      'Chemical Sub-Group',
      'Chemcial Substance',

  atc_classification <-
      Level = atc_levels,
      Value = c(res_a_full, res_b, res_c, res_d_full, chemical_name, ATC_CODE)

wilsontom/ATC documentation built on Oct. 24, 2020, 4:27 p.m.