
Defines functions prep_mason_data prep_mason_data_kidney

# Functions for the GEE analysis

# Grab or combine data ----------------------------------------------------

#' Prepare the project data for analysis through GEE. The output is a dataframe
#' with baseline values.
#' @param data
#' @export
prep_mason_data <- function(data) {
  data %>%
      UDBP = UDBP/1000, # udbp units to ug/mL
      udbpCrBase = ifelse(fVN == "Baseline", udbpCr, NA),
      ageBase = ifelse(fVN == "Baseline", Age, NA),
      Ethnicity = ifelse(Ethnicity == "European", Ethnicity, "Other"),
      Ethnicity = relevel(as.factor(Ethnicity), "Other"),
      dmStatus = factor(dmStatus, ordered = FALSE)
    ) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(SID, fVN) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(SID) %>%
    tidyr::fill(udbpCrBase, ageBase) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::arrange(SID, VN)

#' Prepare the project data for analysis through GEE. The output is a dataframe
#' with baseline values. Subjects with macroalbuminuria and moderate kidney
#' disease at baseline is omitted.
#' @param data project data
#' @export
prep_mason_data_kidney <- function(data) {
  data %>%
      udbpBase = ifelse(fVN == "Baseline", UDBP, NA),
      udbpCrBase = ifelse(fVN == "Baseline", udbpCr, NA),
      ageBase = ifelse(fVN == "Baseline", Age, NA),
      acrBase = ifelse(fVN == "Baseline", ACR, NA),
      dmStatus = factor(dmStatus, ordered = FALSE),
      Ethnicity = ifelse(Ethnicity == "European", Ethnicity, "Other"),
      Ethnicity = relevel(as.factor(Ethnicity), "Other"),

      lACR = log(ACR),
      leGFR = log(eGFR)
    ) %>%

    dplyr::filter(!(fVN == "Baseline" &
                      acrStatus == "Macroalbuminuria")) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!(fVN == "Baseline" & eGFR < 60)) %>%
    # dplyr::filter(!(fVN == "Baseline" & dmStatus == "DM")) %>%

                       # YearsFromBaseline,
                       ageBase) %>%

    dplyr::arrange(SID, fVN) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(SID) %>%
    tidyr::fill(udbpBase, udbpCrBase, ageBase, acrBase) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::arrange(SID, fVN)

#' Prepare the project data for analysis through GEE. The output is a dataframe
#' with baseline values. Subjects with deficient vitamin D status at baseline
#' is omitted.
#' @param data
#' @export
prep_mason_data_vitd <- function(data) {

  data %>%
      # UDBP = UDBP/1000, # udbp units to ug/mL
      udbpBase = ifelse(fVN == "Baseline", UDBP, NA),
      udbpCrBase = ifelse(fVN == "Baseline", udbpCr, NA),
      ageBase = ifelse(fVN == "Baseline", Age, NA),
      DM = ifelse(DM == 1, "DM", "notDM"),
      fDM = relevel(as.factor(DM), "notDM"),
      Ethnicity = ifelse(Ethnicity == "European", Ethnicity, "Other"),
      Ethnicity = relevel(as.factor(Ethnicity), "Other"),
      Season = relevel(as.factor(Season), "Winter"),
      dmStatus = factor(dmStatus, ordered = FALSE),

      lVitD = log(VitaminD)
      # lPTH = log(PTH)
    ) %>%

    dplyr::filter(!(fVN == "Baseline" & vitdStatus == "Deficient")) %>%
    # dplyr::filter(acrStatus != "Normoalbuminuria") %>%
    # dplyr::filter(eGFRStatus != "Normal") %>%
    # dplyr::filter(!(fVN == "Baseline" & dmStatus == "DM")) %>%

                       BMI) %>%

    dplyr::arrange(SID, fVN) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(SID) %>%
    tidyr::fill(udbpBase, udbpCrBase, ageBase) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::arrange(SID, fVN)

# Analyze -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Run GEE on prepared project data
#' @param data Cleaned data ready for GEE analysis
#' @export
#' @examples
mason_gee <- function(data = project_data,
                        y = outcomes,
                        x = predictors,
                        covars = NULL,
                        intvar = NULL) {

  int <- !is.null(intvar)
  if (int) {
    extract_term <- ":"
  } else {
    extract_term <- "Xterm$"

  co <- !is.null(covars)

  data %>%
    mason::design("gee") %>%
    mason:::add_settings(family = stats::gaussian(),
                         corstr = "ar1", cluster.id = "SID") %>%
    mason::add_variables("yvars", y) %>%
    mason::add_variables("xvars", x) %>%
    mason::construct() %>% {
      if (co) {
        mason::add_variables(., "covariates", covars) %>%
        mason::construct() %>% {
          if (int) {
            mason::add_variables(., "interaction", intvar) %>%
          } else {
      } else {
    } %>%
    # mason::polish_transform_estimates(function(x)
    #   (exp(x) - 1) * 100) <- only if log transformed y var (so you can
    #   intepret them as % increase)

#' Run GEE on prepared project data simplified for graphical purposes (plot_gee_results)
#' @param data
#' @param y
#' @param x
#' @param covars
#' @param intvar
#' @return
#' @examples
mason_geeplot <- function(data = project_data,
                      y = outcomes,
                      x = predictors,
                      covars = NULL,
                      intvar = NULL) {

  int <- !is.null(intvar)
  if (int) {
    extract_term <- ":"
  } else {
    extract_term <- "Xterm$"

  co <- !is.null(covars)

  data %>%
    mason::design("gee") %>%
    mason:::add_settings(family = stats::gaussian(),
                         corstr = "ar1", cluster.id = "SID") %>%
    mason::add_variables("yvars", y) %>%
    mason::add_variables("xvars", x) %>% {
      if (co) {
        mason::add_variables(., "covariates", covars) %>% {
            if (int) {
              mason::add_variables(., "interaction", intvar)
            } else {
      } else {
    } %>%
    mason::construct() %>%
    mason::scrub() %>%
    mason::polish_transform_estimates(function(x) (exp(x) - 1) * 100)

# Table -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Display GEE results in a table. Use pander::pander() to print as a table when knitting document.
#' @param results
#' @return
#' @examples
gee_results_table <- function(results, table = TRUE) {
  results %>%
    dplyr::filter(!term == "(Intercept)") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(p = round(p.value, 2),
                  p = ifelse(p == "0", "<0.001", p),
                  estCI = paste0(round(estimate, 2), " (",
                                 round(conf.low, 2), ", ",
                                 round(conf.high, 2), ")")) %>%
    dplyr::select(Yterms, Xterms, term, estCI, p)

# Plotting ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Plot GEE results in a forest plot-style
#' @param results Results of GEE analysis using mason package
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_gee_results_kidney_base <- function(results, yvars,
                     xlab = "Percent difference with 95% CI in the outcomes for each SD increase in ACR and covariates",
                     terms = c("<-Xterm",
                               "Follow-up Duration (years)",
                               "Baseline Age (years)",
                     labels = c("Baseline uVDBP:cr",
                                "Follow-up Duration (Years)",
                                "Baseline Age (Years)",
                                "Sex (male)",
                                "Ethnicity (European)",
                                "Diabetes")) {
  results %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Xterms = term) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!term == "(Intercept)") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Yterms = factor(Yterms,
                                  levels = yvars,
                                  ordered = TRUE),
                  Xterms = factor(Xterms,
                                  levels = rev(terms),
                                  labels = rev(labels),
                                  ordered = TRUE)) %>%
    arrange(Xterms) %>%
    gee_plot(xlab = xlab)

plot_gee_results_kidney <- function(results, yvars,
                                         xlab = "Percent difference with 95% CI in the outcomes for each SD increase in uVDBP and covariates",
                                         terms = c("<-Xterm",
                                                   "Follow-up Duration (years)",
                                                   "Baseline Age (years)",
                                         labels = c("uVDBP:cr (ug/mL)",
                                                    "Follow-up Duration (Years)",
                                                    "Baseline Age (Years)",
                                                    "Sex (male)",
                                                    "Ethnicity (European)",
                                                    "Diabetes")) {
  results %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Xterms = term) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!term == "(Intercept)") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Yterms = factor(Yterms,
                                  levels = yvars,
                                  ordered = TRUE),
                  Xterms = factor(Xterms,
                                  levels = rev(terms),
                                  labels = rev(labels),
                                  ordered = TRUE)) %>%
    arrange(Xterms) %>%
    gee_plot(xlab = xlab)

plot_gee_results_eGFR <- function(results, yvars,
                                    xlab = "Percent difference with 95% CI in the outcomes for each SD increase in uVDBP and covariates",
                                    terms = covars,
                                    labels = labels) {
  results %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Xterms = term) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!term == "(Intercept)") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Yterms = factor(Yterms,
                                  levels = yvars,
                                  ordered = TRUE),
                  Xterms = factor(Xterms,
                                  levels = rev(terms),
                                  labels = rev(labels),
                                  ordered = TRUE)) %>%
    arrange(Xterms) %>%
    gee_plot(xlab = xlab)

#' Plot vitamin D GEE results in a forest plot-style
#' @param results
#' @param yvars
#' @param xlab
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_gee_results_vitd_base <- function(results, yvars,
                                    xlab = "Percent difference with 95% CI in the outcomes for \neach SD increase in uVDBP and covariates") {
  results %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Xterms = term) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!term == "(Intercept)") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Yterms = factor(Yterms,
                                  levels = yvars,
                                  ordered = TRUE),
                  Xterms = factor(Xterms,
                                  levels = rev(c("<-Xterm",
                                                 "Follow-up Duration (years)",
                                                 "Baseline Age (years)",
                                                 "BMI (kg/m^2)",
                                                 "MET (kcal/kg/h)",
                                                 # "<-Xterm:SeasonWinter")),
                                  labels = rev(c("Baseline uVDBP:cr (ug/mL)",
                                                 "Follow-up Duration (years)",
                                                 "Baseline Age (years)",
                                                 "Sex (male)",
                                                 "Ethnicity (European)",
                                                 "BMI (kg/m^2)",
                                                 "MET (kcal/kg/h)",
                                                 "Seasonality (summer)")),
                                                 # "Season:uVDBP:cr interaction")),
                                  ordered = TRUE)) %>%
    arrange(Xterms) %>%
    gee_plot(xlab = xlab)

plot_gee_results_vitd <- function(results, yvars,
                                  xlab = "Percent difference with 95% CI in the outcomes for \neach SD increase in uVDBP and covariates") {
  results %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Xterms = term) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!term == "(Intercept)") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Yterms = factor(Yterms,
                                  levels = yvars,
                                  ordered = TRUE),
                  Xterms = factor(Xterms,
                                  levels = rev(c("<-Xterm",
                                                 "Follow-up Duration (years)",
                                                 "Baseline Age (years)",
                                                 "BMI (kg/m^2)",
                                                 "MET (kcal/kg/h)",
                                                 # "<-Xterm:SeasonSummer")),
                                  labels = rev(c("uVDBP:cr (ug/mL)",
                                                 "Follow-up Duration (years)",
                                                 "Baseline Age (years)",
                                                 "Sex (male)",
                                                 "Ethnicity (European)",
                                                 "BMI (kg/m^2)",
                                                 "MET (kcal/kg/h)",
                                                 "Seasonality (summer)")),
                                                 # "Season:uVDBP:cr interaction")),
                                  ordered = TRUE)) %>%
    arrange(Xterms) %>%
    gee_plot(xlab = xlab)
windyzn/urinaryDBP documentation built on May 4, 2019, 6:32 a.m.